Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date Discussion: Out Now for PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • Release date for Xbox 360 is tomorrow (March 5th)! The Xbox Games Store only updates on Wednesdays and Fridays

    Puzzlebox's twitter feed.

    manowar075 posted: »

    Why the hell is the game only available for xbox tomorrow? and its available for playstation today??? that is why this country doesn't get any respect anymore, we cater to these foreign companies instead of taking care of our own first...not cool...

  • edited March 2014

    One thing I've never understood is why can't they upload it when it's done, and just release it on a scheduled time. I don't think they would cut their deadlines would be this close that they were still working on it up until yesterday, so why not just upload it even a few days in advance just so they could actually have a release before Steam for once? It is ridiculous that other companies are letting players download the game before Telltale, and it's not even occasionally. TWAU episode 2, and both the episodes of TWD S2 I've been around for have all been consecutively late.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2014

    You are familiar with the concept of Xbox Live update days, aren't you?

    BTW, Microsoft "one of our own"? This is actually (1) an international forum and (2) if you want to call a company "your [country's] own", make sure it's not Microsoft.

    You don't own a console 'made in America'. You clearly have a Chinese or possibly Korean console... ;)

    manowar075 posted: »

    Why the hell is the game only available for xbox tomorrow? and its available for playstation today??? that is why this country doesn't get any respect anymore, we cater to these foreign companies instead of taking care of our own first...not cool...

  • Hmm lets see... just from my steam list?

    Assassin Creed 3 and 4, Deadspace 3, Batman: Arkham Origins, Bioshock Infinity, Metro Last Light. All downloaded on day one, not a single problem and thats not even 1/4 of the games I can mention.

    9tailsfox2 posted: »

    Can't say much about other games from TTG, but The Walking Dead is an excellent game and since when has server related releases gone smoothly for any game?

  • IKR! Welp it's a good thing I have a playstation xD. Peace guys I'm finna go enjoy episode 2. #I'mSuchAnAssHole

    manowar075 posted: »

    Why the hell is the game only available for xbox tomorrow? and its available for playstation today??? that is why this country doesn't get any respect anymore, we cater to these foreign companies instead of taking care of our own first...not cool...

  • To further clarify; last in line as in PC users, as it's also mentioned in a below comment, I decided to give my money directly to Telltale and not let Steam have a cut, because I felt they completely deserved it.
    Now friends who bought it on Steam are enjoying the game and I'm almost an hour behind now, I'd like to here Telltale's reasoning as to why Steam should get first dibs rather than them and their fans who prefer to support them directly.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    also I can't imagine why the people who purchased it directly from Telltale should be the last ones in line... Sure, go out and tell

  • Xbox needs to step their game up, the waiting game sucks!!!

    soulpole posted: »

    Xbox only updates twice a week and one of those days is tomorrow. MERCUH!

  • edited March 2014

    Yep, same here. "can't connect to Tell Tale servers.". Went online and followed previous Tell Tale advice to make sure my password only contains alphanumeric characters and no other ASCII characters by logging in online and changing it. Sweet FA! Also followed their advice to delete the game launcher registry entry... same thing! Season 2 game engine won't even prompt me for a password nor can I get into settings or whatnot! I'm not impressed!

  • edited March 2014

    IT'S HERE IT'S FINALLY HERE......on playstation ROFL XD.

    Alt text

  • Never had a Telltale game release go smoothly ever

    Oh, I had lots. Also, we're not yet in the area of "not smoothly".

    ncb posted: »

    Never had a Telltale game release go smoothly ever.. even when they released Tales of Monkey Island. What does this say about them as a company?

  • Anyone having problems with Steam, try opting out of the beta, immediately appeared for me then (With about 4 other downloads too).

  • edited March 2014

    It's march 4 and well no pc release but there is a playstation release.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The PC and Mac release is also going to be on March 4. I wouldn't worry too much about the Xbox and European release coming too much later,

  • That's probably because they came out with a physical disk for the game first. I'm talking about games that rely on servers to be released.

    ncb posted: »

    Hmm lets see... just from my steam list? Assassin Creed 3 and 4, Deadspace 3, Batman: Arkham Origins, Bioshock Infinity, Metro Last Light. All downloaded on day one, not a single problem and thats not even 1/4 of the games I can mention.

  • Can we at least get an ETA for when the Telltale store version is available to download?

  • edited March 2014

    Sounds like Telltale management should replace whatever I.T. dept. is responsible for uploads to the Telltale store. If I was PR for Telltale I would be embarrassed. Once understandable, twice even... every freaking time? No. No more Telltale purchase for me. Too many hungry Indie devs out there busting their hump to keep happy customers that deserve my money more. I dont NEED these games nor the aggravation.

  • Heb ik u iets misdaan? Ik dacht van niet. (:

    kut belg

  • Doesn't anyone here have a Twittter account? Then we could at least ask for an ETA for PC from the girl who works at TTG:

  • She wont be able to answer that.

    Mikael.h1 posted: »

    Doesn't anyone here have a Twittter account? Then we could at least ask for an ETA for PC from the girl who works at TTG:

  • Finally got a login option but again, can't connect error. Come on Tell Tale! That means the game is totally FUBAR right now as I can't even go back and play episode 1 if I wanted too!

    Mindcore posted: »

    Yep, same here. "can't connect to Tell Tale servers.". Went online and followed previous Tell Tale advice to make sure my password only cont

  • Well, as she says that it is uploading to their servers then perhaps she coud give us an idea on how long this will take? An hour? A day?

    zenonek2000 posted: »

    She wont be able to answer that.

  • Nee en even per informati: ik kom fan Finland niet van Nederland maar ik woon er helaas en als je me hgebt gedownvote mag je me lul zuigen

    lobkeVGH posted: »

    Heb ik u iets misdaan? Ik dacht van niet. (:

  • Asked 30 minutes ago. no response. Of course.

    Mikael.h1 posted: »

    Doesn't anyone here have a Twittter account? Then we could at least ask for an ETA for PC from the girl who works at TTG:

  • Well Episode 2 should be out by tomorrow. I mean come on when it comes out all of us would be on our knees kissing the feet of TTG, or at least most of us, not me, I'll just play and say good game and then wait for the next painful release...

  • I've tried tweeting Telltale about release times before. They don't respond.

    Mikael.h1 posted: »

    Doesn't anyone here have a Twittter account? Then we could at least ask for an ETA for PC from the girl who works at TTG:

  • Spoiler

    You guys, oh my god. Seriously you guys, oh my god.

  • People who pirated the game can play before paying customers fantastic job!

  • edited March 2014

    I seriously do not understand how it is taking them this long. Would be fine if they actually communicated with us and gave us updates.

    TWD89021 posted: »

    People who pirated the game can play before paying customers fantastic job!

  • people are playing the episode and i still dont have a release date -_________-

  • Steam-users.. 2h ago.. Telltale-users.. "Ah.. who cares anyway"...

  • edited March 2014

    Does anyone have a problem of even logging into the game.It gives me a Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers.

  • IT does if I run it on steam (non-steam game), otherwise, no

    Bender516 posted: »

    Does anyone have a problem of even logging into the game.It gives me a Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers.

  • Ppl are done with the episode.. and we are still waiting..

    dylanvdg posted: »

    people are playing the episode and i still dont have a release date -_________-

  • Yes, I posted above. Now my Season 2 game engine is totally useless! Can't even replay Episode 1 if I wanted to because it won't log in!

    Bender516 posted: »

    Does anyone have a problem of even logging into the game.It gives me a Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers.

  • people played the episode 3 times and were still waiting

    Dirzhek posted: »

    Ppl are done with the episode.. and we are still waiting..

  • edited March 2014

    I'm having the same problem good to know I'm not the only one. I'm hoping it's cause they are still uploading the game and that means it will be available soon!

    Bender516 posted: »

    Does anyone have a problem of even logging into the game.It gives me a Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers.

  • I think this usually means they are updating their Servers. We may get it soon.
    Like Kyle from South Park said: "There's nothing you can do about it. You're just going to have to be patient."

    Bender516 posted: »

    Does anyone have a problem of even logging into the game.It gives me a Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers.

  • Aca en argentina son las 7 de la tarde y no aparece todavia para descargar dice "Cooming soon" AYUDAAA

  • And it's already up on Youtube.. great.. the heck..
    Wouldn't have matter if it was just a game.. but it's not.. it's THE game..

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