My Thoughts On Episode 2

SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Well Ladies and Gentlemans Saltlick is back, Missed me ? I was expecting to play the game tomorrow but for some reason it was available for ios today. The story repeated itself from Season 1, Episode 1 of both season was meh you know average stuff getting to know the new people and a couple of hard choices but nothing compared to what was to come. It was great to see Ken again and i loved the character development in this episode, The Fact that your choices decide Nick and Alvin's fates was a nice touch by Telltale and the overall "Who to trust?" Theme of the episode made it special and as enjoyable as Episode 2 of last Season which was my favorite, I guess the wait was worth it then !



  • Saltlick is back !!!! Btw I enjoyed the Episode 2 it was a nice bounce back from a rather Average Ep. 1

  • Of course Im back :) Have I missed anything ?

    Saltlick is back !!!! Btw I enjoyed the Episode 2 it was a nice bounce back from a rather Average Ep. 1

  • You missed Dislikes and Boombox cheetos ..

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Of course Im back Have I missed anything ?

  • Yeah but Fuck them for taking so long to release it right?


    Welcome back buddy :)

  • Hello there twin ! Enjoyed the Episode ?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Yeah but Fuck them for taking so long to release it right? Satire Welcome back buddy

  • I fucking loved it! So much happened and so much to take in! Finished my normal play through and doing my
    'Scummy-C' play through now :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Hello there twin ! Enjoyed the Episode ?

  • Yeah it was epic so much tension ! What choices did you make and who died in your playthrough ? Nick and Alvin surprisingly survived in my game :P

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I fucking loved it! So much happened and so much to take in! Finished my normal play through and doing my 'Scummy-C' play through now

  • It seems my Clem made all the right calls (or... The better calls). Both lived in mine also. I can't recall the other major decisions off the top of my head. Bad memory I guess.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah it was epic so much tension ! What choices did you make and who died in your playthrough ? Nick and Alvin surprisingly survived in my game :P

  • I Sat with Ken , Went to look for Luke and Kenny, Took ( Or tried to) take the blame for Sarah's picture since they can't do anything to me anyways , Forgot the other choices :P But im wondering if that community in Episode 3 is Tavia's

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It seems my Clem made all the right calls (or... The better calls). Both lived in mine also. I can't recall the other major decisions off the top of my head. Bad memory I guess.

  • Woohoo! Saltlick is back!

  • I sat with Luke. Kenny was scaring me :p

    I tried to take the blame for the pictures.

    And I gave myself up with Alvin and Rebecca.

    I would be really shocked if it wasn't Tavia's group, and not in an interesting or good way. It just makes sense, Bonnie being a good example.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I Sat with Ken , Went to look for Luke and Kenny, Took ( Or tried to) take the blame for Sarah's picture since they can't do anything to me anyways , Forgot the other choices :P But im wondering if that community in Episode 3 is Tavia's

  • Yeahhh Buddy !! Any thoughts you'd like to share ? Always nice chatting with you

    Rock114 posted: »

    Woohoo! Saltlick is back!

  • I wonder whats gonna happen with the peole who stayed at the camp then..

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I sat with Luke. Kenny was scaring me I tried to take the blame for the pictures. And I gave myself up with Alvin and Rebecca. I

  • Have you seen the theory about Luke recruiting them (among others perhaps) to save Clem and the rest of the group (and other captives)?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I wonder whats gonna happen with the peole who stayed at the camp then..

  • I thought the Episode was great. Some really great character development for Nick, and this Episode actually got me to like everyone in the Cabin Crew. Also... KENNY! He may look like a homeless Santa Claus, but his return made my day. The conversation with him about Lee immediately after reuniting with him was touching. I could go on, but I might end up writing a book.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeahhh Buddy !! Any thoughts you'd like to share ? Always nice chatting with you

  • I get the feeling he lost it a little but still, I'll always be there for Ken no matter how crazy he is :P And Im really starting to like Nick you can't help but feel bad for the kid

    Rock114 posted: »

    I thought the Episode was great. Some really great character development for Nick, and this Episode actually got me to like everyone in the

  • Nah I just got back to the forum but im guessing its that he will recruit the ones who stayed at the camp along with Eddie and someone else right ? Maybe even Bonnie joins too

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Have you seen the theory about Luke recruiting them (among others perhaps) to save Clem and the rest of the group (and other captives)?

  • Oh yeah, there's a couple threads about Kenny's mental state. I for one think he's losing it, and the beard is going to take some time to get used to, but I'll be there for (in my Season 1) Lee's bro.

    Also, learning that Nick and Alvin could die was surprising. Both of them survived in my game, thankfully. I made Pete (RIP) a promise to look out for him. He's not a bad kid.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I get the feeling he lost it a little but still, I'll always be there for Ken no matter how crazy he is :P And Im really starting to like Nick you can't help but feel bad for the kid

  • We made the same choices!! Saved them both and promised Pete to watch out for Nick, I still get a feeling all these Determinant characters will die later though :/

    Rock114 posted: »

    Oh yeah, there's a couple threads about Kenny's mental state. I for one think he's losing it, and the beard is going to take some time to ge

  • Yooo what's up my man SaltLick

  • What up Buddy my favorite Knicks Fan :P Pete died man you were right ..

    Deceptio posted: »

    Yooo what's up my man SaltLick

  • So you are saltlick ? Hi everyone keeps talking to me about you :)

  • What do you mean everyone keeps talking about me ? Anyways nice to meet you !

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    So you are saltlick ? Hi everyone keeps talking to me about you

  • Im new here and everyone says you are nice ;)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    What do you mean everyone keeps talking about me ? Anyways nice to meet you !

  • Liar you did see the theory! Lol jk. Nice guess!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nah I just got back to the forum but im guessing its that he will recruit the ones who stayed at the camp along with Eddie and someone else right ? Maybe even Bonnie joins too

  • Lol i swear to god I didn't it just makes sense ! Maybe all the survivors who went with Tavia end up joining you anyway

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Liar you did see the theory! Lol jk. Nice guess!

  • I couldn't handle it if Nick died. Now with Pete dead, he's my favorite Season 2 character. And I'd feel like I failed Pete, and after his epic last stand to buy Clem time, that just wouldn't sit right with me.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    We made the same choices!! Saved them both and promised Pete to watch out for Nick, I still get a feeling all these Determinant characters will die later though

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited March 2014

    Do you get the feeling Luke might be hiding something ? He was nowhere to be seen at the end hm..

    Rock114 posted: »

    I couldn't handle it if Nick died. Now with Pete dead, he's my favorite Season 2 character. And I'd feel like I failed Pete, and after his epic last stand to buy Clem time, that just wouldn't sit right with me.

  • I think so too. They will be the 'inside guys' while the other group will be helping externally perhaps? A Trojan horse team of sorts.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Lol i swear to god I didn't it just makes sense ! Maybe all the survivors who went with Tavia end up joining you anyway

  • And Becca , Sarah and Clem will be BFF :P

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I think so too. They will be the 'inside guys' while the other group will be helping externally perhaps? A Trojan horse team of sorts.

  • Oh stahp it :P

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Im new here and everyone says you are nice

  • I know, it sucks. :(

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    What up Buddy my favorite Knicks Fan :P Pete died man you were right ..

  • Did anyone else notice the guy next to him looks like Vernon ?

    Deceptio posted: »

    I know, it sucks.

  • I noticed that too !

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Did anyone else notice the guy next to him looks like Vernon ?

  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

  • Im back stronger than ever :P

  • The guy disliking everything is sad because saltlick is 10x times better than him xD

  • We're glad to have you back! I'm glad you enjoyed the episode like so many other people, including myself.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Im back stronger than ever :P

  • Yeah the episode was Awesome and it seems like Episode 3 is not gonna disappoint either ! Glad to be back

    We're glad to have you back! I'm glad you enjoyed the episode like so many other people, including myself.

  • Agreed. I don't think I've ever been so hyped over an ep of TWD as much as this one. If i recall, one of the writers will be the one who wrote the first ep of TWAU, so we're in good hands. Also apparently the wait for ep 3 will be considerably shorter than the one for ep 2, which is a relief....

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah the episode was Awesome and it seems like Episode 3 is not gonna disappoint either ! Glad to be back

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