Played season 1 and 400 Days on PS3 and decided to make the transition into Mac as I have been playing a lot more on it now... if I had known we would always be the last to get downloadable content from telltale (TWAU episode 2 and this), I would have went with the steam version or stuck with my PS3 instead of buying directly from the site :c.
We most likely will get it around Wednesday afternoon as thats when our store updates! But like GoldenFleece said. No Wednesday TWD love = Prison sentence.
ok i never liked avengers so let's talk about harry potter.
every harry potter movie has 2:30 hours , but every game of harry potter has 8 hours of gameplay
so don't compare a game to a movie.
beside that any game had released were a full season story.but not in episodic way.
i played season 1 of TWD and i really enjoyed it, i've purchased it after all the episodes was released ,i finshed all the season in one week . and when they released TWD S2 i played episode 1 then i spend 2 months and half waitng for them to develop episode 2 to continue the story of the season, this is boring. i've bearly forgot what happened in episode 1
beside u said this "I've asked that myself, and I certainly would prefer if they did it that way"
and considering u as one of TWD fans, if TWD develpers are smarter than this they would do what thair fans want
because this what the business is all about
and also if they didn't have enough money to develop new episodes they wouldn't develop another games like TWAU and JP
hope if u will reply then do it faster because this discussion is getting interesting
It's not a movie, but it is an equivalent amount of entertainment (possibly more, given that many players like to go back and play it again … morewith different decisions). No one's looking at Avengers 2 and saying, "I can't believe we have to wait 3 years for a 2-hour movie!" And games often take longer to develop. So why is it okay to spend $10 on a two-hour movie that takes 2-3 years to make, but it's unreasonable to spend $5 on a two-hour game that takes 2-3 months to make? Looking at the amount of entertainment you're getting compared to either the money spent or the amount of time you have to wait for it, the game is still a far better deal.
Why don't they develop episodes ahead of time to avoid delays? I've asked that myself, and I certainly would prefer if they did it that way. But I don't think it's likely to happen any time soon just because it wouldn't be particularly good for Telltale's cashflow. Developing the whole thing pri… [view original content]
Ok, I bought the season pass because the game said the ep. 2 is downloadable, but as I now press download, it throws me to the marketplace window and I actually cannot confirm "purchase" nor download anything. WTF am I paying these game developers and publishers for when I'm never getting the product I paid for as promised. STOP FUCKING UP!
Edit. I was talking about Xbox marketplace on xbox 360 live.
Ok, I bought the season pass because the game said the ep. 2 is downloadable, but as I now press download, it throws me to the marketplace w… moreindow and I actually cannot confirm "purchase" nor download anything. WTF am I paying these game developers and publishers for when I'm never getting the product I paid for as promised. STOP FUCKING UP!
Edit. I was talking about Xbox marketplace on xbox 360 live.
People seem to have just forgotten about us!? Literally 0 news. Not cool. BUT, with any luck we should receive some info by tomorrow latest... But in the mean time! I'm gonna have to bookmark this page to avoid maximum spoilers. Already seen quite a few. Devastated. Anyway, here's hoping we don't get shafted...
Mac user and Telltale customer (no Steam) in the EU here. First I thought the episodes were individual downloads from the website, but since there's only one download for Episode 2, I downloaded the Episode 1 client again (had deleted it after finishing the first episode).
Loading the game, I see the "Episodes"-menu, as well as "Manage Downloads" in "Options", but both still show the "Coming Soon"-Status for Ep 2. Tried disabling my firewall, still nothing.
Has any European OS X user gotten the Ep2-download yet?
It's funny how whenever I open the episode page in-game to check if the episode is finally available for download, there's this big OWNED there yet I can't play a game I supposedly own and which has been out for hours.
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
People seem to have just forgotten about us!? Literally 0 news. Not cool. BUT, with any luck we should receive some info by tomorrow latest.… more.. But in the mean time! I'm gonna have to bookmark this page to avoid maximum spoilers. Already seen quite a few. Devastated. Anyway, here's hoping we don't get shafted...
The release date for Xbox 360 is Wednesday, March 5th (U.S. time). The Xbox store only updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why we can't push it out until then. Check back tomorrow!
Ok, I bought the season pass because the game said the ep. 2 is downloadable, but as I now press download, it throws me to the marketplace w… moreindow and I actually cannot confirm "purchase" nor download anything. WTF am I paying these game developers and publishers for when I'm never getting the product I paid for as promised. STOP FUCKING UP!
Edit. I was talking about Xbox marketplace on xbox 360 live.
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
Good to know! I'm just concerned that I'm gonna become a conspiracy theorist when I say that I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft paid Sony to goof when it comes to giving out a release date to Telltale!? But yeah probably not. And I think it's probably safer there so I'll head there right now. Swiggity Swooty I'm coming for that release date!!
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
It's funny how whenever I open the episode page in-game to check if the episode is finally available for download, there's this big OWNED there yet I can't play a game I supposedly own and which has been out for hours.
The release date for Xbox 360 is Wednesday, March 5th (U.S. time). The Xbox store only updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why we can't push it out until then. Check back tomorrow!
and are there any news for us mac users so far? the episode is still not available for customers who bought the game at the tt-store and are playing the OSX version.
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
Completely my fault for clicking the "spoiler" button and having the surprise of who Clementine thought was dead ruined, but it's unprofessional and kind of BS that some people have had access to the episode for over 5 hours, while I as an OSX/TTGstore gamer still have a "coming soon" graphic on the Episodes menu. It does seem silly to post on the forums here for anything other than cathartic reasons, since time and time again Telltale has shown that they're simply going to do things their way (and I realize they're trying the best they can, or at least I'd like to believe as much), but needed to get this off my chest.
Ok, I'm really pleased that you explained this. Good job! It's another thing that the game tells me that I can download something which makes me buy something that I actually cant download, in that way it's misleading marketing, but I'm willing to forgive you for the delightful customer service and for the ?fact? I have to wait just one day more!
The release date for Xbox 360 is Wednesday, March 5th (U.S. time). The Xbox store only updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why we can't push it out until then. Check back tomorrow!
Cool, thanks for the info but still..... I've seen a few times on this thread the past few days that telltale would have the date for the PS3 EU release "soon". I know it's not something which you control but anyway, "that word" gets used around here far to often and is always out of context. Soon compared to the time it takes for our sun to make one orbit of the galaxy, maybe...... Not good enough when your customers want a little information though. Don't mind me, I'm just feeling a little jealous right now. Shouldn't be that hard for Sony to make the game available in the EU seen as the US have it.
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
Does anybody know if PS3 EU folk can get on the US store and download it there and if so how would I do that? Plus will it work even if the first episode is of EU origin?
Well, you'd have to create a new account on your PS3 and use US details for addresses and stuff! BUT I think you would have to buy episode 2/season pass again on there with dollars And even then, it might not play due to region restrictions or something similar... sorry!
Does anybody know if PS3 EU folk can get on the US store and download it there and if so how would I do that? Plus will it work even if the first episode is of EU origin?
Does it still say that, it's now 8 EST and mine still saids coming soon, something similar happened with TWAU episode 2 as well, why aren't macs getting the updates?
Well, you'd have to create a new account on your PS3 and use US details for addresses and stuff! BUT I think you would have to buy episode 2… more/season pass again on there with dollars And even then, it might not play due to region restrictions or something similar... sorry!
Lol Texas. Yes the world is very strange. Im a 360 user and im just curious (and a little annoyed) why the download option is available even though you cant do a thing with it.
Hahaha! It was only information and was not suppose to brag about it (much) . Where are you from then? Are you sure its not up for you too? The world strange it is.
Played season 1 and 400 Days on PS3 and decided to make the transition into Mac as I have been playing a lot more on it now... if I had known we would always be the last to get downloadable content from telltale (TWAU episode 2 and this), I would have went with the steam version or stuck with my PS3 instead of buying directly from the site :c.
If its not released for PS3 EU tomorrow, I WILL smash stuff.
Still waiting, still saying "Coming soon"... was planning on an all nighter living in the netherlands, but wouldnt mind to start playing.
Woof woof
We most likely will get it around Wednesday afternoon as thats when our store updates! But like GoldenFleece said. No Wednesday TWD love = Prison sentence.
I really shouldn't be here but you know! Anybody got any information on PS3 EU release?
ok i never liked avengers so let's talk about harry potter.
every harry potter movie has 2:30 hours , but every game of harry potter has 8 hours of gameplay
so don't compare a game to a movie.
beside that any game had released were a full season story.but not in episodic way.
i played season 1 of TWD and i really enjoyed it, i've purchased it after all the episodes was released ,i finshed all the season in one week . and when they released TWD S2 i played episode 1 then i spend 2 months and half waitng for them to develop episode 2 to continue the story of the season, this is boring. i've bearly forgot what happened in episode 1
beside u said this "I've asked that myself, and I certainly would prefer if they did it that way"
and considering u as one of TWD fans, if TWD develpers are smarter than this they would do what thair fans want
because this what the business is all about
and also if they didn't have enough money to develop new episodes they wouldn't develop another games like TWAU and JP
hope if u will reply then do it faster because this discussion is getting interesting
anyone got it for mac? it still says coming soon when i open the game
Ok, I bought the season pass because the game said the ep. 2 is downloadable, but as I now press download, it throws me to the marketplace window and I actually cannot confirm "purchase" nor download anything. WTF am I paying these game developers and publishers for when I'm never getting the product I paid for as promised. STOP FUCKING UP!
Edit. I was talking about Xbox marketplace on xbox 360 live.
Yeah having the same problem .
Does this happen every time?
People seem to have just forgotten about us!? Literally 0 news. Not cool. BUT, with any luck we should receive some info by tomorrow latest... But in the mean time! I'm gonna have to bookmark this page to avoid maximum spoilers. Already seen quite a few. Devastated. Anyway, here's hoping we don't get shafted...
Mac user and Telltale customer (no Steam) in the EU here. First I thought the episodes were individual downloads from the website, but since there's only one download for Episode 2, I downloaded the Episode 1 client again (had deleted it after finishing the first episode).
Loading the game, I see the "Episodes"-menu, as well as "Manage Downloads" in "Options", but both still show the "Coming Soon"-Status for Ep 2. Tried disabling my firewall, still nothing.
Has any European OS X user gotten the Ep2-download yet?
I have Mac and it still says coming soon.....its 645pm EST.... so when is soon?
Are you on OS X?
downloading slower then a snail with a walking stick, but still downloading.
It's funny how whenever I open the episode page in-game to check if the episode is finally available for download, there's this big OWNED there yet I can't play a game I supposedly own and which has been out for hours.
I can finally download!
No, I'm on Windows.
We haven't forgotten you! We'll announce the PS3 EU date as soon as we have it from Sony. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, try watching the telltalegames Twitter feed instead of the forum - we'll tweet the date there.
PS3 UK??? This is a joke wtf.
The release date for Xbox 360 is Wednesday, March 5th (U.S. time). The Xbox store only updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why we can't push it out until then. Check back tomorrow!
Can you update the mac users who still have the coming soon on their menus?
Good to know! I'm just concerned that I'm gonna become a conspiracy theorist when I say that I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft paid Sony to goof when it comes to giving out a release date to Telltale!? But yeah probably not. And I think it's probably safer there so I'll head there right now. Swiggity Swooty I'm coming for that release date!!
same thing
So that pretty much means it's going to be the 6th in Australia before i can play it or even download it?
and are there any news for us mac users so far? the episode is still not available for customers who bought the game at the tt-store and are playing the OSX version.
ok, someone else asked already.
Completely my fault for clicking the "spoiler" button and having the surprise of who Clementine thought was dead ruined, but it's unprofessional and kind of BS that some people have had access to the episode for over 5 hours, while I as an OSX/TTGstore gamer still have a "coming soon" graphic on the Episodes menu. It does seem silly to post on the forums here for anything other than cathartic reasons, since time and time again Telltale has shown that they're simply going to do things their way (and I realize they're trying the best they can, or at least I'd like to believe as much), but needed to get this off my chest.
Ok, I'm really pleased that you explained this. Good job! It's another thing that the game tells me that I can download something which makes me buy something that I actually cant download, in that way it's misleading marketing, but I'm willing to forgive you for the delightful customer service and for the ?fact? I have to wait just one day more!
Yes, unless Microsoft updates the store super early.
Cool, thanks for the info but still..... I've seen a few times on this thread the past few days that telltale would have the date for the PS3 EU release "soon". I know it's not something which you control but anyway, "that word" gets used around here far to often and is always out of context. Soon compared to the time it takes for our sun to make one orbit of the galaxy, maybe...... Not good enough when your customers want a little information though. Don't mind me, I'm just feeling a little jealous right now. Shouldn't be that hard for Sony to make the game available in the EU seen as the US have it.
Does anybody know if PS3 EU folk can get on the US store and download it there and if so how would I do that? Plus will it work even if the first episode is of EU origin?
Well, you'd have to create a new account on your PS3 and use US details for addresses and stuff! BUT I think you would have to buy episode 2/season pass again on there with dollars
And even then, it might not play due to region restrictions or something similar... sorry!
Does it still say that, it's now 8 EST and mine still saids coming soon, something similar happened with TWAU episode 2 as well, why aren't macs getting the updates?
If Telltale screws up the 360 release, then I am never purchasing anything from them again.
My life story... fak.
I.....................i'm an IIIIIIIDIOT!!! POOR ALVIN! I.......I......I GOT HIM KILLED! ;-;
Lol Texas. Yes the world is very strange. Im a 360 user and im just curious (and a little annoyed) why the download option is available even though you cant do a thing with it.
I felt like the game trolled me.