What is your most favorite Walking Dead quote? (The game,TV show, and comics included).
As in what is the most funniest or memorable line a character said that you found funny or liked?
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As in what is the most funniest or memorable line a character said that you found funny or liked?
Just to name a few:
Rick: "We are the walking dead!"
The Governor:" Kill them all!"
Larry: " Well that's easy, I got charm coming out of my ass"
Kenny:Well, because you're....urban...?"
Clem: I'm still not bitten! I never was! And you left me out here to die!"
"You gotta consider her a living person, that's it! You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive."
sorry if you were expecting funny, but this was the most memorable one for me from the comics. 100 issues later and I still haven't forgotten it.
"Keep that hair short."
Rick: "But you can still come back from this. We are not too far gone."
Governor: "Liar." He whispers, before slashing the katana in Hershel's neck.
Damn, that was powerful, breath-taking and it gave me genuine goosebumps.
"That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"
"I'll miss you." "Me, too."
Thats all I can think of at the moment.
"You think you do when you look back, but in the moment, when things are really out of control? You don't have any choice. Try to let it go."
"Keep that hair short" , We've been through more together than you could imagine, anyone who tries to get between me and her is gonna wind up dead!" -Lee ; "Listen Vanilla Ice, I don't know what your deal is but you are more than welcome to take off in the morning" -Kenny ; "I did this before, in a shed" ; "I had a treehouse once, I hated it", "I'm still not bitten! Never was!" -Clem
Oh, no I wasn't expecting only funny, but rather any line you remember best. That made the most impact when you read or heard it.
"Don't be afraid, sweet pea. Your smart, he's not. You're smarter than all of em'."
"You wanna get violent you old fuck? WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, because it's ME before ANYONE ELSE in here!"
"Ben's nice. He's my friend. We don't leave friends behind."
I gotta say, this was pretty memorable.
On a more serious note:
"You're not a lesbian? But you got the short hair" Rip Axel.
Rick: I'm grateful.
Jenner: The day will come when you won't be.
Pretty much foreshadows any death in the series. Man, I miss when the TV show was good.
Lori: Where's Carl!??!
Got me every single time. What a trainwreck of a character.
This makes me cringe
Kenny: " You don't just end it cause it's hard. You stick it out and you help the folks you care about. So let's figure a way out'a here and get this little girl. "
Rick: Thangs!
Lee: " You are smart Clementine, smarter than all of them...you'r strong Clementine, you can do anything. Don't be afraid. "
Rick: Stuff!
Clem: " Still not bitten...i thought you were dead. "
Rick: Stuff and thangs!
Rick: "This isn't a democracy anymore"
Shane: "Yeah, you're right man - that is enough"
Clem:"Please, don't be one of them. Please, don't become a walker"
Kenny: "It's okay, Lee. It's just somethin' i gotta do. You know that"
Andrew: "What do you mean? Lee? What the fuck do you mean?!"
Andrew:"Dinner time."
Nick: "Luke, he's becoming a danger to the group."
Sophia: "Everyone close to me always dies... do you think its because of me?"
Nick's, Walter's and Chuck's contradictory thoughts about living in the apocalypse
Nick's negative thoughts:
"We're all so fucked. I mean, what's the point? We'll just march to some new place and somebody else will die. It's never gonna stop. And eventually, it'll be our turn"
Walter's positive thoughts:
"They say the world is over, but I'll tell you a secret: it's not. People are more political now than they ever were before. In the end, we can't change the world. All we can do is continue to learn from each other; to empathize and use our heads"
Chuck's realistic thoughts:
"You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive"
Carver: Those who chose not to accept our love...Will surely wish that they had...
Clem: Im still. Not. Bitten. I never was
Luke: Dont shoot, too much noise, there only two.
Carver: If people cant trust you...How can you trust them...
Lee: This will never happen to you.
Clem: You don't know that.
Lee :Yes I do.
"...sets the air on fire. No pain. ..ends sorrow, grief, regret. everything."
-the crazy doctor in CDC.
"you don't just end it because it's hard, you stick it out and you help the folks you care about"
-Kenny No Time Left
he's not in the house at least we know
Lee: You're strong, Clem. You can do anything.
Clementine: I'm still. NOT. Bitten. I never was! And you left me out here to die.
Kenny: You don't end it because its hard. You stick it out and you help the folks you care about.
Walter: They say the world is over. But I'll tell you a secret: it's not.
Yes this one is my favorite too.
so I'm now going to beat the holy fuck fucking fuckedy fuck out of one of you with my bat who I call Lucille -Negan
It's much better now, S4 has, in my opinion at least, been handling the material from the comics much better than the comics actually managed to do it originally. Probably because they made Scott M. Gimple the showrunner for Seasons 4 and 5, and he's amazing.
Kenny: "You don't just end it cause it's hard, you stick it out, and you help the folks you care about."
Lee to Clementine, while cutting her hair on the train: "Killing is bad no matter what."
Lee to Clementine at the train stop, after a close call involving some walkers "We learned not to be afraid, cause fear is the thing that will kill us. They should have got us, but we got them."
Lee, when it came to voting on whether or not to kick Ben out of the group: "I've seen enough of Crawford to know that becoming like them is the beginning of the end."
Rick, when pleading the Governor and his men to lay down their arms: "We can all come back."
Dale: " The world we know is gone, but keeping our humanity, that's a choice."
Daryl speaking to Rick: "While the others go wash their panties, let's go hunt."
Herschel: "You take a step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. And nowadays you breath, and you risk your life.
Every moment now..... you don't really have a choice.
The only thing you can do is choose what your risking it for! Now, I can make these people feel better and hang on a little longer. I can save lives. That's enough reason to risk mine."
Daryl Dixon: I'm going to borrow a horse and head up to this ridge right here. Get a bird's eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there I'll spot her.
T-Dog: Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there, too.
Rest in piece T-Dog!
"His name was Lee, he taught me how to survive." ~ Clem
"Listen here Vanilla Ice" ~ Kenny
"Just pretend it's a tree house.. and big tree house made of steel.." ~ Luke
"My dick is a full boner, sir."-Davis
And I found myself screaming in unison with Maggie and Beth, even though I knew this was a mirror of another of the comic's deaths. Well done, Scott.
My season preferences are as follow:
Man, I wish Walter survived.
"Listen, Dammit. You step outside, you risk your life. You take a drink of water, you risk your life. And nowadays you breathe, and you risk your life. Every moment now, you don't have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what you're risking it for." - Hershel
"Don't be afraid" - Lee's final words to Clem
"You wanna get violent you old fuck? WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, because it's ME before EVERYONE else in here!!!" - Lee to Larry in Pharmacy
"His name was Lee. He's the reason I keep my hair short." - Clem to Luke
"I'm STILL. NOT. BITTEN. I never was and you left me out here to die." - Clem after shed fight to cabin group
Best quote so far.