Congratulations TTG!

ALL of my The Walking Dead save files are gone.
Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of piece of shit game developers still haven't sat down and fixed this problem that's plagued the game for almost two years. Me and my girlfriend spent hours and hours getting to to episode 5 the other night only to wake up and have the game insist we start from Episode 1, or just use random choices for episode 5.
Oddly enough, I can still see all the saved game files in my documents > the walking dead folder. Even with appropriate time stamps when we last quit playing. I tried deleting all but the latest, disabling internet / steam cloud, et cetera. Nothing works, no matter what I do the game will default start from Episode 1.
Any advice? Has anyone discovered a work around for this fucking abysmal display of programming? Hilariously enough, the game is constantly (ie; start of every episode) reminding players how important their decisions are and it essentially prides itself off of that emotional commitment we make throughout the game. And yet, the #1 game breaking bug is something that completely REMOVES all of the choices you've done.
Summary? Fuck you Telltales, you're a piece of shit company that launched a broken product(s). I've wasted over $50 on your two shit tier games and can't even begin to explain how frustrating it wasting time and money on something that outright deletes the work you put in.
What a joke, I will never buy another one of your products again.
Whoa there buddy.
try this
"I had the same kind of problem.
Played 7/8 of Episode 4 and went to bed.
When I got back today no saves from episode 4 seemed to exist even though I had all the achievements. Also when trying to load episode 3 the game just froze.
Here is the solution that worked for me to restore my game to it's previous working state including all saves:
I copied the file from the folder: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead
and copied it in:
G:Steam\steamapps\common\the walking dead\Pack\default
(G being the root letter of the drive where my Steam is installed. It varies from user to users).
Boom! Everything is working fine."
isn't this on the wrong section?
Take it easy. First and only warning.
I think I've tried this, but will give it another go. Cheers.
Nope. Didn't work. Seriously, this is one of the most pathetic showings I have ever seen from a company that won so many GOTY awards. Absolutely pathetic. The steam forums, online Q&A's for support and so forth are littered with literally hundreds and hundreds of people complaining about this broken system. Nothing has been done to fix it, people are losing time / money, summary remains the same, fuck you TTG.
Oh no, you'll have to play through an amazing game series again! Life must be hard.
You should open a thread on support section instead
I understand you're frustrated, but man, you need a cool refreshing glass of beer to calm down them nerves.
We have better shit to do, no offense, get a job / girlfriend and you'll quickly realize life wasn't meant to be wasted replaying games you've already beat because the developers are lazy fucks.
What to do:
Edit: It seems the situation is slightly different when this happens across different episodes. Some fine sleuthing from McHitman47 later in this thread delivered the solution:
For ex. you finished the first two episodes, and you finally want to start the third one and you get your saves deleted ?
You do all this holy man told us to do but just don't start from the first episode, start the second one, change the dates and all that good stuff and replace it with your save from the second episode.
Replacing a save from the 1st episode with a save from the 2nd or 3rd freezes the game completely.[/quote]
try this.
Sorry to hear about it,I don't know of anyway to fix it,when it happened to me I just replayed through,but I had time to waste.
Well to be honest he has reason for this to be a problem. He has spent 10 hours replaying a game, now he has to do it all over again. Unless he's picking different choices, which i doubt so because you can either be a good guy or an asshole, and you usually prefer to be the good guy, you have to spend yet another 10 hours doing the exact. Same. Thing. When you consider playing the game for real, it has no replayability value whatsover.
I work 65+ hours a week. Tons of bills to pay, I have a mortgage on my home, cars I'm paying, family I support, et cetera. I have responsibilities and "real life" decisions that are taxing enough as is. The few, and I mean this, very few hours I get to enjoy games and other things is next to nothing to the grind I experience everyday. Not to mention my girlfriend "hates" games and I finally convinced her to sit down and play this one with me after guilt tripping her for not giving it a chance. Now it's deleted all of our choices and neither of us can even believe that the most likely option for fixing it seems to be, well, "just go replay it".
Appreciate it man, really do, but I think I'm over this already. Just wanted to vent my frustration. I've just deleted both games from my steam folder, I'm not even about to go downloading stuff, renaming files, and doing some work around because, again, the developers have moved away from supporting their product and onto new development cycles.
Great game though, was really cool while it lasted, it's just sad that it's broken to the point of not being worth the time to invest or play.
1st why would you spend hours and hours playing a shit tier game?
2nd why the hell are you throwing around "fuck you telltale" here and there? maybe let yourself calm down first then make a thread with less f bombs and maybe one of the telltale staff could come in here and help you
3rd NOBODY cares about your job your girlfriend and how much time you have, most of us already have that stuff to deal with too but you don't see us going to the telltale forum telling people about that stuff, keep it to your god damn self PLEASE
I do understand though, but there's no need to spout negative things about Telltale when they evidently work hard on the game, it's quite nasty. What about taking a break from the game?
Reading comprehension is great, trust me, it's not overrated. You should look into getting some.
Ranting on the forums is extremely frowned upon here.
lol is it your problem that i type like this on a forum? no i didn't think so
He has every right to be frustrated, Nobody can take that away from the guy since He paid for the game and Telltale is the one at fault here but coming into their Community and making a whole Thread just to shit on them is rather Idiotic if you ask me you should have contacted them by Email first to see if there was any solution at all.
Easy Green, I think it's clear that what's being discussed is a little out of your element (donny). Go enjoy some warm milk and a nap.
Saltlick for the rescue.
That's the first thing I did. I contacted them directly by e-mail, no response. I tried steam forums, no response. It wasn't until I sat and actually realized the scope of this problem. At first I thought it was just me, or maybe just a PC problem. Nope. It's all over PS3 forums, Xbox 360 forums, steam forums. Hell, even PC Gamer discussed this in an article and how broken it is. TTG has never once, literally not even once, addressed the issue or attempted to patch the problem.
Their solution is quite simply: "Fuck it" so my response on their forums is quite simply: "Fuck them".
i'm not the one droppin f bombs everywhere i think we all know who needs a glass of milk and a nap. good night
They do take A LOT to respond back so maybe you should wait a few days , Maybe you get lucky and there is a simple solution to this
It's probably hard to patch something that is only broken for a couple of people. By the way, if you have so little time on you're hands @Mancry, why are you wasting time on the forums anyway?
I got my message on my Gravatar at least a week later. They rate their messages from most urgent to least, so you should be up there. I'm sure there is a bunch of people with the same problem as you emailing Telltale at the same time, so it's going to take some time to get back to you.
What i meant was if the problem dosen't happen to everyone, the problem is harder to solve.
Edit: I kind of knew you were going to call me out for saying a ''couple'', but i didn't know what expression to use really.
For someone who has very few hours available to play this game, you sure do have a lot of spare time to rant.
I just read an article about the therapeutic properties of swearing. It's healthy, curse more.
I told you not to insult users.
Your anger in losing your save is understandable (I'm only a volunteer moderator so sadly I cannot help you) but I will not tolerate you insulting other users, especially after I warned you before only shortly ago.
I have never had this problem, other than when I system restored my computer, some files on it including my season 2 save files got fucked up iirc. It's probably your computer, NOT the game and not Telltale's faults. You talk about this issue as if it is directly Telltale's faults and everyone in the community is experiencing this bug. By how you talk about it, it's happened to you more than once, clearly it's your computer.
By that I mean it's probably something on your computer or some sort of common software you have. I know some people experience this problem, but it's a low percentage of the playerbase so obviously it's a problem with certain software, which isn't Telltale's faults.
Welp, seeing as how this thread has delved into insults, I think this topic has run its course.
I kept the topic open for the duration that the discussion was actually about the save issues (all two minutes of it), but it since has been massively derailed.
Nighty night thread.