The console stores only update on certain days - Wednesday/Friday for Xbox, Tuesdays for PS3 NA, and Wednesdays for PS3 EU. If we could choose, I'm pretty sure we'd release across all platforms on the same day!
i can't believe it has been 3 MONTHS i mean when episode 1 was released felt like yesterday lol to all guy's who waited this long good job cause you don't have to wait longer anymore well i dunno about europe though and i live in europe lol
Mods here are merely ordinary people who give up our free time to look after the foru-COMMUNITY. We are not privy to any inside information about Telltale, nor the Vita version of the game.
If a Telltale mod can do me a favor and answer this, thank you: So you guys think you can give PS Vita users a small discount on episodes 1 and 2 since we didn't get them at launch? For example: a season pass price of $14.99? Thank you.
It would be too formulaic if Clem dies in Episode 5. Way too much of a 'we're too lazy to have something original happen, so we'll just make… more a cookie cutter of what happened to Lee' thing. With Season 1, Lee dying in episode 5 was a shock and twist thing, because you then find that it was Clem who was the main character all along, not the person you were playing.
I have a little more faith in Telltale's story-telling abilities than just doing a repeat of Season 1 verbatim
Telltale haven't said anything directly, but puzzlebox has said that XBox normally updates their store on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I'd assume that the game will go up on the Wednesday the 5th.
Bear in mind this is in no way an official confirmation though!
this isn't anything confirmed but someone told me that the Xbox Release Will be 2 to 3 days after PS3. do anyone else think this is true i r… moreeally hope not since i have Xbox mostly and I'm EXTREMELY Hyped to play this game and I'll be mega sad if i have to wait 2 to 3 days.
The steam database can actually be fairly accurate, before they started adding files for episode 2 the folder size on the steam server was 1023.87MB which increased to 1679.30MB after various updates, They also added a new depot called 202 which is obviously to do with episode 2 with a file size of 685.83MB, But the thing i am not sure about is what did they include in the update from 1023.87MB to 1679.30MB, they might have added more files to the original deport and we will probably download the combined update when we get episode 2, the difference is 655.43MB which is slightly smaller than the 202 deport so the update we get on Tuesday could be 1341.26MB which seems like a better size for another episode as 685.83MB seems very small for a full episode.
Its impossible to say how long is the episode just by the size.
And the size isn't yet known, whatever the steam databank perusers might dream about at night.
When i look in the steam directory files it says that the episode 1 folder is 983MB but some of that size is made up of the menu and some ot… moreher files that make the game work which could probably be reused for episode 2, hopefully we still get a good episode thats not shorter than episode 1 and that Telltale have found a way to make it smaller for faster download for people with slower internet connections.
I wouldn't let the size on the Steam Database worry me just yet. As I can see they keep adding and moving files around every day, and the larger files might arrive on launch day. And the standard installation containing Episode One have alot of files critical for the game to run which adds to the folder size. Like menu files, sound effects, images, and the Season One save-file scanner. And if you really want to compare sizes you have to exclude the redist folder containing the DirectX installation.
The final build should be on there for reviewers as they are given extra time so they can write and publish their reviews on release day, if you look at my post above about file sizes it might not be as small as it looks, also like you said they will probably reuse some files for the menu.
I wouldn't let the size on the Steam Database worry me just yet. As I can see they keep adding and moving files around every day, and the la… morerger files might arrive on launch day. And the standard installation containing Episode One have alot of files critical for the game to run which adds to the folder size. Like menu files, sound effects, images, and the Season One save-file scanner. And if you really want to compare sizes you have to exclude the redist folder containing the DirectX installation.
I have a feeling that we won't find out who Clementine thought was dead until the ending of the episode which nearly comfirms it by the achievement called "Reunion" for completing the episode.
I have a feeling that we won't find out who Clementine thought was dead until the ending of the episode which nearly comfirms it by the achievement called "Reunion" for completing the episode.
Something really worries me about this... the icon for the achievement named Reunion is a walker. If the achievement was called something else and had a walker for its icon, I wouldn't be worried; but... could it mean we're reuniting with someone who is now a walker? Pete maybe? I just hope Kenny's alive and we reunite with him while he's still alive...
I sound like a broken record, but I am 99.99% sure that Old Friends is referring to Luke and Clem meeting up with the cabin group at the ski lodge after getting separated.
The final achievement for episode 1 is a picture of a skull and we know its not related to what really happened so they might leave it ambiguous to avoid spoilers.
Something really worries me about this... the icon for the achievement named Reunion is a walker. If the achievement was called something el… morese and had a walker for its icon, I wouldn't be worried; but... could it mean we're reuniting with someone who is now a walker? Pete maybe? I just hope Kenny's alive and we reunite with him while he's still alive...
The pictures and achievement names potentially give away the plot of the episode, putting it in the spoiler tag gives people the choice whether they want to see what might happen rather than be forced to see it when they are scrolling through this thread.
Hopefully the 685.83 MB is only part of the episode. So that way when they release, the amount of MB would increase again; meaning the length of the episode is actually pretty long. Just a theory.
The steam database can actually be fairly accurate, before they started adding files for episode 2 the folder size on the steam server was 1… more023.87MB which increased to 1679.30MB after various updates, They also added a new depot called 202 which is obviously to do with episode 2 with a file size of 685.83MB, But the thing i am not sure about is what did they include in the update from 1023.87MB to 1679.30MB, they might have added more files to the original deport and we will probably download the combined update when we get episode 2, the difference is 655.43MB which is slightly smaller than the 202 deport so the update we get on Tuesday could be 1341.26MB which seems like a better size for another episode as 685.83MB seems very small for a full episode.
♫ Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
We ain't gonna wait no more! ♫
My point being in Season 1, you figure that Lee would survive to the end because people thought 'Main character - he survives' - but instead they put a twist on it to show that the one who actually survives is Clem, and the story was Clem's all along, as told through Lee - the person who protects her and shows her how to survive.
If Clem was to die in Season 5, it wouldnt be original or even shock value - it would be a rehash of Season 1 and absurdly unoriginal.
Dayz isn't much like TWD game, but I would still recommend it. As mentioned above, the game time is practically infinite so long as you have a bit of an imagination. There's no story or anything, you just have to survive the glitch apocalypse- sorry, the zombie apocalypse, and other players. There can be a lot of really interesting moments with other players, and then things like what happened to my friends and I can happen as well. My friend fell through a wall and broke his legs, and I spawned into the game like 200 feet in the air and fell to my death, losing everything. Glitches and players can be infuriating, but I'd still give it a shot.
ok that's good news man
i can't believe it has been 3 MONTHS i mean when episode 1 was released felt like yesterday lol to all guy's who waited this long good job cause you don't have to wait longer anymore well i dunno about europe though and i live in europe lol
Mods here are merely ordinary people who give up our free time to look after the foru-COMMUNITY. We are not privy to any inside information about Telltale, nor the Vita version of the game.
In short - we dunno.
no clem and lee where the main charachter's and kenny was you're right hand bro but lee gone is fucked up indeed
Telltale haven't said anything directly, but puzzlebox has said that XBox normally updates their store on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I'd assume that the game will go up on the Wednesday the 5th.
Bear in mind this is in no way an official confirmation though!
The steam database can actually be fairly accurate, before they started adding files for episode 2 the folder size on the steam server was 1023.87MB which increased to 1679.30MB after various updates, They also added a new depot called 202 which is obviously to do with episode 2 with a file size of 685.83MB, But the thing i am not sure about is what did they include in the update from 1023.87MB to 1679.30MB, they might have added more files to the original deport and we will probably download the combined update when we get episode 2, the difference is 655.43MB which is slightly smaller than the 202 deport so the update we get on Tuesday could be 1341.26MB which seems like a better size for another episode as 685.83MB seems very small for a full episode.
i hope it's long like episode 3 from season 1
I wouldn't let the size on the Steam Database worry me just yet. As I can see they keep adding and moving files around every day, and the larger files might arrive on launch day. And the standard installation containing Episode One have alot of files critical for the game to run which adds to the folder size. Like menu files, sound effects, images, and the Season One save-file scanner. And if you really want to compare sizes you have to exclude the redist folder containing the DirectX installation.
And if no one have seen it already, the Steam achievements has been added to the game.
The final build should be on there for reviewers as they are given extra time so they can write and publish their reviews on release day, if you look at my post above about file sizes it might not be as small as it looks, also like you said they will probably reuse some files for the menu.
also pictures

please put a spoiler tag, some people don't want to see that
Jesus... I did not want to see that. For me they don't display pictures.
I have a feeling that we won't find out who Clementine thought was dead until the ending of the episode which nearly comfirms it by the achievement called "Reunion" for completing the episode.
the trophy name is ( old friends ) i guess its more than one person ! i hope kenny is with them
Something really worries me about this... the icon for the achievement named Reunion is a walker. If the achievement was called something else and had a walker for its icon, I wouldn't be worried; but... could it mean we're reuniting with someone who is now a walker? Pete maybe? I just hope Kenny's alive and we reunite with him while he's still alive...
I sound like a broken record, but I am 99.99% sure that Old Friends is referring to Luke and Clem meeting up with the cabin group at the ski lodge after getting separated.
To people who think tiny Achievement pictures spoiled their entire experience

Guys, wtf
Why is kenny's hoodie so pixelated while his face is fine? Damn it's magic
Wow, this is amazing.
The final achievement for episode 1 is a picture of a skull and we know its not related to what really happened so they might leave it ambiguous to avoid spoilers.
The pictures and achievement names potentially give away the plot of the episode, putting it in the spoiler tag gives people the choice whether they want to see what might happen rather than be forced to see it when they are scrolling through this thread.
Just like his stache
well there's another spoiler for you whinies
FAKE. LOL. A stranger, not a guy we know!
Nice try, though.
I still cant look way from this guy's awesome facial hair. I've never seen anything like it.
Aussie PS3 users will probably have to wait until Thursday.
Hopefully the 685.83 MB is only part of the episode. So that way when they release, the amount of MB would increase again; meaning the length of the episode is actually pretty long. Just a theory.
Any news on EU release?
Not yet. But we're only three days and six hours away from launch so I guess it's gonna happen any minute now.
♫ Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
Waiting, waiting, what a hell of a way to die,
We ain't gonna wait no more! ♫
Sucks to live EU somedays.
Anybody played that game called Theif? I just bought it and it's awesome. Gonna be playing it until EP2 comes out, lol.
My point being in Season 1, you figure that Lee would survive to the end because people thought 'Main character - he survives' - but instead they put a twist on it to show that the one who actually survives is Clem, and the story was Clem's all along, as told through Lee - the person who protects her and shows her how to survive.
If Clem was to die in Season 5, it wouldnt be original or even shock value - it would be a rehash of Season 1 and absurdly unoriginal.
already beaten it
Any games similar to the walking dead that has at least 5 hours of gameplay?
In terms with zombies, I recommend playing the classic Resident Evil games, if you have them.
DayZ has way more than 5 hours of gameplay (infinite)
Dayz isn't much like TWD game, but I would still recommend it. As mentioned above, the game time is practically infinite so long as you have a bit of an imagination. There's no story or anything, you just have to survive the glitch apocalypse- sorry, the zombie apocalypse, and other players. There can be a lot of really interesting moments with other players, and then things like what happened to my friends and I can happen as well. My friend fell through a wall and broke his legs, and I spawned into the game like 200 feet in the air and fell to my death, losing everything. Glitches and players can be infuriating, but I'd still give it a shot.