S2 Ep2 -- A Minor Question... Or A Major One


I have a question regarding the fate of Walter. I'm not going to warn you of spoilers, you should already be aware of such if you're reading these discussions. Walter was killed by Carver in my playthrough. I really enjoy Walter, I have never seen a character in a game so similar to myself. I was wondering, can I save him? Is it possible to prevent his death? When I was hiding with Alvin and Rebecca, I chose to reveal Rebecca to save Carlos. But could I have went to look for Kenny instead and have saved Walter? I will replay it tomorrow and find out myself, but I would really enjoy an answer. Walter is an educater, and, it seems, an intellectual, just as myself. I would love to keep him in the story if at all possible. Thanks for reading and thanks for your answers.


  • Spoiler

    I went to go get Kenny and Luke and Walter died after Kenny shot one of Carver's men.

  • Unfortunately, it seems Walter is not able to be saved. A shame, really, since I really liked him too. He was intelligent and optimistic, traits that are in short supply in the game.

  • His upbeat attitude and willingness to forgive were very interesting, but unfortunately, in the Walking Dead world, those traits usually don't work out very well. R.I.P. Walter

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah, sad to say I don't believe he is savable. I too found Walter to be a likable character mainly based on the fact that despite meeting face to face with his best friends killer, he can still put the survival of the group at higher priority than his own revenge.

  • edited March 2014

    Yes it is a shame indeed. At least (if one believes in an afterlife) he got to see Matthew again, or at least became free of the pain of his loss. Oh well, we've all dealt with losses in this game, it is Telltale after all. It's just really disappointing that they killed off such a cultured character shortly after meeting him. Oh well, maybe they will introduce another intelligent and educated character.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Unfortunately, it seems Walter is not able to be saved. A shame, really, since I really liked him too. He was intelligent and optimistic, traits that are in short supply in the game.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Ignoring the cringy parts of yoir post:

    Characters on ttg twd either get killed being heroic or live long enough to give us a reason to hate them a la dark knight

    Yes it is a shame indeed. At least (if one believes in an afterlife) he got to see Matthew again, or at least became free of the pain of his

  • Tbh it only depends on what you said about nick

  • Spoiler

    Wait a second, i might have to play again but then anyone else get an option to grab Kennys rifle before he shoots Johnny?

  • I think Walter dying, after his whole speech on doing whats right and moral, keeping your head on straight, is just another sign of all morality being lost in this world. Getting closer to what will go down in Amid the Ruins...

  • I saw the implications in that but i didn't want to assume it.

    Not best friend. Lover.

  • The world keeps telling me good guys like Walt will never survive =(

  • i think so anyone know what happens?

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