Does Sarah have Autism or Apergers?


Sarah is fifteen, but she acts like Clementine did when she was eight, she is very innocent, and looks at the world with rose colored glasses (unless her dad is being tortured in front of her.) She is excited by small things. Although, she does not look underdeveloped, and she does not have any obsessions with numbers/media/games like most people with aspergers/autism. Has it been at all confirmed that Sarah has any mental disorders? She also seems to have very bad anxiety when faced with stressful situations. I have a cousin with autism, who finds a brand new obsession every other week, and I studied psychology (on wikipedia) So I am kind of confused, she does not show that many symptoms of any mental disorders, but just seems way to naive to be completely "normal". I do have a friend at school, who is a girl, and diagnosed with autism, but she seems to fit in just fine with everyone else, and I would have never known unless she told me, so maybe it is less evident in girls.


  • but she acts like Clementine did when she was eight


  • It seems to me she has possibly minor or moderate Asperger's. Her apparent asthma, panic attacks, and extensive sheltering by Carlos likely compounded her issues.

    Asperger's is merely "social" autism. People with Asperger's, as you probably know, are fully normal and are entirely capable of mental processing, but have extreme difficulty conforming to social norms and interacting with others. Sarah's naivety and innocence, plus her saying she "hasn't met another girl her age since way before" (way before the outbreak even began), hint to me, at least, that she has some kind of moderate disorder. Carlos, being a doctor himself and overprotective, probably made it worse by sheltering her so extensively.

  • Yeah, Clementine made smarter decisions, and did not panic as much.

    but she acts like Clementine did when she was eight Wrong

  • Sarah has no ass burgers...that's ridiculess!

  • grabs popcorn

    Sarah has no ass burgers...that's ridiculess!

  • Since I probably have Asperger's (although I'm not diagnosed), I would guess she has i tor something similar.

    Gorthaur posted: »

    It seems to me she has possibly minor or moderate Asperger's. Her apparent asthma, panic attacks, and extensive sheltering by Carlos likely

  • Nah she doesn't. Panic attacks and freezing up isn't Autism or Asperger's, but she's been sheltered by Carlos so she hasn't had the chance to get used to the world she lives in.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited March 2014

    I don't think she does, She just acts the same way anyone who has been sheltered and Overprotected for the first 15 years of their lives would and she's just not socially there yet but who knows maybe she does have some sort of mental disorder don't count that out

  • edited March 2014

    People with autism in general have a hard time with lying, not being able to read and mimic social cues.

    Which could explain why Carlos finds out everything Sarah does behind his back.

  • I don't think so, she's just sheltered. It would make sense that Carlos would want to keep her as innocent as possible.

  • I dunno, she seems to act like 15 year olds do, apart from the panic attacks.

  • Probably not. More likely she's just mentally and emotionally retarded, developmentally stunted from being abused in Carver's weirdo love-cult and suffers from panic attacks as a result.

  • No no no... she is just unprepared for that world thanks to Carlos who, from his point of view, protects her. But it will turn out really bad for her in that world. She is unable to make a decision, she panics a lot and so on...

  • Was she really sheltered her entire life like some kind of disney princess? I figured she was only sheltered from the zombie apocalypse...

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I don't think she does, She just acts the same way anyone who has been sheltered and Overprotected for the first 15 years of their lives wou

  • Someone who has been sheltered for about 2 years wouldn't act like that, Its Obvious Carlos has always treated her like a little girl

    Was she really sheltered her entire life like some kind of disney princess? I figured she was only sheltered from the zombie apocalypse...

  • edited March 2014

    This may sound weird but I did some research and I came across Post Traumatic Stress disorder under child mental issues.

    For those of you who aren't aware PTSD is when someone has a near death experience,have been subjected to physical harm or just any other traumatic event that causes them mental anguish. These kinds of events can leave quite a mental scar and cause the victim to no longer socially function properly.Considering how freaked out she was when she saw Carver makes me think this could be a plausible idea. Just look at some of the symptoms that match up with Sarah's behavior:

    • Becoming clingy to parents
    • Staying away from certain events,places or PEOPLE.
    • Being easily startled
    • Having trouble remembering the event
    • Feeling strong guilt, depression or worry

    Carver could have done something to Sarah or maybe even Carlos that caused her to start to lose it in certain scenarios. Carlos noticed this and now tries to keep her as calm as possible by locking her away and numbing the outside world to her.

    Just my stupid theory and I would like to hear from you guys.

  • Or she has some sort of mental disorder.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Someone who has been sheltered for about 2 years wouldn't act like that, Its Obvious Carlos has always treated her like a little girl

  • Better than anyone else's theory, even mine. You have my thumb.

    Idontcare posted: »

    This may sound weird but I did some research and I came across Post Traumatic Stress disorder under child mental issues. For those of you

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