Did he shot...
There probably are a lot of threads like that but..
Did Kenny really shot Luke?
They went to the transformers together and he didnt let Sarita go with them.
After that he didnt want to talk what happend and just nervously responds that they argued and split.
And that look he gives u when u want to go find Luke.
Walter said they will find common ground. Hope Kenny didnt help Luke find the ground...
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only time will tell.....
Ofcourse he didn't, this theory is nuts. Luke was just smart enough to hide, because he knew he couldn't help out the group just armed with a Machette in this certain situation.
Could be true. But the whole expression that Kenny makes when we seek for him seems strange.
He has the same expression when you tell him that we have to try to save our friends. He is just worried and focusing on saving the others.
If Kenny did kill Luke, it was a stealth kill or a silent one at the very least. We would of heard a gunshot if he shot him, especially the loud ass noise those rifles would make.
It doesnt have to be silent. When the walkers came in there were a lot of shots plus when Carver came with AK's. One extra would gone unheard.
you have a point there, it could have blend in
In order for this to happen, he has to kill Luke, and get into position to kill Johnny, we also would've heard a shot regardless of other shots. Kenny isn't Sonic
I still think Kenny knocked him out and thinks that he killed him.
But when he told us that Luke was going to "take a hike"? In a middle of zombie attack?
Rather strange.
Well Kenny didn't ask Luke to go with him. He didn't even look at Luke. Luke volunteered to go with Ken.
Also, Kenny isn't Jesus, remember Kenny is poor at hand-to-hand fighting and there's no way that 1 rifle gunshot would have blended in with some automatic weapons. I bet Luke is rallying a squad to save Clem & Co.
I think Luke and Kenny just got into a fight because Luke told Kenny they should hide and Kenny wanted to stay and fight and Luke went and Hide because he knew they couldn't win.
I'm guessin he will show up in episode 3 or 4 alone or with some group of people to try and rescue the survivors.
Maybe episode 3 is all inside Carver's group adn trying to survive the rules and the group and connecting and about fighting the horde alongside with Carver's group. I mean, yes Carver's group took them hostage but when a horde comes towards you it doens't matter if you are enimies or not, you have to kill the horde...
The episode 4 slide has a group of hooded people and Clem with the face and hands fuill of blood so I'm guessing those hodded people are the ones Luke can bring with him to save the cabin group and Clem has blood on her hands because a lot of charatchers will die during the escape.
Kenny was obviously mad and suprised when Clem asked him about Luke. Maybe he didn't tell him to " take a hike " , but Kenny is no cold hearted murderer that's just ridiculess! Anyone who played Season one and saw his character develop should know about that.
If he did kill/knocked him in the middle of the zombie assault, from there to Carver's people going to the lodge there is hella time to get into the position he was.
There weren't only Carve's people guns to be heard. Nick and Carlos got the same rifles as Kenny did. There is small but still a possibility to make shot go unheard,
But yet i hope you're rigth and Luke's going to save the day.
Kenny did not kill Luke, as I've said, Luke is the deurantagonist of season 2 he cannot die offscreen, and Kenny wouldn't jus kill someone he didn't like
Yet it was a hard year for him and his attitude changed. Now for me he is easy to piss off and very aggressive.
I know he's not cold hearted but look how easy for him was to pull the trigger on Johny and Carver even when he had hostages.
I just hope Kenny didn't go nuts or anything... I mean he is really on the edge fighting his past and all but I don't think he would do something like that... would he?
Kenny always had a temper and seeing Clem again made him remember all the bad things about his past he tryed to forget.
But that still doesn't make the theory of Kenny killing Luke any less stupid and unlogical. You can't even compare those certain situations!
For me if he did kill him, i expected us too see his body on our way to Carver's camp. Wouldn't work thou becouse then Clem would be sooo upset on Kenny and on preview she talked to him and he even accused her for giving up.
I doubt Kenny did anything like that. I still think Luke is back in episode 3 and he will play a big part. Remember how they always point out that he makes plans? Still it will probably end up with a bloodbath since Kenny is up to a fight with Carver.
" And for those who don't accept our love, surely will wish that they had. " We all know good old Kenny, he won't accept their love and make Carver try to kill or torture him!
And yes, ofcourse Luke will return in episode3, i think that goes without saying.
I think the same. I mean it wouldn't make sense to kill Luke like at all. And if Luke really died probably he was attacked by a walker and Kenny couldn't help him. But again, I doubt it. He must be back with a plan in the next episodes.
Well, Now when Clem, the part of his past came back he is remembering the bad moments and kinda loosing it ("Pass me that can, Duck"),
Yet it's hard for him to kill a friendly.
The part with pass me that can, duck was more sad than anything. I mean the way I see it he is struggling hard to fight his past but he just can't. I don't blame him though. But he couldn't kill Luke, it wouldn't make sense really. A theory of mine is if luke died kenny just couldn't save him. Maybe he was attacked by a walker. Or maybe by Carver and Kenny just ran away idk. But I'm still sure Luke is alive.
If it turns out that he actually did kill Luke, I'll never trust him again...
The only way i see Luke dieing before the events of episode3 happen is if Carver killed him before he and his group came to the ski loghe. But that's very unlikely!
Im not sure but still hope he's alive.The fact that he didnt hesitate to kill Johny and didnt overreact much after Walter's death, and still wanted to shoot. It makes him look selfish and not caring about one's he don't know.
Yeah, that makes sense. Carver kills Luke then asks the group "where's Luke?"
Even impossible. Then why would Carver ask where is Luke? Plus the transformers seemed to be on the opposite side they came from. Sooo we can cross that out.
Yeah I forgot about that too... he was probably just hiding.
I didn't say that it makes sense, i just said it's the only possible way for him to be dead at this moment. Carver could have lied to the group after all, he is a evil and manipulating man!
I don't know..the creepy ass look on Kenny's face when Luke volunteered to go with him and how he held Sarita back made me worry.
But I don't think he did it, because I honestly can't see Kenny do such a horrible thing.
Still, IF he did it, I would hate him forever.
Well being stubborn, sometimes selfish was always part of Kenny's character. The thing that worries me the most is that he wants a war with Carver. I'm afraid he will start a shitstorm sooner or later.
The only thing we can cross out here is Kenny killing Luke.
And this is the dilemma of mine.
If he did Clem will hate him for that. Yet Kenny woulda died for Clem and really cares for her. Imagine him after Clem telling him that he hates him.
He woulda lost it completely. A crazy guy alone with his girl.
God don't make it happen.
Still it's unlikely but we sadly can't.
Agreed. We can only hope.