It was not Telltale that made them though, someone elses fault there, all I wanted was a good Kenny and Lee skin and I got both, and a shit ton more skins to by all Ubei Soft games, and I know I misspelled there name.
I was making that clear to anyone else, and I wonder why they picked Christa Omid Molly and two Walkers to go with Kenny and Lee? If it was me it would have been Lee and Kenny, Clementine, Carley, Lilly, and a walker.
Well Lilly because sadly she was a major character and DOES have a fanbase, no matter how much I wish she did not, we do not need two walkers only one, and most people picked Carley which would piss off people that saved Doug but they always seem to get the raw deal, who would you have picked?
I know, I just made the best guess that would make most people happy, I for one just wanted a Kenny skin and I got it, I am sure there is some Lilly fan out there *cough, Ehkay, cough,* that wanted a Lilly skin.
Good. The show is a piece of shit!
Wow! If only Lee's fat head wasn't blocking that last part lol.
the proof is true, he is dead
I just laughed so hard xD
Great pics guys. Can you please tell me how you changed the fonts of the "?___will remember that" etc?
Stop necroing.
can yo be more specific ?
Well, it looks like I really am a necromancer.