The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Not sure if anyone posted this before, and it's pretty old but here's a video. There's also 2 more parts. Also there's some pretty heavy swearing.

  • Not a clue sorry

    Do you know how to do it on a iPad?

  • Made another video this time about how much of a genius carlos is

  • Hey, thanks for using my DUMB & DUMBER pic. I'm flattered.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Made another video this time about how much of a genius carlos is

  • edited March 2014

    Then he better hide it cuz I love cookies.

  • Cant help but laugh at Carlos and Luke with dem voices. Oh God! ROFL

    Just gonna leave this here...

  • Just a thought, how would everyone feel of crossover of TWD and DBZ; like Lee is Goku.

    Let's hope Peaches CAN make it to the end of episode 5. Stay tuned for the next episode of TWD Z!

  • edited March 2014

    CAN it with the CAN puns,assholes.

    But still,i feel like i should spontaneously post this,because i find it fucking hilarious.

    Alt text

    Yes...The resemblance is unCANny.

  • Carlos:I'm a doctor

    Me:Oh,good,then you can tell these assholes Clem is not bitten.

    *a few seconds later *

    Carlos:A bite like that,could be anything.

    Me:..So you're a doctor?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Made another video this time about how much of a genius carlos is

  • edited March 2014

    Carlos:A bite like that,could be anything.

    I made a meme like that before XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Carlos:I'm a doctor Me:Oh,good,then you can tell these assholes Clem is not bitten. *a few seconds later * Carlos:A bite like that,could be anything. Me:..So you're a doctor?

  • edited March 2014

    His face...IT IS PRICELESS.

    dfh15 posted: »

    Made my first photoshop gif. Ever wanted to respond to a stupid comment with Luke? Well now you can.

  • I know,i think i've seen it. :P

    Gengar posted: »

    Carlos:A bite like that,could be anything. I made a meme like that before XD

  • edited March 2014

    There is a little house by the bridge. How big is it? .... Dammit Carlos are u a troll?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Made another video this time about how much of a genius carlos is

  • How about Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest? Its Carlos, Ben and Duck. One hell of a trio.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    There is a little house by the bridge. How big is it? .... Dammit Carlos are u a troll?

  • I liked the song "In the Water." I think that's my favorite TWD song.

  • That's awesome!

    Michael7123 posted: »

    "It’s fucking gigantic, Carlos. That’s how big the little house by the bridge is." I found this in tumblr from a blog on tumblr called the The Annotated Dead. Check it out.

  • edited March 2014

    9000/10. Great idea.

    Just a thought, how would everyone feel of crossover of TWD and DBZ; like Lee is Goku.

  • I died emotionally that day.

    Azlyn posted: »

    It's so awesome that he cried,too...You know what this means?Telltale does,indeed,have feelings...And so does Dave Fennoy...I love that guy,i do... OW,DID YOU HEAR THAT? THOSE WERE MY FEELS,BREAKING FOR THE 10 MILLIONTH TIME. WAAAAAAAAH

  • I died emotionally that day.

    Azlyn posted: »

    It's so awesome that he cried,too...You know what this means?Telltale does,indeed,have feelings...And so does Dave Fennoy...I love that guy,i do... OW,DID YOU HEAR THAT? THOSE WERE MY FEELS,BREAKING FOR THE 10 MILLIONTH TIME. WAAAAAAAAH


    SUPER SAIYAN!!!!!!

    Just a thought, how would everyone feel of crossover of TWD and DBZ; like Lee is Goku.

  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

    Well, that is the first time I have ever been called a cutey, I'm not sure how I feel about that lol

  • Except, instead of Duck, just give them a sack of hammers.

    Gengar posted: »

    How about Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest? Its Carlos, Ben and Duck. One hell of a trio.

  • In all fairness, I'll give him that one.

    But really? He fails to clearly shout, "HEY GUYS, FUCKING ZOMBIES OVER HERE", ends up shooting up a gas tank with a weapon that obviously has a swelling recoil with rapid fire, he doesn't even throw in an apology when acknowledging he fucked up majorly, and no more than a minute later he has the balls to say this to the man who called him out on it? He's the one who deserves a punch to the face, not good ol' honest Abe.

    To be fair, Abraham doesn't look that smart.

  • LOL. Luke: Get in loser, we're going SHOPPPINGGGGGGG!!!!

    Just gonna leave this here...

  • Lol someone should make something like that, that would be pretty interesting to see what they could come up with, or just make some sort of parody of course.

    Just a thought, how would everyone feel of crossover of TWD and DBZ; like Lee is Goku.

  • Lmao my thoughts exactly! I just found that gif weird and funny.

    Kannath20th posted: »

    Oh god what is that

  • I'll draw Lee in a Dragon Ball Z style as a meme for next week.

    Lol someone should make something like that, that would be pretty interesting to see what they could come up with, or just make some sort of parody of course.

  • "Carver? Like George Washington Carver? The peanut guy?" "Never heard of him. But now I want some peanut butter, though." - Matthew

    Kannath20th posted: »

    So bad, maybe he had good joke !

  • Alt text

    Skyden64 posted: »

    I was inspired by you my good sir LeeTheProfessional ; ;

  • Awesome bro! Haha And how about Carver as Frieza or Cell?

    I'll draw Lee in a Dragon Ball Z style as a meme for next week.

  • This was an awesome show.

    I see what you did there

  • edited March 2014

    Nah I'll just do Lee and maybe Clem and Kenny but that's it, I don't wanna get sidetracked.

    Awesome bro! Haha And how about Carver as Frieza or Cell?


    gd3232 posted: »

    Meanwhile, in AMC's The Walking Dead: PSA: Don't worry! Telltale never said that season 3 will be the last one

  • My favorite scene from DBZ

    hihitwd posted: »

    9000/10. Great idea.

  • Now whenever I look at the Governor, I'm just going to think about oreos. :P

  • edited March 2014

    I know I said there was "No Going Back" but I pussed out and removed two rather disliked jokes.

  • LOL. Is there a 5th one yet? And I think the whole Lilly thing would've depended on if you were passive to her or... I dunno.

    Haha Lilly secretly liked Lee, and yeah TWD gamerpoop vids are the best!

  • I liked it except for the licking the saltlick part.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I know I said there was "No Going Back" but I pussed out and removed two rather disliked jokes.

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