Shit you think will bite you in the ass later.
Including anything you did in S1 or 400 days, what do you think will come back and bite you in the ass in S2?
I think me leaving Lilly behind on the side of the road is going to influence some decision, since you can tell Alvin about her doing the same thing as Nick and getting left behind, maybe that will be the resolution between Nick and the group.
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Letting Nick live.
Well you can tell Nick about Ben aswell and that can't have any impact to the story.
Some things i believe that could bite you in the ass later are:
Buring the drawing of Kenny and his family, not showing Sarah how to use a gun.
I totally forgot about the drawing! But in ep 2 when you're going to get the knife, it shows the backpack as completely empty, though maybe that was just a screwup on TT's part...
I can't think of anything in S1 or 400Days....but i sure as hell am waiting on that 'pinkie swear' to bite me in the ass later.
Letting everyone go with Tavia - that might mean they become Carver's thugs.
I think that was just a screwup, because when i was giving my good old friend uncle Pete the water bottle that was in Clems backpack before he was dieing, the picture and the drawing were inside of it aswell.
Letting Nick live, and doing the pinky swear with Sarah (thank god I showed her how to use a gun).
For me it's the opposite. Even if they're Carver's thugs I would still like to see them. Especially Vince who didn't come with Tavia
Yeah, it's always good to see old characters.
sitting with the new group instead of kenny
Probably not sitting next to Kenny during dinner. I've learned through Lee if I don't side with Kenny ALL the time, he gets an attitude problem. And heck, I might need him on my side down the road
Am I the only one around here who believes letting Nick live will NOT bite you in the ass later? If letting him live will only lead to trouble then it would really just be another Ben 2.0. I trust TT to be capable of better writing than that. Ben never got to shine before he died, Nick surely will.
Wow okey. Well. In the first episode when I saw the watch, I just picked it up by reflex, like "Oh! I can pick it up!". But afterwards I really hated that choice and thought that it would really bite me in the ass later. They'd call me a thief and so on... why would I need a watch? But yeah, apparently that was just a good thing so I don't think we can ever be sure about what Telltales cooking up.
I tough keeping the only thing left of Lee was the right choice there. Kenny can't blame me for that. He was Lee's friend too. I did let everyone go with Tavia, but since Bonnie actually was the only one to show up of them, I guess they didn't approve of Carver's way. At least I hope that's it. Russell would never agree with Carver's ways. Torture and stuff. He's seen enough shit like that to approve of something like that. Russell had it with bad guys. What I do think might come back for me later... maybe I'm crazy for thinking this, but I think the fact that I let Andy live might be something that might prove unwise... Something I already noticed... not taking that watch has proved to be something I reconsider to be a bad choice. Especially since Pete died. Because Nick said something about that he wished he had Pete's watch. As a memory of him. Then I tough back... damn... why didn't I take that thing? I could've comforted Nick with it now. Still, if I try another play trough, I guess I will try to save Pete next time, so then I won't need the watch, I guess.
I thought stealing the watch was a bad move until I had the option to give it to Nick.
You're going to want that watch either way...
Not necessarily, on half the playthroughs Nick is dead, so for quite alot of people he won't have any redemption
. Hopefully he's able to if he lives, as you said I would prefer to not have another Ben
I didn't take the watch, so I'm kinda bummed about that, but hopefully it won't have a real impact on anything (besides making Nick feel a bit better to have it).
There were a few times in the cabin with Carver where I was "unfriendly" toward him (I tried to shut the door on him when he first said hello, I tried to grab the knife). I realize it probably won't matter, but it was probably a better idea to play it cool/dumb and not be so aggressive toward him. Now, he realizes I'm not afraid to take a shot at him so he'll likely have his guard up around me more than he would have if he just thought I was a kid like Sarah.
Speaking of which, that's the one thing I'm most ambivalent: teaching Sarah about the gun (or even if you don't teach her, the fact that she would have something like that hidden without the knowledge about how to handle it safely makes me very uncomfortable). I can see how teaching her, or just the sheer fact she hides stuff like that, could cause a huge problem down the road (e.g., she tries to grab a gun and shoot Carver to save Carlos, but somehow shoots a friendly person instead).
SHIT i did that
i wasnt in the mood for kennys bullshit (something about beans and peaches on the way out - KENN GROSS EWW THEYRE EATING GODDAMMIT)
[downvotes and hate comments in 3, 2-]
Maybe they want you to think that teaching Sarah how to use the gun is a good thing but it will turn out to be a bad thing later.
Heck even Carlos even mentioned earlier to Clem that "They trust you, you need more info from them" or something from that line, so thought sitting next to Kenny would be beneficial.
I agree man. Everyone deserves a second chance for redemption and I'm a bit stumped Ben and Lilly never got it. I do hope Alvin and Nick get that chance.
I agree. I think there's a 50-50 chance it will end in disaster (I'm leaning toward disaster).
After all, based on Clem's "lesson," and Sarah's careless handling of the gun, it's not looking promising.
Also bugs me she'd have something like that hidden, even if it was unloaded. Just goes to show she's (Carlos voice) "not to be trusted..."
"Let me ask you this: when you met them, how much did they trust you?"
"What's your point?"
"If peole don't trust you, how can you trust them?"
Ben's redemption was coming along to save Clementine. And Lilly rejected her chance by betraying the group again.
Anything to do with Kenny, I learned from Season 1 he gets so pissy if you don't side with him or do it his way
Well...all those didn't have much impact though. Ben dies without doing anything of much importance (except the time when Lee drops Carley's gun and Ben picks it up) and I don't think rejecting the chance to betray the group again is a form of "redemption" in my book. And didn't Lilly steal the RV which is a form of betrayal?
EDIT: Ignore what I said about Lilly XD I misread Tyranniac's comment
Tryanniac said she rejected her chance of redemption by betraying the group. He wasn't saying her redemption was rejecting the chance to betray the group.
(Just thought Id clarify because the change in those sentences changes the meaning of the sentence drastically.)
Lol sorry my bad...I misread his sentence XD
Well considering in my playthrough with my sis we went outside to find kenny and then he shot a few times I'd say we're in some trouble lol.
Pinkie-swearing with Sarah.
God knows we'll have to mercykill her in a later episode.
1.) I didnt shoot Lee. I hope I don't come across zombie Lee later on.
2.) I got Alvin killed, No more chances for Juice boxes
3.) Ben2 lived.
4.) I was really negative to Carver when I should of played the game of thrones and waited for an opportunity.
5.) I didn't teach Sarah how to shoot.
Omg I would feel horrible after that choice.
I never got the option to teach her. I think it has something to do with befriending her or not on EP 1. I told her we were not friends.
If Kenny can come back from losing his family I'm sure Nick can come back from all that losing his mom and Pete,I at least hope he will become an aid to the group,also both Alvin and Nick survived on my playthroughs when I found out they could die I was proud of basically saving them I guess.
getting chewed out by rebecca maybe, since i didnt tell kenny to not shoot. i was such an intence part i didnt know what to pick.
I think every decision I ever made will come back to bite me in the ass,the game will disgrace me and just completely demoralise me before leaving Clementine in a horrible life and death situation cliff hanger waiting for season 3.Why Telltale,why do you do this?!
It's not that. I threatened her and refused to be her friend in the first episode.
I think it is based on what you tell her about Carlos and Pete. If you are honest about them (telling her Carlos is in danger and Pete is dead), then she shows you the gun and you can teach her about it.
Whether you take her picture or not doesn't matter either. I told her not to scare people and refused to take her picture. She still showed me the gun and I could decide to teach her (but, like I said, I told her the truth about Carlos and Pete).
Thanks for clarifying what I meant!
I agree. Sarah sneaking out to get a camera, a gun, and who knows what else makes me nervous. I'm afraid Carlos might blame Clementine for influencing her to act badly. Clem did sneak into the house and ask Sarah for help. That might have given her some ideas.