in episode 2 a house divided, who kicked the bucket in your file?
when i say who kicked the bucket i mean died, both nick and alvin died in my file, it a fucking massacre, i said nick was like everyone else thinking it ment jjust like the other cabin groups but i was wrong and when nick got bitten i was total wtf, and then when kenny about gonna shoot carver but carver is using alvin as a human shield, i panicked i didnt know what click on so i just let the timer run and BAM! alvin was dead.
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I saved Nick and Alvin on my first try and I didn't even know that they could die.
No one, I guess I'm a lucky bastard.
Same as Omid and TinyCarlos for me both survived,once I found out they could both die I felt good about saving them,I though I always made wrong decisions.
me too lol
I saved them both i said Nick was a good guy and then stayed to help Carlos so i didnt even had the possibility of Alvin diyng
martin and alvin poor guyz
nick and alvin
Nick and Alvin are still alive in mine, thank goodness. I didn't even know that they could die.
Oh, you meant the people who could be saved... Nick and Alvin both lived in mine. Hooray...
Nick and Alvin survived, although Alvin's survival was actually due to a mistake I made- I thought the [GRAB GUN] option when you're beside Kenny meant Clem would take the gun and do the shooting instead of Ken, and I chose that option because I thought I'd be better at aiming than him.
Just Walter on mine. I kinda wish Nick died though... assuming that's the screw-up, I get him confused with the other dude who's Clem's new BFF. After saving Ben time and time again in the first season hoping he would eventually redeem himself, I've given up on helping people like that.
Same here
...great minds definitely think alike!
All of you rest in peace..
Nick is worm food now, and I'm not too bothered, to be honest. I didn't necessarily want him to die, or that you could do anything to save him. Now that I know, I'll definitely go back and bring him along just for the hell of it. I actually felt for the guy, but that was just bullshit what he did to Matthew. He couldn't have known, sure, but he also majorly fucked up (in the same goddamn way everyone was getting on his case for) and cost an innocent his life.
yeah martin i thought he died in everyones playthrough?
Me too, I saved them both. Nick and Alvin. Well, whatever you do you can't save... What's his name again? The teacher who cooked their meal? Anyway, Kenny was right, Carver was gonna kill him anyways.
Alvin and walt died only nick survived
Alvin can still die if you give yourself up with Rebecca. When Alvin is at gunpoint if you don't yell for Kenny to stop or run to him he gets killed
everyone that could die, survived in my playthrough
u mean Walter and Matthew?
Saved both Nick and Alvin. I had a feeling that they could have died, though. I somehow knew it.
I really wish you could prevent Walter And Matthew's deaths, they were such like-able characters and they were way too nice for the world they were living in.
No one.
But I got this really grim death scene in which Clem falls off the bridge...
Same here. It was pretty clear that Alvin would have died if I didn't tried to save him,tough.
Yeah thats what I mean**
I managed to keep both of them Alive. I am a lucky bastard.
Nick died because I hate him.
Soul Brother Alvin died in my original play through. I should of told K-Dog to just give it up but I got blood thirsty and told him to take the shot. Leading to Alvin catching one in the head
Both Nick and Alvin died my first time through. I chose silence when Walter asked me about Nick so he let the walker bit him. And Alvin died because I snuck out and told Kenny to shoot Carver. But he got him in the shoulder, so he killed Alvin. I have played through the game four times and have gotten all four outcomes (1. Both dead 2. Alvin Alive 3. Both Alive 4. Nick Alive
Really? i didnt knew that ,good thing i managed to save them both