S2 deaths detrimant *Spoilers*

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

So far in the entire game (including season 1) no detrimant characters have ever survived, so that means Nick & Alvin are probably going to die in the next episode. I also think Carver will kill Rebecca after she has the baby.



  • Yeah i agree with your Nick and Alvin statement. But i don't know about the Rebecca thing... i don't think they will kill her off. If they kill Pete, Nick and Alvin off, it seems like too much to kill Rebecca off too. But it is Telltale we are talking about here.

  • I agree that it's most likely for Nick and Alvin to die in the next episode, but then again, who knows? Maybe at least one of them will stick around for another episode. Really hope so.

  • Detrimant?

  • Spoiler

    When I played, both Walt and Alvin died. How did you guys save him? I really think that Sarita will be the next to go. She means a lot to Kenny and her death would destroy him. Also, Nick is another huge possibility. He's volatile, and the most likely to fall out of line

  • It means they live or die depending on your choices

    occono posted: »


  • No it doesn't that's determinant. Look in the dictionary. In fact, determinant means choice outcome.

    It means they live or die depending on your choices

  • edited March 2014

    An error made me triple post. Sorry!

  • edited March 2014

    An error made me triple post so I apologize.

  • Spoiler

    I agree with Sarita and Nick can die in episode 2 if you tell Walter he is just an ordinary person.

  • I think they mean determinant

    occono posted: »


  • Spoiler

    Nick - If you tell Walter he is a good man then Walter will shoot the walker on Nick, if you tell Walter Nick is a bad man then Walter will not kill the walker on Nick, leading to Nick's death.

    Alvin - (When you find Kenny) If you tell Kenny not to shoot Carver when Carver is holding Alvin then Kenny & Clem will surrender and Alvin will be saved, if you tell Kenny to shoot then Carver receives a shot to the shoulder, but then shoots Alvin in the face.
    (When surrendering) I'm pretty sure to save Alvin in this situation you have to choose the (Protect Alvin) option and then Carver will grab you and Kenny will give up.

    The others die anyway.

    Also like to ask, some people are saying Carlos can die if you are silent during the "Find Luke & Ken/Surrender" option, can I ask, is this possible? I live in the UK and the game isn't out yet so...

  • Actually it's a typo. Detriment is a cause of a loss. Ben was a detriment to the group in season 1. Determinant is what was meant.

    It means they live or die depending on your choices

  • I think it'd be nice for them to keep them around for a while longer, at least one of them. I doubt more than a handful of characters survive the entire season, same as last, but it would do well to making the player feel like their choices really mattered.

    MrSolomon posted: »

    I agree that it's most likely for Nick and Alvin to die in the next episode, but then again, who knows? Maybe at least one of them will stick around for another episode. Really hope so.

  • Carlos CAN die if you choose to do nothing. So if Nick, Carlos and Alvin survive your play through of episode 2 do you think they will all die in 3? That's a big chunk of the group.

  • No, i played that scene again. If you don't do nothing Rebecca will just surender. There is NO way for Carlos to die.

    AdamBizzle posted: »

    Carlos CAN die if you choose to do nothing. So if Nick, Carlos and Alvin survive your play through of episode 2 do you think they will all die in 3? That's a big chunk of the group.

  • edited March 2014

    If you surrender to Carver, then you can yell at Kenny not to shoot, or to [Protect Alvin](I don't know what this means...), and then Carver will take Clem hostage instead. Kenny will then surrender. If you went to find Kenny and Luke, then you can tell Kenny not to take the second shot, or you can grab the gun(no reason to do this, Kenny easily listens to reason). Kenny and Clem will then surrender and that saves Alvin.

    It would be interesting to see Sarita die in E3. I mean, I personally want to know more about her, but it seems like Kenny won't work with Carver willingly(the previews), so maybe Carver kills Sarita to get him to stay in line?

    Nick may die as well seeing as if you don't tell Walter he's a good guy, he kills him.

  • Carlos can't die, if you stay silent Rebecca will surender to Carver.

  • Carlos can die, and I believe that no matter what you say Carver will take Clem hostage instead of Alvin if you surrendered. I tried it in my second time, and I said "Kenny! Luke! Don't Shoot!". Carver still took Clem instead of Alvin.

  • Oops sorry about that. In terms of determinant in this context my definition is still technically correct no? also if you really want to be technical the dictionary meaning of detriment is "the state of being harmed or damaged". which doesn't really apply in the context of the question.

    I'm not claiming to be an english expert and i'm not trying to start a fight i'm just curious. I could be completely wrong(i most likely am)

    doodleboy posted: »

    No it doesn't that's determinant. Look in the dictionary. In fact, determinant means choice outcome.

  • It's kind of sad to imagine that 3 characters suddenly became unimportant, because no matter what happens from now on, they will not be part of a very significant choice anymore. The practically have raised their death flag and are just waiting to get killed. Feels bad, man.

  • Well, they killed off the entire season 1 group aside from Glenn who was just there for a reference to the show and comics so they couldn't kill him off and have it be canon, Kenny, possibly Lilly, possibly Molly and possibly Christa. Oh and Clementine but she's the protagonist now so yeah. xD

    Telltale is not afraid to kill your favorite characters, FEAR THEM!!!! d:

    Yeah i agree with your Nick and Alvin statement. But i don't know about the Rebecca thing... i don't think they will kill her off. If they k

  • In fairness, this is the walking dead. They all die eventually, determinant or not.

    Hopefully they won't both be killed off next episode, though, since i'd like to see it be given a bit more meaning. Carley and Doug lasted a little while and it's one of the most memorable parts of the first season.

  • Both were cast in the sidelines for episode 2 though. Also, only Carley had a significant impact in episode 3 while Doug was just a useless death magnet.

    The Fallen posted: »

    In fairness, this is the walking dead. They all die eventually, determinant or not. Hopefully they won't both be killed off next episode,

  • Spoiler

    So Alvin dies if you don't run up to save him and Nick dies if you don't calm Walter down I take it? Can I get confirmation?

  • Whaaa?! Those liars! Thanks for clearing that up for me bro.

    No, i played that scene again. If you don't do nothing Rebecca will just surender. There is NO way for Carlos to die.

  • How about you play the episode yourself because so far your information is off for both.

  • How does Carlos die?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Carlos can die, and I believe that no matter what you say Carver will take Clem hostage instead of Alvin if you surrendered. I tried it in my second time, and I said "Kenny! Luke! Don't Shoot!". Carver still took Clem instead of Alvin.

  • whe you "save alvin" all that happens is clem runs at carver (don't really know what she was trying to do but hey) he hits her in stomach and puts his gun to her head

    Zyphon posted: »

    If you surrender to Carver, then you can yell at Kenny not to shoot, or to [Protect Alvin](I don't know what this means...), and then Carver

  • Or you tell Kenny to shoot Carver when Alvin's next to him. To kill Nick you hide the photo from Nick & lie to Walter

  • Ah, well still, it does save Alvin, doesn't it?

    2epicpanda posted: »

    whe you "save alvin" all that happens is clem runs at carver (don't really know what she was trying to do but hey) he hits her in stomach and puts his gun to her head

  • I don't know if he actually can, I wasn't silent, and some people say he dies, others say he can't.

    How does Carlos die?

  • I did play it and I saved them both, which is why I was looking for answers for my next play through. Thanks for your help.

    doodleboy posted: »

    How about you play the episode yourself because so far your information is off for both.

  • How do you get the option to tell Kenny to shoot Carver?

    And thanks :)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Or you tell Kenny to shoot Carver when Alvin's next to him. To kill Nick you hide the photo from Nick & lie to Walter

  • You sneak out and tell Kenny to shoot.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    How do you get the option to tell Kenny to shoot Carver? And thanks

  • To be honest I'd rather keep Nick than Alvin.Yeah,Alvin's nice and all that but Nick had an awful lot of character build up.TTG made him an interesting character and Alvin has little to none.BTW can you get Carlos killed?I know Walter dies regardless,and then it's up to you about Alvin.

    I think it'd be nice for them to keep them around for a while longer, at least one of them. I doubt more than a handful of characters surviv

  • I certainly hope not. That annoyed me about season 1. No true point in saving Ben for example when you were just holding off the inevitable. I hope they break that trend and don't force scripted deaths for people who could die.

    I do love that your choices can affect who lives and dies right now though, they've done a fantastic job so far.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    .........I wouldnt be so sure about that....cough

    Well, they killed off the entire season 1 group aside from Glenn who was just there for a reference to the show and comics so they couldn't

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    I surrendered then bodytackled Carver before he cpuld shoot Alvin, he then picked Clem up and threatened to kill her, prompting Kenny to surrender

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    The best thing about this was watching you people whine and whine about Carley dying, but none of you seem to care about the new people so it wont be as fun...

  • They killed most of the season 1 group and most of the characters they didn't kill left the group. Any characters left were very changed. They are not afraid to upset us. d:

    K0t0 posted: »

    .........I wouldnt be so sure about that....cough

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