Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date Discussion: Out Now for PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • that isn't factual proof, and anybody can claim they're anything. Unless from the staff itself ; it's complete bullshit. Like this "leeisalive" guy. And you.

    You're using what a random nobody said as a fact and evidence. What a 'doh' moment you moron.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    You never posted any factual proof just a vague comment that doesn't state or its Sonys fault. So ill do the same Enjoy @Elite_Wing_

  • Owning? is that what you're still calling it? Listen boy, I can go all day with this utter bs reasoning with a baby money. I wont go far, but I'm only doing it for the kicks.

    You're stating ASSUMPTIONS, that isn't evidence and facts. Telltale already stated that basically it's sony's fault. They're the ones who need to sort everything out, and if they didn't do it on time, then go bother them some more you idiotic swine.

    And yet here I catch you AGAIN using insignificant nobody's as facts. You're so desperate and quite moronic for doing so.

    And please, for the last time. Get your grammar and spelling together on check before trying to reply to anybody at all. It's hard to understand what you're saying if you sound like a big ass fool. (what's gpt?)

    I'm so tired of reasoning with a god damn monkey.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Lol you haven't posted one piece of proof thats states its sonys fault. Just a vague statement that means nothing. I won't post mine. Like

  • And this point, i cannot comprehend of what you're trying to say at all. Rather you just resort into irrelevant things and grammatical errors ONLY. Not even picking out the mistake out of all replies, you're moronic.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Without though. I don't know what without though means.... I just read your bio. Yikes. Sad. So very sad.

  • PhewsPhews Banned
    edited March 2014

    alvin and nick die.
    kenny is alive.
    bonnie is with carver.
    rebecca is preg with carver
    and 400 days team is in carvers camp which is tavias safe community

    Ja1862 posted: »

    You never posted any factual proof just a vague comment that doesn't state or its Sonys fault. So ill do the same Enjoy @Elite_Wing_

  • Thats not going to happen. I guarantee you TTG would have allot more pissed off fans if they did that.

    Bob Page posted: »

    About time. Next time suply the PSN EU a week before others...

  • Ellias, I don't see him going out full blast to insult you.

    Ellias posted: »

    that isn't factual proof, and anybody can claim they're anything. Unless from the staff itself ; it's complete bullshit. Like this "leeisali

  • edited March 2014

    Much like you did in the post..... JUST ABOVE mine.

    "I don't know what "aftet" means, you seriously need to get your spelling on check before trying to take part of an argument."

    Jesus I can't believe you didn't realise the reason i posted "Without though. I don't know what without though means...." was to take the piss out of you JUST above then you truly are an idiot.

    I mean... my god, things just go straight over your head.

    What you posted from puzzlebox.

    ""Hopefully I can help shed some light on this. Usually we wait until we have release dates for all (or at least most) platforms confirmed before announcing them all in one batch. However, because the approval process differs across platforms (even for Sony, where they have entirely separate stores, staff, and approval processes for North America and Europe), this means that sometimes we've been unable to announce confirmed dates until as late as the night before an episode releases. We've tried something a little different this time around, and just announced the first dates we have, with others to follow. We'll announce dates for Xbox 360, PS3 EU and iOS as soon as we're able. Stay tuned to the blog, Facebook, and Twitter for those. :) - Puzzle box "

    THIS PROVES MY POINT, PSN EU takes longer to approve. - "However, because the approval process differs across platforms (even for Sony,"

    Telltale knows this as it's happened before. So they would have to give it to PSN EU a week early giving them enough time to do approval and then everyone would have a release on the SAME week. This did not happen as TELLTALE (not Sony EU) got delayed making episode 2.

    Following kid?

    So then TELLTALE (not Sony EU) ended up having to release the game to PSN EU at the same time as the others, instead of a week early.

    And as Telltale and Sony EU have worked together in the past, TELLTALE (not Sony EU) already knows that it takes Sony EU longer to approve games, Sometimes Telltale gets it right, other times it doesn't. Like this time, they released it straight away due to the longer delay, instead of holding it back for a week and giving Sony EU the time it needed for approval.

    You idiot. The posted you quoted just dug your own grave,

    Argument over. You fail. Bye.

    (Sure you wont even realise, because many things seem to go straight over your head)

    Ellias posted: »

    And this point, i cannot comprehend of what you're trying to say at all. Rather you just resort into irrelevant things and grammatical errors ONLY. Not even picking out the mistake out of all replies, you're moronic.

  • edited March 2014

    Yes I know, Once again you show your foolishness. I posted "You never posted factual proof, just a vague comment that doesn't state its actually Sonys fault", So i then posted something similar.

    First you pick out my grammatical error, then when i do the same you post "Rather you just resort into irrelevant things and grammatical errors ONLY", then you somehow don't understand I purposely posted a vague comment, just as you have. To show you how easy it is"

    Another "Doh" moment for you ellis.

    Now to put an end to this argument I'll make it easy for you.

    What you posted from puzzlebox.

    ""Hopefully I can help shed some light on this. Usually we wait until we have release dates for all (or at least most) platforms confirmed before announcing them all in one batch. However, because the approval process differs across platforms (even for Sony, where they have entirely separate stores, staff, and approval processes for North America and Europe), this means that sometimes we've been unable to announce confirmed dates until as late as the night before an episode releases. We've tried something a little different this time around, and just announced the first dates we have, with others to follow. We'll announce dates for Xbox 360, PS3 EU and iOS as soon as we're able. Stay tuned to the blog, Facebook, and Twitter for those. :) - Puzzle box "

    THIS PROVES MY POINT, PSN EU takes longer to approve. - "However, because the approval process differs across platforms (even for Sony,"

    Telltale knows this as it's happened before. So they would have to give it to PSN EU a week early giving them enough time to do approval and then everyone would have a release on the SAME week.
    This did not happen as TELLTALE (not Sony EU) got delayed making episode 2.

    Following kid?

    So then TELLTALE (not Sony EU) ended up having to release the game to PSN EU at the same time as the others, instead of a week early.

    And as Telltale and Sony EU have worked together in the past, TELLTALE (not Sony EU) already knows that it takes Sony EU longer to approve games, Sometimes Telltale gets it right, other times it doesn't. Like this time, they released it straight away due to the longer delay, instead of holding it back for a week and giving Sony EU the time it needed for approval.

    You idiot. The posted you quoted just dug your own grave,

    Argument over. You fail. Bye.

    (Sure you wont even realise, because many things seem to go straight over your head)

    Ellias posted: »

    that isn't factual proof, and anybody can claim they're anything. Unless from the staff itself ; it's complete bullshit. Like this "leeisali

  • Ellias is a bit slow UndeadEuan, you can't blame him for going full force on me and obviously missing all the tongue in cheek replies i've given him.

    He constantly misses my sarcasm, he gets upset when i pick on his grammar after he did the same to me, whats even funnier is he called me a sony fanboy even though I've already got and finished episode 2 on my pc.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Ellias, I don't see him going out full blast to insult you.

  • edited March 2014

    It was a good episode. Don;t spoil it for others though. Douchebag move

  • edited March 2014

    .Victory dance.

    Ellias posted: »

    And ending it off with "Hopefully I can help shed some light on this. Usually we wait until we have release dates for all (or at least m

  • Don 't be a dick, Phews.

  • I hope you have one too now shoo.

    'good day'

  • I am taking way too much pleasure in reading this argument..

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Much like you did in the post..... JUST ABOVE mine. "I don't know what "aftet" means, you seriously need to get your spelling on check be

  • Vita version 100% buy but just wondering Wolf among us will that be on vita end of march to and will there be double dip offer for people planning on buying both

  • When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you have YET to provide factual proof - only adding even more bullshit and state is as facts.
    And are you slow or something? I don't care if you pick out my grammatical errors, I only found it annoying that it's the ONLY thing you did rather list the god damn facts. You're a moronic swine that tries to twist up words to make himself seem logical. By doing so you're a complete moron, not even adding on the the other stuff you've said. That alone is enough.

    @Undeadeuan What do you consider "full blast"? How old are you, first of all? You should've stayed gone for good, you're annoying.

    and that "victory dance" comment just shows how pathetic you are. You don't win anything, since this isn't a argument. Rather, it's me reasoning with a kid - stated once again.

    'i'm not a sony fan boy' LOL do you wanna keep telling yourself that? You keep making yourself look a fool. Where's your valid points, where's your factual proofs? It's sadly no where to be found. Rather, you use insignificant nobody's as proof and back up. You're foolish, and a complete waste of time. And you honestly think your own assumptions and lies are logical to use in what you define an "argument", or whatever YOU think this is.

    You're a pathetic troll that seriously needs a good spanking and a good teaching. Your parents have failed on you and my condolences go out to the people who actually know you, and have to interact or be near you by force. I pity you.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Yes I know, Once again you show your foolishness. I posted "You never posted factual proof, just a vague comment that doesn't state its actu

  • What kind of moron would edit a simple post like this? Thank you for leaving this up, shows how moronic you are lmao.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    .Victory dance.

  • I mean to the QA, since they takes so much longer that the rest...

    OmegaTise posted: »

    Thats not going to happen. I guarantee you TTG would have allot more pissed off fans if they did that.

  • edited March 2014

    (When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you have YET to provide factual proof - only adding even more bullshit and state is as facts. And are you slow or something? I don't care if you pick out my grammatical errors, I only found it annoying that it's the ONLY thing you did rather list the god damn facts. You're a moronic swine that tries to twist up words to make himself seem logical. By doing so you're a complete moron, not even adding on the the other stuff you've said. That alone is enough.)

    Exactly you idiot.
    The teams are completely different, this once again proves my point. Telltale knows Sony EU needs more time to localise the game for all the different countries.

    ('i'm not a sony fan boy' LOL do you wanna keep telling yourself that? You keep making yourself look a fool. Where's your valid points, where's your factual proofs? It's sadly no where to be found. Rather, you use insignificant nobody's as proof and back up. You're foolish, and a complete waste of time. And you honestly think your own assumptions and lies are logical to use in what you define an "argument", or whatever YOU think this is.)

    Neither have you, unless you post a quote that has Telltale saying "this is Sony EUs fault".
    Yeah I'm not a sony fanboy its just a computer, much like my xbox. They are just things to me. Go ahead and bad mouth it. You wont see me on a PSN forum crying like you are after someone bad mouths Telltale lol.

    No go back to your sad life while I continue my victory dance.

    Ellias posted: »

    When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you hav

  • edited March 2014

    Ill break it down nice and easily for you.

    Sony EU is a different team, they need more time on approval since they have to release the game for different countries in Eu.

    Telltales delay screwed that up as then Telltale had to release the game as soon as it was complete, instead of to PSN EU first. Thus not giving PSN EU enough time to release the game this week with the other releases.

    Now post some factual evidence that says "This is Sony EUs fault". Since you keep asking for some, im just explaining how Sony EU works.

    Now continue crying and insulting me and other posters because we said something bad about a company that made a game you like lol. Poor baby.

    continues victory dance,

    Ellias posted: »

    What kind of moron would edit a simple post like this? Thank you for leaving this up, shows how moronic you are lmao.

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited March 2014

    Are you driven by stupidity? Do you honestly think before you reply? You're just too damn easy to read and another typical troll.

    You have yet to provide proof and only jump on your own assumption and lies, and what other nobody's have stated. DO you know how idiotic and moronic you sound? You honestly have no idea, huh? I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being an alt.

    Edit: Also could you at least write a paragraph without using somebody else's replies? You literally copying and pasting 100% of the time is rather useless. You're already replying, are you that slow and stupid? If you actually look at your replies, you're pulling off 3 sentences. And all are assumptions. You're really clueless, huh?
    I don't know what you think this is, but if you think is an argument, you've got it all wrong hun. To engage in an argument you must have a good point, and you must have proof. And to at least contain an elementary school education. You lack all requirements so this is just a kid blabbering and stating he's the president or some annoying curd.

    Also you calling me a "baby" and those other derogatory terms are in fact, insulting. You don't know you stupid you're looking you pathetic, half baked troll lol.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Ill break it down nice and easily for you. Sony EU is a different team, they need more time on approval since they have to release the ga

  • When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you have YET to provide factual proof - only adding even more bullshit and state is as facts. And are you slow or something? I don't care if you pick out my grammatical errors, I only found it annoying that it's the ONLY thing you did rather list the god damn facts. You're a moronic swine that tries to twist up words to make himself seem logical. By doing so you're a complete moron, not even adding on the the other stuff you've said. That alone is enough.

    @Undeadeuan What do you consider "full blast"? How old are you, first of all? You should've stayed gone for good, you're annoying.

    and that "victory dance" comment just shows how pathetic you are. You don't win anything, since this isn't a argument. Rather, it's me reasoning with a kid - stated once again.

    'i'm not a sony fan boy' LOL do you wanna keep telling yourself that? You keep making yourself look a fool. Where's your valid points, where's your factual proofs? It's sadly no where to be found. Rather, you use insignificant nobody's as proof and back up. You're foolish, and a complete waste of time. And you honestly think your own assumptions and lies are logical to use in what you define an "argument", or whatever YOU think this is.

    You're a pathetic troll that seriously needs a good spanking and a good teaching. Your parents have failed on you and my condolences go out to the people who actually know you, and have to interact or be near you by force. I pity you.


    Ja1862 posted: »

    Much like you did in the post..... JUST ABOVE mine. "I don't know what "aftet" means, you seriously need to get your spelling on check be

  • Pauses.
    Victory Dances

    Ellias posted: »

    Are you driven by stupidity? Do you honestly think before you reply? You're just too damn easy to read and another typical troll. You hav

  • I'm starting to think that "victory dances" is your only thing to honestly reply. Ironically, that as well is illogical and senseless.

    No evidence? Hmph, what a surprise huh?

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Pauses. Smiles. Victory Dances

  • Are you driven by stupidity? Do you honestly think before you reply? You're just too damn easy to read and another typical troll.

    You have yet to provide proof and only jump on your own assumption and lies, and what other nobody's have stated. DO you know how idiotic and moronic you sound? You honestly have no idea, huh? I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being an alt.

    Edit: Also could you at least write a paragraph without using somebody else's replies? You literally copying and pasting 100% of the time is rather useless. You're already replying, are you that slow and stupid? If you actually look at your replies, you're pulling off 3 sentences. And all are assumptions. You're really clueless, huh? I don't know what you think this is, but if you think is an argument, you've got it all wrong hun. To engage in an argument you must have a good point, and you must have proof. And to at least contain an elementary school education. You lack all requirements so this is just a kid blabbering and stating he's the president or some annoying curd.

    Also you calling me a "baby" and those other derogatory terms are in fact, insulting. You don't know you stupid you're looking you pathetic, half baked troll lol.


    Edit: " No go back to your sad life while I continue my victory dance " What I find sad about that sentence alone is that you have an iq similar to a 1rst grader. "victory dances" How pathetic can you get? Is that "living" the life? And waiting for me to reply? Wow you must be living the life!!!!!!!

    Ja1862 posted: »

    (When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you ha

  • Stops victory dance
    shakes head.
    continues victory dance

    Ellias posted: »

    I'm starting to think that "victory dances" is your only thing to honestly reply. Ironically, that as well is illogical and senseless. No evidence? Hmph, what a surprise huh?

  • OK, enough guys. This conversation has run its course.

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Stops victory dance shakes head. "idiot" continues victory dance

  • Well that was fun, but if you say so ;)

    OK, enough guys. This conversation has run its course.

  • ok.
    victory dances away.

    Ellias posted: »

    Well that was fun, but if you say so

  • smh lmao

    Ja1862 posted: »

    ok. victory dances away.

  • ;)

    Ellias posted: »

    smh lmao

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited March 2014

    What's your point? You're proving to me you're a troll who's delusional lol

  • i don't understand you..

    I hope you have one too now shoo.

  • is the EU date the same as the AU one? I already played it but just wondering?

  • Since the time zones are different for both EU and AU for Australia if you planning on playing it the actual night it comes out you may have to wait to about 10.00 PM or 10.30 PM AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

    Legendary12 posted: »

    is the EU date the same as the AU one? I already played it but just wondering?

  • I can see you're a child who desperately wants the last word lol

    My god i can see you you're now angrily waiting for me to reply so you can post more rubbish, you're just to much fun kid

    My present to you, I will give you the last word as I won't come back to this topic.

    Victory dances away after owning the child one last time while singing 'enjoy the last word champ'

    Ellias posted: »

    What's your point? You're proving to me you're a troll who's delusional lol

  • edited March 2014

    It was Sony's mistake...Nothing to do with TellTale.But both of them need to find a way so products can be available worldwide the one after another.Not a 1 Week delay or so...I don't blame no one but Sony because I was so happy that it was actually coming in 3/12 but some hypocrites spoiled some of the content in titles of thread like "Did you see that Kenny is there?" and stuff like that...

    Ellias posted: »

    Owning? is that what you're still calling it? Listen boy, I can go all day with this utter bs reasoning with a baby money. I wont go far, bu

  • edited March 2014

    Guys,seriously just stop.It was Sony's fault and Sony said it too...Look it up.

    So just...
    Alt text

    Ja1862 posted: »

    I can see you're a child who desperately wants the last word lol My god i can see you you're now angrily waiting for me to reply so you c

  • I said ENOUGH. From BOTH OF YOU.

    Do NOT make me sit you on the naughty step.

    Ellias posted: »

    What's your point? You're proving to me you're a troll who's delusional lol

  • sorry baby....... i wont reply to him anymore :(

    I said ENOUGH. From BOTH OF YOU. Do NOT make me sit you on the naughty step.

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