Petition for Telltale. 2015 and beyond.

Please, go back to working on one game at a time when you're done with borderlands and game of thrones. If season 3 is ever coming out PLEASE only work on it and not 2+ games at once.
Faster releases, longer episodes.
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Definitely. Waiting times were horrible with S1, it's just got worse and it doesn't benefit their series.
I don't care how many games they want to develop at the same time, but they should at least make sure they have the right amount of staff to do all that work. Either hire more people or work harder, but don't start development on 4 games and expect it to work out with the same amount of people and time as before. That just won't work.
Amen brother
Why make memes on the program paint i do not know but at least i tried original lol
Hope that never going happens for me because love Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead so hard to pick but have good point
Well said. Problem is that many corporations now are trying to do more with less and in many cases outsourcing. This means that there's more downsizing with limited budgets. When this happens there's more pressure on employees to produce with stricter limitations and morale may suffer. I'm guessing that this may have been one reason why certain personnel and staff members moved on from TTG.
Fortunately I have a life outside of playing these games and waiting for new episodes, so I'm fine with waiting. And it's not like I'm going to have to upgrade my video card or something when a new game comes out, so no problems there, either.
You have my vote.
I take it you haven't noticed how short the episodes have been compared to season 1
you have my vote
there is no point rushing it, you can't switch between 2 series a month apart, plus marketing and interviews and expect things not to slow down. you can't promise it will be one month. then there is game or thrones and borderlands. many projects is fine but don't you think that quality is better then quaintly? its ok to take time, better storylines, less pressure on the voice actors, the animaters and the writers. The fans enjoy the characters and the storylines, that's why we are fans of you guys. If it take a little bit more time, then its worth it.
oh trust me, they're still delivering the quality but season 1 delivered both quality and quantity.
I know that the quality is there, and I agree that season 1 was both quality and quantity. I was directing my comment at tell tale's team. that's all.
Not sure...I like both series going on right now.And one series at a time would mean a great pause in my Telltale gaming experience,because the only series i'm interested in right now is TWAU,TWD and GOT.So if,for example,they'd only work on Borderlands,that means i would have to wait a few months before i would start playing my favorite games again.I don't really like that.
But,on the other hand,i would really like things to go faster...
GAH,i dunno...They should only check the amount of staff working on each game.That's all,i don't really care how many games are going on.If they manage their staff correctly,then we should have good quality games in a decent time.That's all i want.
I think what's going on right now is pretty go,if you don't mind waiting a little more.I'm okay.Let Telltale do their thing,i'm pretty sure they know what they're doing.
so what you are saying is that you want the episodes faster and don't care about the content? I didn't mean episode should take months I ment a 2 weeks more that's all.
Well,i never said i don't care about the content,i said i don't care how many series they're working on at the same time.Of course i care,i said i want quality episodes and that,maybe,if they manage their staff in such a way,we could get 'em faster.I said i want "good quality episodes in a decent time".So yeah.The way they're handling things at the moment,it doesn't really bother me,if they keep episodes as awesome as episode 2 from season 2 TWD.
I have, but the length of an episode isn't the only factor in judging its quality. Have you noticed that the first 2 episodes of season 2 are just as good as the first two of season 1? Not that it matters if you've noticed, because our opinions about them are just that, opinions. So, I'm choosing not to be bothered by shorter yet just as good episodes. Maybe someday when video games become less important to you, you'll do the same
As long as the games are created with the care and quality that makes the others in the series so great I don't care whether they are making 3 or 4 games at a time as long as they have the teams to cope with it. We shouldn't really be saying "create one game at a time..." we should be saying "make sure the quality is as great, no matter what..."
Sign me up. I've been saying thaat for a while now, Tellltale is better when they work on one game, if they do to, one game suffers, in this case, it was The Walking Dead andd not The Wolf Among Us. Telltale needs to put their full effort into one game at a time.
They will work on minecraft story mode alone I guess because both tales and game of thrones are close to the finale.
To be fair, I'd like to rescind my previous comment, I have no problem with Telltale doing multiple games as long as the teams are separate, which they have been for Tales, GOT, and Minecraft.