Funny thing....its releasing on our birthday unfortunately only on PS3 (damnit). And @TeamKennyAlways I swear I'll pray to the Leprechauns that you will have a Walking Dead episode on your birthday. Maybe not this season and maybe not the next...but I will make it happen. YOUR WISHES WILL COME TRUE YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE!
No i got one better just listen... What if Alvin gives you a chocolate cookie this time around and while Juicebox is being raped by bandits Cookie is about to get eaten by zombies, WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE?
I kinda joined in on the wait train a little late (around late jan early feb) and tbh I actually feel like i've been waiting for ages, and Stauffer's tweets are making this wait even worst lol,
Dont think I've ever been this stoked for a Tuesday
Maybe they just made tha trailer going the "Nick path" since it doesn't spoil anything we know if we go with Nick he lives, Im keeping my fingers crossed saving Uncle Pete really matters
The lack of Pete in the trailer makes me slightly worried it will end in a situation like this:
Regardless of who you chose at the end of Ep 1, Pete dies and Nick survives. Hopefully this is not the case~
The lack of Pete in the trailer makes me slightly worried it will end in a situation like this:
Regardless of who you chose at the end of Ep 1, Pete dies and Nick survives. Hopefully this is not the case~
No i got one better just listen... What if Alvin gives you a chocolate cookie this time around and while Juicebox is being raped by bandits Cookie is about to get eaten by zombies, WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE?
You underestimate the power of the Juice. The Juice is more power then Kenny's mustache, and Kenny's mustache power is over 9000! Plus I rather not have zombie Cookie Monster hunting me down.
You underestimate the power of the Juice. The Juice is more power then Kenny's mustache, and Kenny's mustache power is over 9000! Plus I rather not have zombie Cookie Monster hunting me down.
Oh yeah that what you think until the Cookie Monster wants to take a chew outta you. But in reality without a doubt I would take a mint condition cookie over a sexually assaulted juice box. I mean how do I know if the the juice in my juice box is even juice anymore? The horror!
Man I was about to say just that !!! Besides i would rather have a Zombie cookie following me than a mad and stressed juice box bitching because she got raped :P
Oh yeah that what you think until the Cookie Monster wants to take a chew outta you. But in reality without a doubt I would take a mint cond… moreition cookie over a sexually assaulted juice box. I mean how do I know if the the juice in my juice box is even juice anymore? The horror!
Man I was about to say just that !!! Besides i would rather have a Zombie cookie following me than a mad and stressed juice box bitching because she got raped :P
Milo I downvoted your comment, not because I dislike your coment but just to mock the downvote system in general. But after what happened last time with twau im glad I didn't buy the season pass for twd. But I will be pissed if that's why the episode is delayed for the 360.
@CartoonMischief You can join my crusade, maybe we can raise an army and across the globe people will tremble in fear as they get popped by annoying little pellets (kind of how I got my name) till telltale or Microsoft gives in to our demands.... Damn I just need a Fedora or a trench coat and i'd be the ultimate super villain. XD
Dudes I figured out why Carver is following the Cabin Group
I love your profile pic!
The Walking Awesome.
Funny thing....its releasing on our birthday unfortunately only on PS3 (damnit). And @TeamKennyAlways I swear I'll pray to the Leprechauns that you will have a Walking Dead episode on your birthday. Maybe not this season and maybe not the next...but I will make it happen. YOUR WISHES WILL COME TRUE YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE!
"Ahem!" Scence 1 "Action!"
Juice I am your father. "No no no cut!"
Scene 2 "Action!"
Juicy come back you can blame it all on meeee. "What is this a soap opera? Try again!"
Scene 3 "Action!"
I want my juicy back juicy back juicy back juicy bacccckkkk. "Gold! Walking Dead the Musical was exactly what I was going for!"
PLOT TWIST: The apple juice was infected.
Get mentally ready ! According to Job Stauffer we have some tough choices coming up, Mamma Mia !
Suck it xbox I play first
Now thats Nice :P
Nooo juicy was so young!
And the UK date system is confusing
Like picking between Kenny or Juicebox? Now that would be a toughie!
The lack of Pete in the trailer makes me slightly worried it will end in a situation like this:
Regardless of who you chose at the end of Ep 1, Pete dies and Nick survives. Hopefully this is not the case~
No i got one better just listen... What if Alvin gives you a chocolate cookie this time around and while Juicebox is being raped by bandits Cookie is about to get eaten by zombies, WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE?
(?) The Community will remember that...
I kinda joined in on the wait train a little late (around late jan early feb) and tbh I actually feel like i've been waiting for ages, and Stauffer's tweets are making this wait even worst lol,
Dont think I've ever been this stoked for a Tuesday
Maybe they just made tha trailer going the "Nick path" since it doesn't spoil anything we know if we go with Nick he lives, Im keeping my fingers crossed saving Uncle Pete really matters
Its almost the same as the Doug and Carly choice. They were bound to die.
Juice has a higher water content and will keep you alive longer, but once it's been raped it's of no use to me. I go with the cookie.
What about 360?
You know what ? I agree with you !
You underestimate the power of the Juice. The Juice is more power then Kenny's mustache, and Kenny's mustache power is over 9000! Plus I rather not have zombie Cookie Monster hunting me down.
I love Juicy ! But I think in a Zombie Apocalypse I would rather have something to chew than just a drink :P
Oh yeah that what you think until the Cookie Monster wants to take a chew outta you. But in reality without a doubt I would take a mint condition cookie over a sexually assaulted juice box. I mean how do I know if the the juice in my juice box is even juice anymore? The horror!
Man I was about to say just that !!! Besides i would rather have a Zombie cookie following me than a mad and stressed juice box bitching because she got raped :P
Juicy turning into a Rebbecca. Yep TeamPossiblyZombiefiedCookie it is!
I thought Id get some chuckles but just a bunch of down votes. People really take their walking dead seriously
See I Convinced you to join
Nah its just that the people who play on Xbox didn't appreciate what you said , Downvotes mean nothing anyways :P
"Big Black Guy" Thats Fucking Racist Carver...
King Alvin disapproves.
So do Saltlick,Juicy, And Cookie !
Yes yes you did. Cant believe I joined the dark side.
Milo I downvoted your comment, not because I dislike your coment but just to mock the downvote system in general. But after what happened last time with twau im glad I didn't buy the season pass for twd. But I will be pissed if that's why the episode is delayed for the 360.
@CartoonMischief You can join my crusade, maybe we can raise an army and across the globe people will tremble in fear as they get popped by annoying little pellets (kind of how I got my name) till telltale or Microsoft gives in to our demands.... Damn I just need a Fedora or a trench coat and i'd be the ultimate super villain. XD