The second episode of literally all games by Telltale have taken longer than usual. This is because they take feedback from reviews and fans; what to change, what to add, etc. They want to make the perfect episode before they resume with the season. We all saw how good Starved For Help turned out to be, and hopefully A House Divided will be just as good. Once the second episode is out they should start to follow their regular schedule for the remaining episodes, which is one month to six weeks. Now they have a plot, and they have feedback. Unless The Wolf Among us start to conflict with The Walking Dead I think the remaining episodes will release on time. Telltale even acknowledged this by saying it's their top priority to get episodes released sooner next time.
Laura (aka @puzzlebox) said the wait for the next episode "will almost certainly be shorter". I feel the need to say this is only a prediction and we should not take it at face value. They get enough shit thrown at them around here as it is. Still, I hope she's right.
...Interesting. The color scheme change when a new episode is loaded/highlighted. Each episode have it's own color. Perhaps Telltale applied the final update to the base game before unlocking the episode itself. However, there is a glitch to change the color scheme. To do this you navigate to the episode menu, and highlight any episode. Next you alt-tab and exit the game through Task Manager. Once you launch the game again it will have the color scheme for the episode you highlighted. It will also have different sounds for the menu.
...Interesting. The color scheme change when a new episode is loaded/highlighted. Each episode have it's own color. Perhaps Telltale applied… more the final update to the base game before unlocking the episode itself. However, there is a glitch to change the color scheme. To do this you navigate to the episode menu, and highlight any episode. Next you alt-tab and exit the game through Task Manager. Once you launch the game again it will have the color scheme for the episode you highlighted. It will also have different sounds for the menu.
You must have quit the game while looking at Ep5's slide. It's a well-known cool "glitch", you can change the color scheme and sound effects for the main menu to match each episode's slide.
I hate to break it to you, but at this point Wednesday is the release date we should be *hoping * for. I'm just worried it's going to be delayed further.
Reaching the point where it's being released on other platforms before we even hear about it is pitiful on MS's part.
I would like that as well, but wouldn't Clem be happy to see him ? Kenny has been confirmed to be in season 2, so I think it's 99,99% chance of being him...
Well I heard Laura Persuco said the delay will be shorter and that must mean either April (I highly doubt it) or May
yeah they've said it several times ^^ it sucks Microsoft doesn't update quicker but it is what it is
The second episode of literally all games by Telltale have taken longer than usual. This is because they take feedback from reviews and fans; what to change, what to add, etc. They want to make the perfect episode before they resume with the season. We all saw how good Starved For Help turned out to be, and hopefully A House Divided will be just as good. Once the second episode is out they should start to follow their regular schedule for the remaining episodes, which is one month to six weeks. Now they have a plot, and they have feedback. Unless The Wolf Among us start to conflict with The Walking Dead I think the remaining episodes will release on time. Telltale even acknowledged this by saying it's their top priority to get episodes released sooner next time.
Laura (aka @puzzlebox) said the wait for the next episode "will almost certainly be shorter". I feel the need to say this is only a prediction and we should not take it at face value. They get enough shit thrown at them around here as it is. Still, I hope she's right.
I cant find the option to shoot molly
wow bro...that's good to know
Hey,, My game '''The walking dead season 2 '' turned to the color blue,who knows what is it ????????
...Interesting. The color scheme change when a new episode is loaded/highlighted. Each episode have it's own color. Perhaps Telltale applied the final update to the base game before unlocking the episode itself. However, there is a glitch to change the color scheme. To do this you navigate to the episode menu, and highlight any episode. Next you alt-tab and exit the game through Task Manager. Once you launch the game again it will have the color scheme for the episode you highlighted. It will also have different sounds for the menu.
Thank you !
You must have quit the game while looking at Ep5's slide. It's a well-known cool "glitch", you can change the color scheme and sound effects for the main menu to match each episode's slide.
It's a glitch, it's been there ever since Episode 1 was released. It's pretty cool, though.
I hate to break it to you, but at this point Wednesday is the release date we should be *hoping * for. I'm just worried it's going to be delayed further.
Reaching the point where it's being released on other platforms before we even hear about it is pitiful on MS's part.
When days turn to hours...
23 hours, and 59 minutes ladies and gentlemen.
Аnyone know what time to expect the game? I can't waait...
Episodes usually release around 1 PM EST, (7 PM CET).
one day left guys im so excited i love teeltale

thanks,but what is EST?
I can feel it
Coming in the air tonight.
Eastern Standard Time
OO sh*t... 23 hours here... Thanks for info.
thanks man
22 hours 24 minutes
When do episodes usually release for PS3 EU? I am literally dying for this ep!
Wednesday (sorry for bad spelling) around 2-4 pm in Norway timezone...
You know, there's still a lot of people who still have no idea on when, so shut up...
Any News for the Xbox 360 Release ?
Nice name.
I heard it'll be out for the Jaguar exactly 3 days after it's out for the Vectrex.
Anyone know when it will come out for CST?
I would like that as well, but wouldn't Clem be happy to see him ? Kenny has been confirmed to be in season 2, so I think it's 99,99% chance of being him...
12 p.m. (I'm from St. Louis)
I hope there are no problems this time like in episode 1 where we had to wait hours to play it after its release
Anyone know when or if we will get The Walking Dead: Season Two forum avatars?
i suggest u 2 follow their twitter for updates. if u have an iphone turn on notifications on their twitter page
How is that about the release date of Season 2 Episode 2?
it's usually an hour ahead of the CST users