Though I believe that you can use you vocabulary however you want and I really do support swearing, but your negative attitude is really just bringing people down man… Don't be like that!
No, not because you swear alot. I can curse sometimes too. But it was directed towards me, which made it offensive. Your attitude in general against other members is affecting. For example your profile:
@nickybello wrote: Unbanned, nice. I'm back, and if you have a problem with that... Fuck You.
Though I believe that you can use you vocabulary however you want and I really do support swearing, but your negative attitude is really just bringing people down man… Don't be like that!
No, not because you swear alot. I can curse sometimes too. But it was directed towards me, which made it offensive. Your attitude in general… more against other members is affecting. For example your profile:
@nickybello wrote: Unbanned, nice. I'm back, and if you have a problem with that... Fuck You.
No, not because you swear alot. I can curse sometimes too. But it was directed towards me, which made it offensive. Your attitude in general… more against other members is affecting. For example your profile:
@nickybello wrote: Unbanned, nice. I'm back, and if you have a problem with that... Fuck You.
No, not because you swear alot. I can curse sometimes too. But it was directed towards me, which made it offensive. Your attitude in general… more against other members is affecting. For example your profile:
@nickybello wrote: Unbanned, nice. I'm back, and if you have a problem with that... Fuck You.
I have a dreadful week in store for me, but Tuesday might brighten it up It's TWD, though, so it could just as easily leave me an emotional wreck, but nah, it's just the second episode... right?
I was about to say at least they're not saying soon anymore but then I looked at the title of the website. I never thought I could obtain sooo much hate for a word. Thanks allot TTG. Next I'm going to hate the words "release", "to" , and "follow".
The PC and Mac release is also going to be on March 4. I wouldn't worry too much about the Xbox and European release coming too much later, as Microsoft and Sony have gotten better at coordinating with Telltale with their releases, since the releases on PSN in Europe and XBLA compared to PC/Mac/PSN have only been a day or two apart lately (at least in the US and most of Europe, hopefully the branches of Microsoft in Ireland, New Zealand, and Russia are on the ball better this time around).
"Titled "A House Divided," the new episode will be available for PlayStation 3 on March 4, with a PC and Xbox 360 release to follow."
http:… more//
I was about to say at least they're not saying soon anymore but then I looked at the title of the website. I never thought I could obtain sooo much hate for a word. Thanks allot TTG. Next I'm going to hate the words "release", "to" , and "follow".
lol it will happen once the episode fails to arrive in certain countries once the clocks turn midnight because alot of people assume 'wrongly' the day of release means as soon as that day starts.
Seriously, do you just sit on your computer all day with this thread constantly open? Seems like you can't go a single damn day without saying something idiotic. Do us all a favor and have your dad turn off your internet, you don't deserve the privilege.
Oh, and your edits to remove your original posts aren't fooling anyone. In fact it just shows that you saw how stupid you were acting, so much so that you go back and remove it.
Actualy...we don't know that. Maybe Larry still had a chance to survive and even if he would turn they still had alot time to react to it. And as Eddie Maiden already said...they would have known about it anyway.
They suspected this prior to an examination; if they would have checked the body out of curiosity they'd have found no bite and learned for themselves. Just like we don't know if Larry would have killed them all in the meat locker, this is all speculation anyway.
Honestly I you couldn't look any LESS like a troll. You showed a valid point in an explanatory manor that is both sensical and insightful but you have to understand that we all witnessed Lee get bit. If you look at it at the right angle, a person is dead the second they get bit, and whether we actually SAW Lee get shot or not we can still conclude that Lee is dead and gone for good considering there is an option to tell Clem to leave you behind instead of killing you. Lee still dies. I hope my explanation made sense and i hope this conversation doesn't spark any anger in anyone.
I'm sorry, apparently I was mistaken when you said:
"If u know anything about the walking dead, you know that bite victims don't survive."
… more
Apparently I should have been able to know what you fully meant through the morphogenetic field. I'm also quite aware of Lee's situation as I posted about 12 minutes later in this same thread about the minute possibility of Lee's survival. Here it is, I don't want to assume you'll scroll up and read it, enjoy:
Interestingly enough, you could argue that there is only one definite outcome that Lee is dead based on choices. Basically this would be for those who made the choice to not cut his arm off. To not do so would mean with relative certainty that Lee would eventually succumb to infection and become a walker.
"But JCMF, I cut his arm off and had Clem shoot him, so hes dead!". Not necessarrily, we see Clem holding the gun and pull the trigger and the gun goes bang, but we don't actually see bu… [view original content]
I'm sorry if "google it" sounded rude but I classify RRoD and E74 as two different problems. I didn't intend to seem rude as much as I intended to be more specific. Hope no more problems erupt from this issue
no need to be rude old bean.
could of just said red rings and i've of understood it..
but no you seem to of took offense to a simple clarification of the term 'fix'
This is a community. There are rules to follow. If you want to visit the internet go someplace where they accept your offensive language.
We are on the internet -___-
i am following the rules what rule did i just not follow then? oh because i'm swearing to much and getting dislike by hater's is that it?
Though I believe that you can use you vocabulary however you want and I really do support swearing, but your negative attitude is really just bringing people down man… Don't be like that!
No, not because you swear alot. I can curse sometimes too. But it was directed towards me, which made it offensive. Your attitude in general against other members is affecting. For example your profile:
hi there
oh my bad didn't mean to offend you
^ Agreed, They just increase Hype.
lol those where meant to smith..
Exactly. They make me more impatient for the game.
thanks's for putting it up in the most viewed thread and most commented thread on this site nice move....
Man if they dont release episode 2 for EU PSN this week im gonna be pissed (altough i know its not telltales fault)
3 days left

trailer alert
Two days, 20 hours, and 25 minutes.
school? what is school? i dont know school anymore
and your point is what ?
it says trailer ?!!
well in the top 5 i'd say
I have a dreadful week in store for me, but Tuesday might brighten it up
It's TWD, though, so it could just as easily leave me an emotional wreck, but nah, it's just the second episode... right?
(?) Omid will remember that...
"Titled "A House Divided," the new episode will be available for PlayStation 3 on March 4, with a PC and Xbox 360 release to follow."
I was about to say at least they're not saying soon anymore but then I looked at the title of the website. I never thought I could obtain sooo much hate for a word. Thanks allot TTG. Next I'm going to hate the words "release", "to" , and "follow".
checked frederik
i swear 'back in my school days' the clocks stopped moving during the lessons i hated,
or even went backwards on occasion.
then i learned about batteries.
just like annoying you
The PC and Mac release is also going to be on March 4. I wouldn't worry too much about the Xbox and European release coming too much later, as Microsoft and Sony have gotten better at coordinating with Telltale with their releases, since the releases on PSN in Europe and XBLA compared to PC/Mac/PSN have only been a day or two apart lately (at least in the US and most of Europe, hopefully the branches of Microsoft in Ireland, New Zealand, and Russia are on the ball better this time around).
not even close to annoying me,
you just making yourself look foolish atm.
Nope, he's just an idiot with the IQ of a seven year old. Ignore him.
i thought pew was american/canadian ?
i wish a i had a million pounds but that's another story :P
From your comment, it really seems like you believed the troll.
"now this is bullshit seriously"
Sure sounds like you did. Don't you have friends you can go outside and play with? You really shouldn't be wasting time on the internet at your age.
lol it will happen once the episode fails to arrive in certain countries once the clocks turn midnight because alot of people assume 'wrongly' the day of release means as soon as that day starts.
Seriously, do you just sit on your computer all day with this thread constantly open? Seems like you can't go a single damn day without saying something idiotic. Do us all a favor and have your dad turn off your internet, you don't deserve the privilege.
Oh, and your edits to remove your original posts aren't fooling anyone. In fact it just shows that you saw how stupid you were acting, so much so that you go back and remove it.
Actualy...we don't know that. Maybe Larry still had a chance to survive and even if he would turn they still had alot time to react to it. And as Eddie Maiden already said...they would have known about it anyway.
file size means squat sometimes.
some new episodes are smaller but still longer because the previous files have some of the info/programming in them already,
well atleast on the pc/xbox. ep1 is the 'hub episode' it has the menu and the 'access to the other episodes which count as dlc.
some times ep1 is patched with fixes prior to release, or adding stuff before the next episode is out.
i'll have to look in to the files at some point to double check.
Yes. But he was conscious, and even WITH Ben they suspected they were bitten. I doubt it would change if Ben wasn't there.
Or to put it simply nicky, shut the hell up for once.
You want to chat? Go to a chat room not spam posts in the forum.
They suspected this prior to an examination; if they would have checked the body out of curiosity they'd have found no bite and learned for themselves. Just like we don't know if Larry would have killed them all in the meat locker, this is all speculation anyway.
Honestly I you couldn't look any LESS like a troll. You showed a valid point in an explanatory manor that is both sensical and insightful but you have to understand that we all witnessed Lee get bit. If you look at it at the right angle, a person is dead the second they get bit, and whether we actually SAW Lee get shot or not we can still conclude that Lee is dead and gone for good considering there is an option to tell Clem to leave you behind instead of killing you. Lee still dies. I hope my explanation made sense and i hope this conversation doesn't spark any anger in anyone.
I'm sorry if "google it" sounded rude but I classify RRoD and E74 as two different problems. I didn't intend to seem rude as much as I intended to be more specific. Hope no more problems erupt from this issue