Good grief, I hope not. I'd only accept Molly returning in a walker cameo. Clem would give Molly the head = dead routine, and then inherit "Hilda" for herself. (That thing was a lot more helpful than Molly anyway.)
"I thought you were dead", "I can't believe it's you" and "Is this real?" were the other options, played through 3 times and have 4 more pla… morey throughs left, and personally I don't think I will choose the hug option in any of them, although, given the chance, I will kill Carver
That scene was way too cute
You should put some dialogue on that gif like
("Oh no he's not going to take what I awnser seriously if I dont look cool!")
("Ha nailed it")
Good grief, I hope not. I'd only accept Molly returning in a walker cameo. Clem would give Molly the head = dead routine, and then inherit "Hilda" for herself. (That thing was a lot more helpful than Molly anyway.)
Wellington is the new boat! Kenny has become a better and stronger man, but his goals are still the same! Protecting his " supposed " family (Clem and Sarita) and finding a place that's safe for them.
Good grief, I hope not. I'd only accept Molly returning in a walker cameo. Clem would give Molly the head = dead routine, and then inherit "Hilda" for herself. (That thing was a lot more helpful than Molly anyway.)
Thanks, I'm trying to improve my Photoshop skills so I've been making quite a bit of stuff recently like this.
Well keep up the good work, kudos to you
Its actually an ice pick. But yeah, she'd look deadly with that thing in her hand.
Good grief, I hope not. I'd only accept Molly returning in a walker cameo. Clem would give Molly the head = dead routine, and then inherit "Hilda" for herself. (That thing was a lot more helpful than Molly anyway.)
That explains why she know it was a still.
Good Guy Mark
"I miss you too, Sweetpea" in faded text. Mother fucker I'm actually crying now. Thanks for posting
What about Holy. Shit.
That's the one I went with on my mean play through.
"Gotta look cool. Fit in."
Shut up!!!
^ my favorite response!
Me too!!!
What's a "still"? If you don't mind me asking.
Do it
And it shall not end until Kenny lies dead or a boat has been found.
Recycling is good for teh environment!
Well shit, '93-'94 babies ftw
I believe it's a reference to the scene where Clem and Nick found the alcohol distiller in the shed. Hence the supply of whiskey.
this is the first "confirmed for episode _" that i have seen since before episode 2 :P what happened to all of them
Wow...Molly actually has fans?
Well, I guess fair's fair. Pauly Shore has fans too, after all.
DOUCHEBAG KENNY: That's right fuckers, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
How can he hate on Clem is beyond me.
Kenny, you are and always will be my bro, but please don't start this again! So much for clean slate...
Wellington is the new boat! Kenny has become a better and stronger man, but his goals are still the same! Protecting his " supposed " family (Clem and Sarita) and finding a place that's safe for them.
in all honesty i really hope she makes an appearance because, her time in season 1 was way too short. Cool pic by the way!
That picture's a spoiler. Please remember to tag posts that have spoilers in them, especially in open threads like these. Thanks!
You're mah bro, GOUSTTTT. Happy to make your dreams come true.
Gotta love flimsii.
Wait, did i make this a reply? Crap, sorry, still getting used to my new phone.
Wait, which police officer is this again?
that'd be crazy! Hilda will save them
Officer Mitchel I believe. He is with Shawn when you choose to leave Clem's house at night.
Im just gonna leave this here...

TellTale is the Star Fox getting his ass whooped if they decide to kill Clem.

Best. Generation. Ever.
^ not a bias opinion ^
He should be holding a purple lightsaber instead of the axe xd