Sarah Episode 2 *spoiler*


So does anyone find it odd that Sarah has been snooping around outside and has more of a understanding than Carlos initially led on? When she shows you the gun that she found, what was your choice? Do you think it will come back to haunt you down the road?



  • So far I've tried two different versions of the three choices, and both of them taught her how to use the gun. I wonder if the third one makes you deny her. As soon as that part came up though, I felt like it was going to lead to Sarah saving someone way later in the game like Clem did those times in Season 1.

  • I actually picked to be honest with her, while also showing her how to use a gun. Still, i'm not really sure what Carlos meant back in ep 1 with the "cease to function" line. One thing that caught my eye was her breathing problem, maybe she was just scared? Anyway, i highly doubt it will come back in any negative way considering the ending.

  • My main concern was maybe she will commit suicide and Clem will be blamed. Then then that too similar to S1 with Kaatja

    So far I've tried two different versions of the three choices, and both of them taught her how to use the gun. I wonder if the third one mak

  • Wait Sarah never showed me a gun

  • I took the risk and taught Sarah on how to shoot while being straight with her. Somewhere in the back of my head is telling me that I made a terrible mistake, but I hope I'm wrong.

  • When did this happen?

  • I think you have to agree to take her picture.

    l3acon posted: »

    When did this happen?

  • Spoiler

    Right after you come back from the shed and Carlos and Rebecca leave to find Luke and Alvin. Clem has to watch her and that happens there.

    l3acon posted: »

    When did this happen?

  • I took her picture.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    I think you have to agree to take her picture.

  • Then you got to start paying more attention to the game.... There is now way you couldn't see that. Sarah practically shoved the gun in Clem's face.

    l3acon posted: »

    I took her picture.

  • She took my picture then i took hers then she asked me why i looked sad i didn't respond then she asked me something else i didn't respond and she went downstairs then Carver knocked at the door.

    Then you got to start paying more attention to the game.... There is now way you couldn't see that. Sarah practically shoved the gun in Clem's face.

  • From the looks of it Sarah almost suffered a panic attack so I'm figuring she suffers from major anxiety issues, which would probably explain why Carlos tries to keep her sheltered.

  • edited March 2014

    She may have some sort of serious anxiety problem, or she may just have random panic attacks. That can actually make someone, in a way, "cease to function", because they would probably forget what was going on and just be consumed by their fear. It happens to Le Gleo in "Three Skeleton Key" (not a video game, it's a book, but it's a haunting book) and he ends up being sent to an asylum.

    I actually picked to be honest with her, while also showing her how to use a gun. Still, i'm not really sure what Carlos meant back in ep 1

  • i think i made the right decision.

  • Didn't think of that, it'd be cool. And very tragic. She's 15 and it'd be typical for a girl her age to freak out at the world with her anxiety problems and end up killing herself. It'd be an interesting message to the players too. And Carlos would've been right.

    Another question, do you think Carlos will die next episode?

    My main concern was maybe she will commit suicide and Clem will be blamed. Then then that too similar to S1 with Kaatja

  • Well there you go. Typically ignoring someone constantly doesn't get you anywhere.

    l3acon posted: »

    She took my picture then i took hers then she asked me why i looked sad i didn't respond then she asked me something else i didn't respond and she went downstairs then Carver knocked at the door.

  • I think it's the BFF pinky swear. I did a playthrough where we're BFFs and she showed me the gun, and one where I told her we're not friends and she didn't show me the gun.

    Well there you go. Typically ignoring someone constantly doesn't get you anywhere.

  • It might be because i ignored her in episode 1 too.

    I think it's the BFF pinky swear. I did a playthrough where we're BFFs and she showed me the gun, and one where I told her we're not friends and she didn't show me the gun.

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    silent option is the best one :-)

    So far I've tried two different versions of the three choices, and both of them taught her how to use the gun. I wonder if the third one mak

  • Come to think of it, I didn't consider that option and i assumed you played the game just like me. For that I apologize for sounding arrogant in my previous comment.

    l3acon posted: »

    It might be because i ignored her in episode 1 too.

  • yeah you don't always get shown the gun. It is probably the pinky swear. I played through twice once where i was nice the second where i was realistic with her and didn't do a pink swear. the one where i didn't she didn't show me the gun. the one where i did she showed me.

    l3acon posted: »

    It might be because i ignored her in episode 1 too.

  • Teaching a teenager with anxiety issues to fire a gun doesn't make me feel a lot safer somehow.

    From the looks of it Sarah almost suffered a panic attack so I'm figuring she suffers from major anxiety issues, which would probably explain why Carlos tries to keep her sheltered.

  • Me either. Maybe had something to do with choices in ep1 or season1?

    l3acon posted: »

    Wait Sarah never showed me a gun

  • edited March 2014

    I taught Sarah how to shoot. Why not? She has to learn to fend for herself if she wants any chance at surviving. Also, although Sarah really annoyed me in the first episode, for some reason I kinda grew attached to her, maybe because I see signs of how she's probably much more capable than Carlos believes. She probably does have something wrong with her, but I also feel like Carlos is the one holding her back from contributing to the group. Hopefully teaching Sarah how to shoot affects the story in some way.

  • It's okay.

    Come to think of it, I didn't consider that option and i assumed you played the game just like me. For that I apologize for sounding arrogant in my previous comment.

  • I pinky swore with her and didn't see any gun. I told her her father would be okay but didn't use the "tell her how it really is" option. What am I missing?

  • Yep. Have no idea what's goin' on here.

    l3acon posted: »

    Wait Sarah never showed me a gun

  • You don't really need firearm training to shoot yourself, though... and if Sarah's going to be carrying a gun around anyway she needs some basic safety instruction. I thought it was cute how Clem's instruction mirrors what Lee told her in the first game (especially when Sarah questions her on part of it and Clem admits she doesn't actually know what it means.)

    My main concern was maybe she will commit suicide and Clem will be blamed. Then then that too similar to S1 with Kaatja

  • edited March 2014

    What I found strange was that when Carver came to the door, she says she recognised him, but when you ask her who he is she says she doesn't remember. I mean if she and her father were part of Carver's community for some time, she should know who he is (unless Carlos somehow sheltered her from him as well) and for her to forget... mabye something is wrong with her memory or something (which I don't know what can cause).

  • It's funny when sarah took a way too deep breath when she's going to use the gun,since I told clem to hold breath when she's going to shoot

    You don't really need firearm training to shoot yourself, though... and if Sarah's going to be carrying a gun around anyway she needs some b

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I think she could have suppressed some memories due to some sort of PTSD, there could have been a really traumatic event that she witnessed or experienced involving Carver before the group left his settlement.

    McNoobish posted: »

    What I found strange was that when Carver came to the door, she says she recognised him, but when you ask her who he is she says she doesn't

  • I think that's very likely.
    When she sees Carver and starts panicking, she says she thinks she knows who he is, but if you pick the "who is he" option immediately after, she starts panicking more and says can't remember.

    I guess that's what Carlos meant by "ceasing to function"

    She may have some sort of serious anxiety problem, or she may just have random panic attacks. That can actually make someone, in a way, "cea

  • What happens if you do that?

    Awkward stares?

    bubbledncr posted: »

    silent option is the best one :-)

  • She has panic attacks. That's most likely what he meant.

    I actually picked to be honest with her, while also showing her how to use a gun. Still, i'm not really sure what Carlos meant back in ep 1

  • XD you know she wont tell you, you have to re-play that moment to find out.

    Pride posted: »

    What happens if you do that? Awkward stares?

  • When you pick that option they usually just finish talking and it goes to the next thing.

    Pride posted: »

    What happens if you do that? Awkward stares?

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    That does not happen at this point. You really should re-play and find out.

    l3acon posted: »

    When you pick that option they usually just finish talking and it goes to the next thing.

  • I didn't teach her how to use a gun, since I have the feeling there's something wrong with her and I didn't want to be responsible for her doing something horrible in the future.

  • In the choice where she doesnt teach Sarah, Sarah just teachers herself.

    So far I've tried two different versions of the three choices, and both of them taught her how to use the gun. I wonder if the third one mak

  • So can we confirm if this actually happens or not.. and what causes this? I never saw this scene, granted I didn't pinky swear the psychotic girl.

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