Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date Discussion: Out Now for PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • which is basically thursday in australia

    SKIllVA posted: »

    wednesday for ps3 eu

  • "Baby"?What's up with calling Mods like that,so immature.

    And don't start a fight...You don't want to go to the naughty step ;)

    Ellias posted: »

    sorry baby....... i wont reply to him anymore

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited March 2014

    bc babe.. but maybe i do want that slap ;o

    JeraFlow posted: »

    "Baby"?What's up with calling Mods like that,so immature. And don't start a fight...You don't want to go to the naughty step

  • Alt text

    Ellias posted: »

    bc babe.. but maybe i do want that slap ;o

  • What time will be released on 12th so desperate to play want to play hopefully midnight download will this happen

  • edited March 2014

    That got the job done.Extreme measures!

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  • Hey guys can you tell what time comes The Walking dead episode 2 (EU)

  • It'll be released sometime tomorrow. Beyond that, we don't actually know. There's no set time the PSN store updates so it can vary from week to week, I'm afraid, meaning we can't provide a definitive time of release.

  • 09:31AM still not out in EU

  • My time is 11:39 am

    09:31AM still not out in EU

  • My time is 11:39 am

    09:31AM still not out in EU

  • Uptade time is 2:30PM-3:30PM

  • Best comment on this thread.

    Scratch that,best comment EVER.

    I am taking way too much pleasure in reading this argument..

  • so its 10:42pm wednesday in melbourne australia and still cannot play and have no news this shit sucks

  • i think you need wait 1-3 hour more !
    My time is 1:52PM

  • ok thanks for that just hate it how everyone else played it a week ago

    marko012 posted: »

    i think you need wait 1-3 hour more ! My time is 1:52PM

  • i Now i hated to.

    dafis posted: »

    ok thanks for that just hate it how everyone else played it a week ago

  • edited March 2014

    I know I said this before with possible dislikes, but I just hate how Sony does this and Microsoft doesn't seem to (at least to this extent). I know Telltale is the one truly responsible, but it really sucks when you have a friend already playing it on Xbox or PC-and teasing you about it- and you are waiting still.just because you're not in the US AND you're with Sony. It sucks. And really, Telltale, get it together, cos I know its not just Sony. They know it would be delayed in other countries. I am in Adelaide, South Australia. :(

    marko012 posted: »

    i Now i hated to.

  • Around 1700-ish gmt+1

    marko012 posted: »

    Hey guys can you tell what time comes The Walking dead episode 2 (EU)

  • edited March 2014

    Don't wanna sound awful but it's one episode hour and half long with low memory why would take so long just crazy no excuse and i agree with your statement got to stage where nearly said here just going watch playthrough on youtube whole episode got spoiled for me anyway. I'm from Ireland why hate irish telltale(only joking lol)

    I know I said this before with possible dislikes, but I just hate how Sony does this and Microsoft doesn't seem to (at least to this extent)

  • Here in Italy nothing has come out. Any news from you guys?

  • Just checked my PS3 and nothing yet. Someone did post before saying the update would be between 2.30 - 3.30. It's coming up to 3 now so if there correct, it should be up within the hour.

    Pizzi116 posted: »

    Here in Italy nothing has come out. Any news from you guys?

  • I live in Greece and it's 5:00 PM and we still don't have the game :(

    I know I said this before with possible dislikes, but I just hate how Sony does this and Microsoft doesn't seem to (at least to this extent)

  • Available now.

    Pizzi116 posted: »

    Here in Italy nothing has come out. Any news from you guys?

  • Yup downloading now.

    Available now.

  • edited March 2014

    @RainbowKitten wrote:
    For those eagerly awaiting episode 2 in Europe, I'm in the UK and just checked my season 2 game and episode 2 is now listed as downloadable. :)


  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

    Finally think tear came to my eye actually here all them months of waiting

  • Howw???It's not available for me...! :(

    Yup downloading now.

  • Yeah only 4 more hourse of work -.-"
    Have fun for me too :D

  • Well I am PS3 EU United Kingdom, I would assume that the game comes out the same in all of EU? But I don't know how it works. But I am definitely downloading episode 2 .

    JeraFlow posted: »

    Howw???It's not available for me...!

  • I know the Republic of Ireland didn't get episode 1 right away due to certificate issues. So I don't know :-( .

    JeraFlow posted: »

    Howw???It's not available for me...!

  • 15:15PM in UK - game now downloading. Wouldnt update in the game itself but went into PSN Store and it is now downloading.

  • Hmm...I don't know if it has to do something with the time zones...By the way Greece is GMT+2 and Paris,London is GMT+1 so I guess we'll have it one hour?I'm not sure...

    I know the Republic of Ireland didn't get episode 1 right away due to certificate issues. So I don't know :-( .

  • 40% to go... xD

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2014

    There hasn't been any announcements about the release of The Wolf Among Us on Vita yet, other than a confirmation by Sony that it will be coming out in 2014.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Vita version 100% buy but just wondering Wolf among us will that be on vita end of march to and will there be double dip offer for people planning on buying both

  • Yaayy...It's finally out,downloading it right now!It's 30%

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  • Spoiler

  • What is it that you would like to understand?

    i don't understand you..

  • *An argument dear.. AN argument.

    Ellias posted: »

    When she said "differs", that means it's a totally different team than na you moron. Stop lying to yourself to back yourself up, and you hav

  • I got the new episode a couple of hours ago and couldn't move when i found oout who the person was.. I don't know if i should spoil it though

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