Sí, sale hoy. De hecho si entras al juego y te vuelves a loguear (si lo compraste en esta web) en el apartado "Episodes" ya debería dejarte descargarlo.
Tenes que entrar al juego, donde está la parte de Descargas, osea donde está la lista de Episodios con el Coming Soon, te tiene que decir descargar el Episodio 2.
Tenes que entrar al juego, donde está la parte de Descargas, osea donde está la lista de Episodios con el Coming Soon, te tiene que decir descargar el Episodio 2.
Tenes que entrar al juego, donde está la parte de Descargas, osea donde está la lista de Episodios con el Coming Soon, te tiene que decir descargar el Episodio 2.
laura percuso from telltale twittered a few minutes ago, that the download should now be available for us who bought the tt-store version. in my in-game menue it still says "coming soon". does anyone who plays the OSX version has the same problem?
I've tried restarting the game a few times without any luck. Still says unavailable for download. I had this issue with TWAU and ended up having to re-download the entire game from Telltale a few times.
laura percuso from telltale twittered a few minutes ago, that the download should now be available for us who bought the tt-store version. in my in-game menue it still says "coming soon". does anyone who plays the OSX version has the same problem?
laura percuso from telltale twittered a few minutes ago, that the download should now be available for us who bought the tt-store version. in my in-game menue it still says "coming soon". does anyone who plays the OSX version has the same problem?
laura percuso from telltale twittered a few minutes ago, that the download should now be available for us who bought the tt-store version. in my in-game menue it still says "coming soon". does anyone who plays the OSX version has the same problem?
I had my eyes full in tears after this scene. Beautiful episode.
Si,lo tengo comprado,y me dice "proximamente" Tenes fb ? y hablamos por ahi mas tranquilos
Still not out yet? I got up really early this morning to wait for it too ;-; Does anyone know when it will come out on Mac/Pc in the US?
Aca en argentina son las 7:30 de la tarde y no aparece para descargar AYUDAAA
Xbox only udates their store wednesdays and fridays, nothing to do with Telltale.
Dónde lo compraste? Steam? o la página de Telltale?
PC in the US still nothing here
Por la pagina de Telltale, Dice "Coming Soon"
This will help everyone that is waiting patiently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g4dkBF5anU
Finally! Downloading!!!! At snail speed... But downloading!!! From Telltale Store!
I'm from Spain.
Tenes que entrar al juego, donde está la parte de Descargas, osea donde está la lista de Episodios con el Coming Soon, te tiene que decir descargar el Episodio 2.
Where did you access the download?
Perdón, donde está la categoria Episodios xD
No me aparece,es un error o que? tenes facebook? asi hablamos mas tranquilos
In the game itself.
Pasame el tuyo
Aca esta : https://www.facebook.com/mathi.chattah
I can't download it, it just says I do not have access to the internet, which I clearly have.
It's still "Coming Soon."
In game menu, Episodes, there click on "Episode 2", should be labeled as "Download", click it and wait.
That Error appeared me at first, tried again and started to download. Good luck and keep trying.
Now everything has an orange tint, but its saying the game is unavailable for download, try again later.
Te mandé un mensaje
Mandame solicitud no me llego ningun mensaje
- gonna try 
Fijate en los mensajes de otros, no te puedo mandar soli u.u
I'm having the same problem ;-;
Pasame tu perfil y te hablo yo a ver si anda
laura percuso from telltale twittered a few minutes ago, that the download should now be available for us who bought the tt-store version. in my in-game menue it still says "coming soon". does anyone who plays the OSX version has the same problem?
I've tried restarting the game a few times without any luck. Still says unavailable for download. I had this issue with TWAU and ended up having to re-download the entire game from Telltale a few times.
it's 2:58 am
...And it's still not up for mac, the torrent is seeming more and more appealing right now
Yes, same here, on OSX. And it's close to midnight here, I'd really like to be able to play the episode tonight...
Yep. I am ;-;
a fellow european
? we're waiting for what, 5 hours now? i want it to play tonight soooooo bad, too!
next time i'll stick to steam...
Same problem here.
Yes, from Belgium. We shouldn't have to wait this long, this is ridiculous - and sadly predictable.
So this is what buyers remorse feels like :-(
Still saying "Coming Soon"