What was Kenny talking about?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

when he said ''but I know one of us didn't just give up.'' ?


  • Probably attaining to the fact that you chose to surrender rather than go to find Kenny or Luke, if you choose to find Kenny he just says that Walt would have died no matter what we did.

  • Spoiler

    If you turn yourself in to Carver, he criticizes you for it. Also happens if you surrender when you sneak out to find Kenny and Luke, if I'm not mistaken.

  • KunnyKunny Banned


  • It depends on ur playthrough if u surrender to carver right away when carver has Carlos he says that if u go find Kenny and Luke he says I don't know if we could saved Walt but I ain't going out like this not without a fight

  • If you give up when Carlos is an hostage.

  • If you choose to turn yourself in by telling Kenny to not shoot when Alvin is hostage he doesn't criticize you. It's just whether you chose to sneak out or not.

  • edited March 2014

    I think he's telling Clementine off for surrendering to Carver. If you didn't surrender, I think that quote is replaced by, "Son of a bitch would have shot Walt no matter what we did. Well I ain't goin' out like that. Not without a fight.".

  • Spoiler

    I think he is referring to when you choose to surrender and give up to save Carlos at the hostage scene at the last part of the episode. If you choose the other option which is to leave and go find Kenny and Luke he will say something different in the preview for the next episode.

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