[Theory] _____ is a traitor to the group


Luke has been betraying the group all along. That's why he ditched Kenny, because he KNEW Carver and their people were coming.

He was super nice to Clem, and even Carver seemed to admire qualities in her. Maybe they were "grooming" her so to speak. Carver knew exactly when to come by to scout when no one was there...why do you think that is?

Luke betrayed the group and that's why Carver was able to track them so easily/quickly. For all Kenny haters, sorry, Kenny may be unhinged right now, he may not trust Luke and the cabin group, but he did not kill Luke. He may be unhinged just a bit, but he's not a murderer.

Luke, as nice as he seems, almost seems TOO nice.



  • Yeah the whole TOO NICE thing is bugging me to hell.......

  • I didn't think Kenny killed Luke, Kenny seemed to focused on the task to hold a grudge against someone he just met whom is also a friend of Clem's. I felt like Luke split off as well. I'm not so sure if he's a traitor, though I don't actually know, but it's possible he got captured in the woods by others in Carver's group, or he stayed out of sight to try and plan a rescue. Can't wait to find out.

  • Interesting theory. The only thing that bugs me about it is why would Luke decide to lead them in their escape from Carver's camp in the first place? And I'm assuming that strictly on what Carver says about them deciding to follow Luke. I guess Luke could have decided to betray them later, but that just doesn't sit well with me. Then again, it's hard to believe that Luke really is that good of a person, but maybe that's just my pessimistic/realistic nature shining through.

  • I think Luke is trying to be some kind of Rambo (you know, a little like Kenny in S1 - he always knows what to do, where to steal from and else). I didn't really like it when he said that killing walkers is gonna be a good fun. I think he doesn't really care about anyone in the group. You noticed that he wasn't even sure what was Sarah's name at the begginning? I think you could be right. It would make this character much more interesting

  • What kind of traitor would defend someone with a bite against the group?They know best to protect themselves, why tread on the risk of being noticed just to help a total stranger?
    He is also way too brave to be one. Most possibly decided to follow the group and sneak in. Damn, why would some of you trust someone who slaughtered people near a river, lined everybody to shoot them, cracking a man‘s fingers?
    Carver talked about trust a lot. Well, I‘ rather trust Nate than him. Wish so much Lee was still alive, he could kill Carver or at least exceute a plan to save Clem.

  • I don't think so.

    I just think he ran away because he knew there was no way the group was getting out of there. He figured the best course of action would be to try and save them later instead of being captured.

    I'm guessing during the events of EP3 he'll be brewing a plan to try and save the group from Carver. Then he's gonna show up the end of episode and assault the community along with a new group.

    Plus, Carver's all like "I told you not to trust him, and now he's left you". He definitely does not like Luke.

  • Carver specifically said they shouldn't have followed Luke, making it sound as if Luke was the original traitor and convinced the others to abandon Carver's base. Also if Luke was trying to lead them into a trap, he could have easily led them in circles through the woods. Also he wouldn't have wanted to meet the other group at the Ski Lodge, because bringing in more outsiders would have only complicated things for Carver.

  • This still makes me wonder why he was so nice to Clem and why he had her of all people to help kill the walkers on the bridge. He could've had Carlos or Alvin do do it, Carlos didn't need to be with Sarah and Alvin didn't need to be with Rebecca either.

  • was wondering where Luke was. He should reappear in next Episode I think. But I'm not sure that he's a traitor. Obviously there is something that happened between him and Carver - probably in convincing the group to abandon Carver.

  • edited March 2014

    I'm with you brother.

    Plus did you notice how when Luke chose to take clem over the bridge with him and the others protested sayin she is "just a littler girl" Luker said
    "a useful little girl". He seems to be using clem, making her do dangerous jobs like talking to the stranger and climbing the ladder etc..

    Very suspicious of Luke's motives at this point.

    Yeah the whole TOO NICE thing is bugging me to hell.......

  • Could it be that he doesn't like her and wants her dead? Maybe to get back at having Pete gone.

    clemlee posted: »

    I'm with you brother. Plus did you notice how when Luke chose to take clem over the bridge with him and the others protested sayin she is

  • He said she's a "valuable little girl" not a "useful" one.

    clemlee posted: »

    I'm with you brother. Plus did you notice how when Luke chose to take clem over the bridge with him and the others protested sayin she is

  • I think Luke just hiding. I see no sense to show after having nothing to do. I think next episode he will return and help to others escape from Carver.
    And why do you think that there is a traitor?

  • I dont trust Luke but he could return with the rest of the 400 crew and save Clem and the rest in Episode 3...

  • Yeah just played it through again and saw that. Still not much different, still give me the same vibe, that he is using clem. Anyways hope I am wrong.

    He said she's a "valuable little girl" not a "useful" one.

  • I think Kenny killed Luke.

  • i just realized something, maybe carver was the one that killed him. think about it his whole group was armed with guns they could've easily shot him if they crossed paths, also im thinking carver was also the one that shot pete maybe on his way back from the cabin.

  • Maybe in episode 3, we play with Clementine in Carver place and a little bit with Luke trying to find another group to rescue the cabin crew.

  • I don't exactly get the feeling that Luke is a traitor, but there is something wrong with him. He's not really a coward either, he fights walkers with ease... Yeah, him being a traitor is the most likely explanation now that I think about it.

  • edited March 2014

    If you choose to look for Kenny, Kenny tells you that HE told Luke to go away. Luke did not abandon Kenny.

    If anything I'm more worried about Kenny himself.

    And FYI Kenny is already technically a murderer. I may not like it, but it is true.

  • Kenny might not of have killed Luke but Kenny does seem a bit mental after being faced with Katjaa and Duck's death.

    I didn't think Kenny killed Luke, Kenny seemed to focused on the task to hold a grudge against someone he just met whom is also a friend of

  • I wish Lee was back too. Season 2 is missing him and It's noticeable in my opinion. I can imagine Lee and Clementine in episode one and I can vision Lee helping Clem again..
    It would've made the episode much more enjoyable.

    oscarwilde posted: »

    What kind of traitor would defend someone with a bite against the group?They know best to protect themselves, why tread on the risk of being

  • Remember what Nick said about Luke?

    Chomposaur posted: »

    Carver specifically said they shouldn't have followed Luke, making it sound as if Luke was the original traitor and convinced the others to

  • Maybe Luke is being strategic. He was probably thing "If I start shooting at them then I'm putting the group in danger or I could be captured and what good am I if I get caught?" He could be tracing back the group to Carver's camp so he can rescue them.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I don't exactly get the feeling that Luke is a traitor, but there is something wrong with him. He's not really a coward either, he fights walkers with ease... Yeah, him being a traitor is the most likely explanation now that I think about it.

  • Well, explain Walter then? He was setting all sorts of alarm bells for me, but he was a genuinely decent person.

    Yeah the whole TOO NICE thing is bugging me to hell.......

  • I had thought of this as well, and I've now determined that Luke being a traitor or staying behind to track them later are the two most likely situations.

    Maybe Luke is being strategic. He was probably thing "If I start shooting at them then I'm putting the group in danger or I could be capture

  • Theres a lot of interesting ideas proposed here for sure, but it definitely leads to some questions in regards to how Luke could even have pulled this off, if Luke was a traitor, he would have to have agreed to do it super recently, it doesn't make sense if Carver knew where they were held up in the woods cabin the entire time and never just got his group to surround it, sure there were people like Nick and Pete to defend it but even then we know Carver has enough brass balls to know he can take the whole group in one go.

  • edited March 2014

    Im thinking that Luke will do that strategy of taking a bunch of walkers and put them on a vehicle and then throw them on Carver's place. So only the carver group would fight the walkers(because Carver isn't crazy by giving a gun to anyone of our group) and by this distraction, Luke will have time to rescue the hostages.

    Maybe Luke is being strategic. He was probably thing "If I start shooting at them then I'm putting the group in danger or I could be capture

  • edited March 2014

    Clementine is technically a murder for a good number of people as well(killed the Stranger), yet no one calls her that, so why is it different for Kenny. In that situation, there was a good chance that Larry would have killed someone.

    I'm not denying that he's a "murderer", I just dislike it when people use it against him. It's not as if he killed someone in cold blood like Lilly...

    Flog61 posted: »

    If you choose to look for Kenny, Kenny tells you that HE told Luke to go away. Luke did not abandon Kenny. If anything I'm more worried about Kenny himself. And FYI Kenny is already technically a murderer. I may not like it, but it is true.

  • This, also the fact that I sat with Kenny and he asked a alot about Luke. I think he trusted him with following them and try to save them, at least I hope that's what happened :P

    sa6etoo posted: »

    I think Luke just hiding. I see no sense to show after having nothing to do. I think next episode he will return and help to others escape from Carver. And why do you think that there is a traitor?

  • Ah sorry, I meant Kenny murdered a member of our group.

    I completely understand his reasons, but unfortunately it is true.

    However, Kenny did kind of kill someone in cold blood didn't he? Lilly was inflamed by rage, just like Lee when he killed his wife's lover, and Kenny actively planned to kill Larry. It depends on your definition of 'cold blood' I suppose.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Clementine is technically a murder for a good number of people as well(killed the Stranger), yet no one calls her that, so why is it differe

  • Well, no, he "killed" Larry to try and save the group. He had a reason, so it's not really "cold blood", especially when there's a good chance that Larry was already dead. I mean, even if they got him breathing again, a guy his age with heart problems?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ah sorry, I meant Kenny murdered a member of our group. I completely understand his reasons, but unfortunately it is true. However, Ke

  • edited March 2014

    You know, this actually makes some sense. When Carlos finds out that Carver entered the cabin, Luke says (if you'll excuse my paraphrasing) "You're dad's the nicest person I know. That's why isn't going to do anything crazy, or... not nice."

    Luke was getting a bit passive aggressive with Carlos, and he seemed to be defending Carver for some reason. We probably need to hear more about their backstories first.

  • Nope. Not buying it. If Luke was a traitor, he'd have done something already. I believe he knows the group is in trouble and has gone to get help. He's the only one of the cabin group not to get caught and so that means he's the only one that can come to our rescue. Maybe he'll find Christa and/or Eddie..

  • Luke just fucking ran off, can't believe I actually liked him.

  • edited March 2014

    Does no one legitimately think that Luke is just fond of Clementine? There's plenty of relations between them. For one, the fact that she is capable of actually doing something on her own, Rebecca admits that everyone, including herself, wouldn't last on their own.

    Could also be the fact that after their chat at dinner back at the cabin he felt sorry for her, hearing that she lost her parents and the people she trusted, then almost dying and being chastised by the rest of the group like some common criminal.

    What I wouldn't be surprised at is if he's the person who originally defied Carver and encouraged the Cabin group to leave the main group, although I'm sure others like Carlos and Rebecca had their own reasons for leaving as well. Might I just add, Lee seemed too good to be true also. Granted, we were playing as him. But he still had an influence and, to others, was his own person. It's evidence that there are people in the apocalypse that still possess humanity and kindness, at the very least a fraction of it. Or could have, providing you didn't play him as a silent Lee...

    Regardless, we'll see Luke again, guaranteed. Probably.

  • I made a topic on this.

    Maybe Luke is being strategic. He was probably thing "If I start shooting at them then I'm putting the group in danger or I could be capture

  • edited March 2014

    This could've been an excuse Luke used to leave the group to get help. If he just ran off Kenny would probably be like "get back here" or "where you going?" Kenny killing Luke very unlikely since Nick was with him not long before and judging by the weapons they had, there's no way to kill Luke without the sound of gunfire.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If you choose to look for Kenny, Kenny tells you that HE told Luke to go away. Luke did not abandon Kenny. If anything I'm more worried about Kenny himself. And FYI Kenny is already technically a murderer. I may not like it, but it is true.

  • I feel like there's a difference. Here's a couple of examples:

    "Clemlee, you're a useful friend to me."


    "Clemlee, you're a valuable friend to me."

    Here's another one:

    "Clementine you're really useful to Luke."


    "Clementine you're really valuable to Luke."

    See the difference? The first sentence feels like the relationship is pragmatic while the second sentence sounds like the relationship is more emotional. I rather be valued than handy.

    clemlee posted: »

    Yeah just played it through again and saw that. Still not much different, still give me the same vibe, that he is using clem. Anyways hope I am wrong.

  • Clementine killed out of self defense, though. The theory here is that Kenny might've gotten in a disagreement with Luke that ended with a bullet in his head.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Clementine is technically a murder for a good number of people as well(killed the Stranger), yet no one calls her that, so why is it differe

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