Does anyone feel like these episodes are getting worse?

-Hub areas are completely gone
-Very short
-No puzzles at all
-No engaging conversations
-This episode also written by a fucking former forum moderator(Seriously?)
I think next episode will be even worse than this. Whadda you guys think ?
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I wanted to revitalize this thread because I feel the need to bring it to the front page.
I really miss Jake and Sean. I feel that TWDS2 has strayed so far from the roots that made TTG great. The person to person interaction was severely limiting and the game seemed so one dimensional. I started to notice it in TWAU. IMO the graphic detail has increased to the point where the exploration or searching for stuff took a dramatic dip. Some chapters in TWD S2 ep 1 only had 1 or 2 dots where interaction could occur. It has been replaced with high detail walking down a path with scary wind noise and 1 interaction at a sign. Or climbing out of a river and having the only interaction be looking at a sunken finishing boat and climbing up a broken dock. I mean is it really necessary to have a action be clementine climbing over a tree trunk on an trail path.... It must be much easier to find high quality graphic design programmers then quality writers like Sean and Jake are.
All that playable character interaction stuff could have been replaced with a quick scene for example lee running from the walkers after the police car incident.
More playable time needs to be available having conversations with the other group members and exploring the house and surrounding property.
In all honestly the chapter in Hershel's farm in TWDS1 EP1 was more much enjoyable and exciting to play then sneaking around the cabin house in TWDS2 EP1. To make it even more lopsided in TWDS1 EP 1 you also had the drug store chapter what completely blew away any chapter in TWDS2 EP1.
Bottom line TWDS1 EP1 was much better written with many more things that you could do as a playable character. The episode was longer to complete and IMO more entertaining. I noticed on PSN TWDS2 EP1 was 700 MB with much high resolution graphics. TWDS1 EP1 was around 700 MB with the graphics having less detail allowing the game to be longer have more content thus provide a more fulfilling episode overall. How does a game add much more dramatic detail in graphics and stay the same size as the other games before it? Simple the interactions were cut in half.
Either TTG should go back to the old method of making less detail and many more interactions with the playable character or the game needs to be about 45 mins longer and should be around 1.3GB in overall size.
Yep, from only 1 episode it's clear that S2 is gonna suck -_-
People need to learn to not judge an entire season based on 1 episode seriously....
First appearances are everything. Even if the next 4/5 episodes are as good as the first ones, it can only be 4/5 as fantastic since they severely crippled the first episode. (Slightly exagerrated on the 4/5 as good since the other 4 could be better than the first ones, but I doubt that.) Just my opinions though.
They didn't severely cripple anything.
And that's your opinion.
I believe season 2 has already been effected by this split up....... It's a damn shame. I know it gives someone else a opportunity to shine but I would prefer for the experiment to be TWAU or something like that and not TWD...
Episode one was pretty disappointing... until you see the slide for episode four.
Nope, I think that, aside from the 'Deus Ex Makenny', episode 2 was better than episode 1.
It was unarguably longer as well, so I don't see why length is one of your points.
nope i felt all that remains was better than long road ahead and a new day, and i also felt that a house divided was the second best episode out of all walking dead episodes, i don't feel puzzles are very important in an episode, hub's just drag the episode out a little longer (they aren't completely gone, the station in episode 2 and the ski lodge, sure they were short but they were there) and what does it matter if it was written by a forum moderator?
Episode 2 is longer than episode 1, yes there arent puzzles like in season 1 (Im saying there arent so many as on season 1), but I can live with that! Story is good (I think) I think epsiode 3 will bring us something, (i hope) Anyway The walking Dead is my favourit TTG game and WILL be, because yeah it is TWD.
There were a few parts where I wondered where quality control was. Incongruencies, weirdnesses, a couple of spots where I just went "Wait, what?" and got yanked out of suspension of disbelief entirely. (Why wasn't the door already locked? How did zombies surround them on the bridge if they cleared off the two on one side and Matthew was on the other side? Why in God's name did they stop worrying about Carver when they got to the lodge, and why did no one talk about how to prepare for his arrival?)
Use key on keyhole? That was actually a puzzle? Why even put it in the game? Just to prove that Clem's more competent than all of these people combined?
Oh and there was still a gun in Carver's holster when he was holding it to Alvin's head. QC, guys. This stuff should have been seen by a lot more eyes before it was even finished, let alone released.
The episode just felt weaker on many levels than 201, which was also similarly short and hub-less, but at least didn't contain so many glaring plot holes. (Other than Pete getting bit. You'd think that after two years they'd have a system for this stuff involving "club walkers in the head whether you think they're already headshot or not).
Oof, I don't really see how All That Remains was better than Long Road Ahead!
That episode had serious strokes of genius (just because a good character died, it doesn't make them bad writers. In fact, the fact that we cared so much when they died shows just how successful they are!) and made us care more about every single character.
This game was my first introduction to the walking dead universe, and Long Road Ahead taught me an important lesson: no-one is safe, everyone is going to die eventually. There's no way around that. And that just made me care even more about Clem.
Down voting this once was simply not enough.... Ima get Washington on the phone, see if we cant arrange more down votes.
Yeah, many of us want those back. Go comment on threads related to that, it's the best chance we've got of TT noticing we want them back.
Kind of the byproduct of having no hubs/downtime to talk to people.
Debatable. I loved the banter we had in A House Divided, my only problem with it is that it sometimes felt too much like exposition. Much of it advanced the plot and got the point across, but we are still in the dark on who these people are. What drives them, other than fear of Carver? Much of this we can infer, but it is better IMO to hear that from their own mouths.
Who is that? Forum Moderators can also be Telltale Staff. Besides, we should judge based on the quality of their work, not what they used to do.
I do miss me some puzzles, but those were a thing that, like hubs, were deemed too pace-breaking by some people. I really thought this season would have some more, since Clem is definitely a smart girl, and doesn't have all the advantages of an adult. The final "puzzle" you help Clem solve at the end of No Time Left seemed to support that idea.
I can live without them, but it would be good to see TT sticking a little to their roots. Put on too much cinematic make-up and you end like a (current) David Cage production.
I think he is talking about nick breckon
At first I was willing to respect your opinion but the last line highly implies that you are just Trolling and want a reaction from the crowd.
What is a HUB area?
I agree that there are less puzzles...In Season 1 we had The Train Station and The Underground Sewers,I think.They were simple but awesome.
meh yeah i liked long road ahead but i felt like it was dragged out quite a bit, don't get me wrong all walking dead episodes are amazing i just felt that long road ahead was alot longer than it needed to be
Down voting all coment in you own Discussion....not cool man! This wont make you feel better. There are tons of people who lo=ves season 2.
That's fair. I enjoyed its length: it made it feel more slow and depressing, which fitted the episode perfectly, whereas No Time Left was quite short, which demonstrated the urgency well.
i couldn't care less about puzzles , but i'd like me some more exploration
We call "hub" areas those segments where you could walk around you current environment, talking to people in your group and possibly solving a story advancing puzzle. Like giving out the food in Starved for Help, the train in Long Road Ahead, etc.
They didn't even work for me and i got stuck at those points. I had to wait for some kind of patch if i remember right.
I wasn't planning to pick up this game again until at least episode 3, but a friend talked me into playing a house divided. I thought it was among the better games of the whole series so far, but i would agree with gettingworse that there seems to be a reduced emphasis on puzzles and hub areas so far with season two. Two aspects i really enjoyed in season 1. I hope telltale gets back to them in future episodes. The quicktime events are not interesting to me at all.
why so many people care about puzzles ? i dont understand
Apparently, people like useless time wasters to keep the action from actually coming.
Having no puzzles means no break in the action, same with hubs.
However, that does mean that there is less exploration. There were hubs in this episode, but there wasn't much to interact with in the hub.
What action would that be? Being directed which way to move the controller in a quicktime event, or the other action where you're not a participant at all and are just watching something happen?
Puzzles and hubs give players more of a chance to participate in the game world instead of being bystanders in quicktime events and cut scenes, which telltale seems to be relying more and more on.
Choices is what makes the game, not puzzles or hubs. The game does fine without unnecessary puzzles. I'd prefer that they put that effort toward making more branching story paths.
Hub areas - with you on that one 100%
short episodes - I do recall a thread that tested this theory out on season 1 without exploration, so it kind of ties in with your first point. Hub areas and optional dialogue increased earlier episode times dramatically.
No puzzles - depends on what you're exactly comparing it to. Personally I found the train puzzle in episode 3 of season 1 to be tedious as opposed to engaging, but they probably could have done a bit better than light - key - slot.
No engaging dialogue - Are you actually being serious with this point? I thought most of the group had great development, especially Nick. Also, in the context of the episode, it would not have made sense to engage in long conversations, but the conversations they did have made sense in relation to their situation.
You can't really judge the quality of writing on the fact that they used to be a forum moderator. Also how did you come by this information?
i think this is what he is talking about
Puzzles in the traditional sense are not, as I said, such a terrible loss for me. Hubs, however, kinda are
Choices make the game, true, but those are choices we make based on how much we can empathize, care or outright dislike our characters. Hubs play an important part in fleshing said characters out. Imagine if we'd gotten the same amount of interaction with Clementine in the first two episodes last season as we did with Sarah in A House Divided.
oh god train station puzzle was really tedious and boring
There are too many F*****G Down voters!!!

here have an upvote
thx! Gave you one too bro
Im surprised they haven't closed this thread yet, All this accomplished was bringing thousands of Trolls.
Episode one of this season was just alright for me, too short to end a chapter on it. Episode 2 of this season I think was one of the best episodes out of both seasons If not the best episode ever. So I can not say the episodes are getting worse, I think there getting better.