....Something is strange.



  • I didn't like Luke much. I started to like Kenny because I thought he is different to a s1 Kenny. If he again kills someone just because he wants to, my Clem hates him. Or if he is just crazy... well we have a problem.

  • Same. There is no way Luke is getting an off-camera death.

    Chomposaur posted: »

    I just figured they needed Luke to show up next episode to save the crew from Carver.

  • What? Luke got eaten by a walker at my storyline???

  • It's happened before.

    Same. There is no way Luke is getting an off-camera death.

  • Which death are you referring to?

    It's happened before.

  • Spoiler

    Do you mean Nick?

    Quinx posted: »

    What? Luke got eaten by a walker at my storyline???

  • Chuck.

    Which death are you referring to?

  • edited March 2014

    No! Luke gets attacked by a walker and then the balt man, the friend of Matthew see's it but he let him die..

    Or was it Nick? Now i forgot.

  • Spoiler

    I think he talks about Chuck the Magical Hobo, even if we got to see his body.

    Which death are you referring to?

  • think that is nick. I haven't had that one, but in mine Walt sees nick being attacked, and shoots the walker.

    Quinx posted: »

    No! Luke gets attacked by a walker and then the balt man, the friend of Matthew see's it but he let him die.. Or was it Nick? Now i forgot.

  • Lol, yes, that's Nick.

    If you show Nick the picture and tell him to tell Walter the truth then tell Walter Nick is a good guy Walter instead shoots the walker and saves Nick. Also, you save Alvin by either getting Kenny to stop shooting or trying to protect Alvin(depending on whether you stay in the house or go to Kenny). Those are the only two people you can save in that episode, though. It's sad, Walter and Matthew were good people. Very good people. D:

    think that is nick. I haven't had that one, but in mine Walt sees nick being attacked, and shoots the walker.

  • I doubt Telltale is going to pull the trigger on Luke this soon, but I think the rivalry between him and Kenny is definitely going to come to a head in episode 3.

    I sat with Kenny it still has the same effect. Kenny seems to be slipping and my next favorite character is Luke. PLEASE TTG IF YOUR READING THIS, PLEASE DONT SAY THAT KENNY KILLED LUKE. but damn Luke could of been working with Carver from the start.

  • In s1 Kenny never killed someone just because he wanted to. .-.

    He left Ben behind, but that was because he was leaving the choice up to Lee. Sure, he could have helped, but Ben indirectly got his family killed, so y'know.

    He was worried about Larry being dead and turning into a 6 foot 300 pound zombie. >.>

    GF1115 posted: »

    I didn't like Luke much. I started to like Kenny because I thought he is different to a s1 Kenny. If he again kills someone just because he wants to, my Clem hates him. Or if he is just crazy... well we have a problem.

  • Yeah, when the Wellington argument started I thought the same thing. "Oh no, this is the new 'boat.'" I like Kenny, he was Lee's best friend in season 1, but this kind of obsession might get people killed.

    Oh man as soon as Kenny started talking about Wellington, even though I wanted to go there to all I could think was "Oh no, this is the new

  • Spoiler

    Well i dont think Kenny killed Luke or at least i hope not, i think Luke might have run away and will try to find a way to save the group and if you see the trailer on the next episode when you finish episode 2 you can see a part where Kenny tells Clementine that he didnt know if they could save Walt but that at least one of them didnt give up, he might be referring to Luke

  • I wouldn't consider Chuck as central as a character to Season 1 as Luke has become in Season 2


  • Kenny is actually very smart...

    Tesla89 posted: »

    Kenny was a stupid redneck. Now he is a crazy stupid redneck. Fuck him. I will kill him if he killed Luke. Luke is my man.

  • The thought crossed my mind, but then things came up to make me think that maybe Luke did just run away. He doesn't seem to be a coward, but think about it. Carver says, "So Luke finally cut and run? Why does that not surprise me?" Maybe Luke isn't a very trustworthy person, and Carver knows this, also how Nick that that Luke just "Always keeps moving". I really don't think that Kenny would have killed Luke out of jealousy, so him having just run is the next logical thing.

    Of course, he could have just stayed behind as well and may try to rescue them in Episode 3. I think Kenny killing Luke is about as likely as Luke working for Carver, so him running or staying behind are the two options that I've been considering.

  • I really don't think that Carver is Steve. It just doesn't make any sense to me, especially since he appears to have a much larger group.

    somehow i doubt luke is 'worse than carver' he left carver once... and if carver is the guy russel mentioned carver does mention '7' then yeah luke's gonna save the day

  • At first, I the laugh made me think of Santa Claus... Afterwards, it made me think he was losing his mind a little, especially once he called Clementine Duck.

    JonGon posted: »

    Was excited to see Kenny but chose luke because Kenny seems off, especially when he laughs lol

  • Good point. Consider that Kenny seems like he's changed quite a lot though. There are a lot of blatantly obvious signs he's changed. Also consider Kenny tries to get Lee killed by not helping him in season 1 if you don't agree with him about nearly everything.

    Zyphon posted: »

    The thought crossed my mind, but then things came up to make me think that maybe Luke did just run away. He doesn't seem to be a coward, but

  • edited March 2014

    After what nick and Carver said, I'm starting to trust Luke less. He's started to remind me a bit of Jack from Fables/TWAU.

    Kenny seems to have changed a little at least, if you tell him not to take the second shot, then he'll listen. I don't think he's as "hot-headed" as S1 Kenny was. Maybe he's learned a bit. Also, I really don't think he'd choose Sarita over Clementine, at least not in my playthrough.

    At the moment, I've been sticking with Kenny, but i've been a bit cautious. I usually go through a second time on a different save fil to "correct" my choices, and I think I'm going to take the blame for the photo the second time around,. and also maybe try and stay a little more neutral between Kenny and Luke(I'm still going to choose Kenny though, just be somewhat more neutral).

    Art2Heart posted: »

    My first playthrough I'm with Luke and intend to stick with him because I don't know how or if Kenny has changed since back then or not much

  • Restaurant?

    Reusou posted: »

    Exactly what I was thinking. I sure wonder exactly how much his majestic beard had grown back when Sarita found him holed up in that restaurant... Poor guy.

  • Kenny never killed anyone because he wanted to in S1... He was trying to protect the group when he killed Larry. And with Ben... Well, technically he just didn't help.

    GF1115 posted: »

    I didn't like Luke much. I started to like Kenny because I thought he is different to a s1 Kenny. If he again kills someone just because he wants to, my Clem hates him. Or if he is just crazy... well we have a problem.

  • Maybe he threw him in a life or death situation?Like left him for the walkers or literally threw him down off a cliff or something?

    WaitW00t posted: »

    Yups.. and the whole " Luke went for a hike" thing .. i just hope he a'int killed off Luke , if he did i will not protect him or Sarita if i would have the chance

  • edited March 2014

    I've never gotten the scene that your talking about, but even though this is a much happier Kenny, I still get the feeling that maybe he's become more reasonable(I was able to convince him not to take the shot on Carver). Of course, his mental state is clearly a little... fragile.

    Good point. Consider that Kenny seems like he's changed quite a lot though. There are a lot of blatantly obvious signs he's changed. Also

  • WHAT EVER i've gave my theory/opinion.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I really don't think that Carver is Steve. It just doesn't make any sense to me, especially since he appears to have a much larger group.

  • I don't trust Kenny any more, he seem to break down after he lost his family and he show signs of a break down in the first series, now in this episode he is really disillusion. He shows he has anger problems, and is over protective, which I understand but he seems to be living in the past. Sorry to the Kenny fans but I really don't want Clem to stay around Kenny, he's sick and he probably doesn't even know it. He think his right everyone should go with his planning. Nick didn't agree with him on ice and the zombies and things got ugly fast. Like everyone else Kenny lost it when he saw death and sadness. And the fact that he was lock in a restaurant for a long period of time, proably didn't help

    Luke isn't the guy to abandon them, If Kenny has done something, or if he told him to have a hike, because of that he got killed/injured I'm never going forgive him for that.

  • The scene is in episode 3 I think, when Lee and Kenny are searching a house for supplies. You get to choose whether to kill a woman being attacked by zombies and put her out of her misery or let her stay alive and provide a distraction, then you search the building for supplies. You then escape with Kenny, but zombies bust down a door onto Lee. If you're on good terms with Kenny, he helps you lift it, but I've heard/read that if you don't agree with Kenny much or any, he won't help you and you'll have to push the door up your self.

    Also in episode 5, Kenny initially refuses to help Lee find Clementine if you don't agree with him most of the time.

    I do think Kenny is going to be an interesting character this season like he was last season, though. :D

    Zyphon posted: »

    I've never gotten the scene that your talking about, but even though this is a much happier Kenny, I still get the feeling that maybe he's b

  • Luke is odd no matter what...

  • By the response of the above poster I have come to t the conclusion we need all the good users back...

    Zyphon posted: »

    I really don't think that Carver is Steve. It just doesn't make any sense to me, especially since he appears to have a much larger group.

  • Clem was thinking that Kenny was different maybe that's what's different with him, he's now a crazy murderous bastard!

    EmperorZorn posted: »

    I hope not, but it's a very good theory..

  • KunnyKunny Banned

    "Seriously pissed off dead guy!"

    In s1 Kenny never killed someone just because he wanted to. .-. He left Ben behind, but that was because he was leaving the choice up to

  • KunnyKunny Banned

    I don't trust the Cabin Group but i still don't want them killed.

    And i'm SURE that Kenny didn't kill Luke. He ISN'T a murderer! Not with Sarita in his life now. ( He never was before)

    Do you really think he would kill Luke just because he didn't wanted Clem to go with him? You don't know Kenny then.. he's not a Murderer!

    I don't trust Kenny any more, he seem to break down after he lost his family and he show signs of a break down in the first series, now in t

  • edited March 2014

    Well, Kenny discovered that Luke's group was responsible for Matthew's death (Kenny was the one who told Walter about it, when they met Bonnie outside and Kenny told Clementine to go back inside), I think Kenny blamed Luke about it when they went together to the woods, they fought and got separated. I'm pretty sure that Kenny did not kill Luke, but if he did it was for Matthew's death, not for a ordinary thing like jealousy

  • Spoiler

    i don't see kenny hurting luke, but luke has been acting strange most of this episode, with alot of odd things popping up. pete getting shot, if you saved him, luke having clem play leader on the bridge, having her climb the ladder to spot the lights... everybody else had moved away to the confrontation at the lodge door by the time she mentioned them, so i don't think anybody actually heard her, yet he knew about them before she had a chance to mention it, and there's the incident with walter. both nick and carver have said things about luke that has me questioning him, and from that, i could see luke deciding to cut and run when carver shows up, since carver more or less blames the whole incident on luke leading them astray.

    if luke was tryin to convince kenny to stay away from the armed group rounding up his friends, i can easily see kenny tellin him off.

  • edited March 2014

    Luke could be locked in a shed.
    I thought kenny was just talking to walter about inviting people in/giving them a load of supplies without checking them out something. Though maybe Bonnie will help someone out along the line somehow.

  • edited March 2014

    Damn. I don't want to imagine Kenny pulling a Lilly on us.

    That would be kind of ironic, though. It would mean he became just like his arch-nemesis in Season 1 ... It would be really, really sad to see Kenny become like that.

  • No Kenny isn't a murderer. He is really disillusion. What I am saying is I think he is going to snap like Lilly and do something stupid. a person can only handle so much, Kenny has been through hell, there is no coming back from that, now that his has a wife won't help that. Its something mentally, and if the person doesn't have help they won't get better. Kenny won't get help, he doesn't like to talk about things, and he doesn't have that help because of the zombie apocalypse. He isn't going to get better.

    Kunny posted: »

    I don't trust the Cabin Group but i still don't want them killed. And i'm SURE that Kenny didn't kill Luke. He ISN'T a murderer! Not with

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