I sat with Luke because Kenny seem to be unstable. I seriously hope something doesn't happen again either, would they repeat that element from the 1st series??
Birdemic 2 is just as bad, better and worse than the first, but they are so bad its awesome, the scene with the giant jumbo jellyfish, or more so, the ambulance lol
Yes a Clementine is a fruit. its a cross with orange and grapefruit. slightly more tarty then a orange. great for a salad, the fruit becomes ripe Nov-Jan (Christmas time). Originally from China its now find in the US California
If Clementine chooses to sit with you, it's because she likes you. As Clementine makes the game, her liking you would assure some survival/least horrible way to die for said character.
Go into your settings where you'd normally pick an avatar and one of the choices/buttons there should be something called Gravatar. Click on that and it should have a link to the gravatar site. Sign up there with the same email you signed up on the Telltale forums with, upload an image to use as an avatar, and then set your avatar here to your Gravatar.
Wait what? There are no fish dishes at " Kenny's "?
I'm dissapointed, i expected more from a godlike fisher like Kenny is!
You sat down with Luke and not me? Dont expect my help next time you're in trouble little lady!
just a joke
Matthew: You guys don't look like assholes.

Clem: Im not an Asshole.
Luke: So your calling me an asshole?
Forget this.
So true
they do make epic music
and they have a big range too, anything from horror, love, adventure, and relaxing.
I sat with Luke because Kenny seem to be unstable. I seriously hope something doesn't happen again either, would they repeat that element from the 1st series??
10/10 would watch
Just thought of this lol
Kenny: "Let's get that boat."
Kenny Fans: "Hurray!"
S2E2 in a nutshell!
Thanks for using "tough as nails" instead of "badass". Idk why, but I hate the label "badass" on a person like Clemmy.
Yeah she's "badass" in her own way sure, but not over the top so I used tough as nails instead. It suits her more. You got it man!
" That fucking shitbird Ben"
It's so true but I think that's what makes this episode so awesome.
well you asked for it
and yes this is a actually movie. I AM NOT F*cking KIDDING YOU
its called birdemic ENJOY!
I think I aged a few years watching that, because my body was trying to die.
made in 2010
Birdemic 2 is just as bad, better and worse than the first, but they are so bad its awesome, the scene with the giant jumbo jellyfish, or more so, the ambulance lol
Seems like Ramirez has got some competition
XD I searched for clementine on google images and this came up
Yes a Clementine is a fruit. its a cross with orange and grapefruit. slightly more tarty then a orange. great for a salad, the fruit becomes ripe Nov-Jan (Christmas time). Originally from China its now find in the US California
If Clementine chooses to sit with you, it's because she likes you. As Clementine makes the game, her liking you would assure some survival/least horrible way to die for said character.
This is off-topic, but how do people get those custom profile pictures?
r8 my new LP
It's Officer Mitchell to you.
He insists.
Go into your settings where you'd normally pick an avatar and one of the choices/buttons there should be something called Gravatar. Click on that and it should have a link to the gravatar site. Sign up there with the same email you signed up on the Telltale forums with, upload an image to use as an avatar, and then set your avatar here to your Gravatar.
0_0 Why did I watch this when I was about to go to sleep
I think I'm gonna have Inception nightmares... (T-T)