Do you think ----- will die in season 3?
I have a feeling that Kenny will get killed in episode 3. I want to know if you guys think the same thing or I just have a random vibe.
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I have a feeling that Kenny will get killed in episode 3. I want to know if you guys think the same thing or I just have a random vibe.
It's definitely possible, but I would hope that the writers have more love for their audience than that. I'm sure Telltale is aware of what a fan favorite Kenny is, so I'm guessing they'll at least keep him around till the end of the season. I got the same vibe you did but I think for me it was more of a fear over what MIGHT happen than any actual evidence of it happening. I really don't want Kenny to die. After losing Lee, then Omid and finally, Christa, I think Telltale would be very careless if they got rid of another important character. I don't care much about this new group yet, they need people in the game who have had plenty of character development, like Kenny.
It wouldn't surprise me if he did. Either Kenny or Clem will be dead by the end of the season, just because they'll want to hit the same emotional "high" as Lee's death so that it goes into the memory books as a worthy second series, or else people are going to be constantly comparing the S2 finale to S1E5.
Killing Clem off after just dealing with a random villain? nah. The only way her death will be acceptable and have any meaning is if she dies after doing something memorable and important that no other human has done in the apocalypse. Clementine has still a loooooooong way to go.
True,I didn't feel when Walter and Alvin got killed in my file,but I got fells when I found out later that you can prevent your deaths depending on what you tell Kennny to shoot or not.I like Nick,and told Walter that Nick was a good person,so he's alive ^_^
Yeah,I'm guessing that they all go to the snowy city Wellington,by they,I mean Kenny if he survives,the 400 days group if they are nice in the next episode(in the teaser the see Bonnie and Clem smiling so maybe we are wrong and judged her to fast.We might find Christa some day too.)
I hope not, if he dies it will be the most badass death of all time
I don't know. It seems fittingly grim and dark that Clem essentially dies for nothing. No grand send off, no world changing events, but ultimately she's just another dead survivor in a lonely, pointless, fate that thousands of others have likely shared.
I like Clem as much as the next person but it's just the type of surprise that I could see Telltale throwing at us.
Wait, you can prevent Walter's death? I've got to play it a second time. ._.
Watch the spoilers in threads titles, please.
No, as Kenny stated if you don't give up, Carver woulda killed him anyway
Sorry about that,happend to me too
Don't shoot Johnny,and Carver won't get mad (I think)I'm not 100% sure,but I'm sure that Alvin can live if you don't try to shoot carver again after shooting his men (Johnny).
No, apparently Carver kills Walter anyway, so Kenny was right, but yeah, giving up(as I did), saves Alvin's life. I probably won't change anything on a second playthrough, and if I did, it would be on a separate save. Usually, It's just to get a better understanding of the episode, which I especially need with this one. It was insane.
I don't think he's going to die in episode 3, maybe in 4th or 5th one. But, as Cart_hero_2010 already said, I want a badass death for him, or at least a flashback with all his memories when he's close to death
Found Kenny E5 Files - Kenny ain't dyin.
He could die in that episode though. He will die eventually in the series but there's a high chance he'll be gone by the end of the season.
He's pretty much dead, I think. Considering how lucky he's been, having been able to survive FIVE Episodes of The Walking Dead, his luck is going to run out this Season. I can't really see him surviving to make it to ANOTHER Season.
Personally I think Bonnie is working on a way of getting the 400 Days group out of Carver's place, and she's earned Carver's trust to help get them out.
It's really looking grim for him.
We know how Kenny is so stubborn, and that's not gonna go well in Carver's community, if the preview is any indicative.
I hope he doesn't get himself killed :[
Kenny confirmed for Season3! We need a new gif guys
lol prove it?
You can actually stop kenny if you didn't give up. You just tell him " What if that was Sarista or whatever kennys girlfriend's name is."
Oh sorry, I forgot about that.
Oh, misunderstanding, I didn't give up. I went to find Kenny, but when Carver took Alvin hostage, then I told him to surrender.
Anyone think they will do a season 3 after this one ? Oh and Kenny needs to live he rocks
End of episode 4, I think. Either that or he goes missing and shows up again in S3ep2 XD
I think they might, it all depends on where they're headed with the story. I personally think they will but, it depends on what happens at Wellington once they get away from carver which they'll probably be in Carvers camp for only episode 3 and probably early episode 4. I wonder if we would still get to play as Clem if they decide to release season 3. Kenny does need to live though because I would probably cry myself to sleep if carver killed him or a walker got Also, I think Luke could definitley be explored and has a lot of character development left to do. Hopefully, we get a glimpse of whatever he's hiding from us. FYI, I have this weird suspicion on Luke.
No way you can see that kind of stuff. I need proof NOW. OR ELSE. lol
i think that he will die, it will add more to the story. i hate to say it but i hope they do kill him to make the game better. cuz if they dont kill off any main characters then the story wont be as good. they killed of walt but i didnt even know him so it was like ehh. like when they killed of omid, it made me MORE interested in what is going to happen. but they BETTER NOT kill clem, if they do i will have a stroke, and then that stroke will have a heart attack.
Hey man, anything could happen with kenny.
Kenny don't gonna die in episode 3. In my option maybe he gonna die in episode 5. He is a major character in TWD. I don't wanna Kenny's death so early. The story is better, if he still alive.