Season 1 any good?
I know this is off topic and I will probably get down votes for asking but I don't know where to ask this not really anywhere to ask this on here that I could find but how is sam & max is it any good? I was thinking of buying the first season save the world on xbox but not sure if it was any good
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Its a great hilarious game its worth the buy
It's back when Telltale made much simpler games now there really serious which I still like them but Sam and Max is a great game series
The mod will close this thread
I didn't mean to go off-topic I just didn't know where to ask this.
Well trust me its great
game looks kidish and not my type of game, though if you're into that then go ahead.
Well it looks kidish but it has dark humor but I respect your opinion because you were cool about it.
I thought it was all happy and stuff, I honestly like my games with a bit of dark humor. I might actually look deeper into sam and max now lol.
You should its great
ya im gonna try the free trial to see if I like save the I better catch up never know if telltale will ever make a season 4
Do it

There actually is a Sam and Max forum, it's just towards the bottom. I'm going to move the thread there.
Wow just realized your profile pic was Bigby with the Crowd Control cricket bat That fits all too well with you bieng a mod and all lol.
Yep. Having the Crowd Control bat as an avatar was too cool to pass up once I made that connection. :P
just played the free trial and I am hooked but I'm not sure if I should buy it because they never released season 3 on XBLA
I'll say get the PC version
I strongly recommend Season 3 as that is my favorite in terms of story, and additionally the puzzles are more friendly towards players who aren't as experienced with typical point and click adventure games.
Even though it's the third season, each Season has its own self contained story (unlike Walking Dead Seasons 1 and 2) so it's much easier to jump in to any season (if you don't mind missing out on inside references from past seasons).
You can play seasons 1 and 2 and still have a great time. This was before Telltale discovered end-of-season cliffhangers.
In Season 2, there technically was that cliffhanger with Satan plotting a scheme during the wedding sequence, but that never came into being in The Devil's Playhouse.
"By the way, Max - that was a brilliant idea, stuffing the muffler full of thousands and thousands of match heads and igniting them, thereupon providing adequate thrust to break free of the earth's pull."
"Thanks, Sam. I thought it up with my huge brain."
I recommend buying the entire package it is well worth the buy.