The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • If you've posted in a thread, then you should get a notification in your feed when someone posts in the same thread. Just hit the speaker button on the top-right of the site to see.

    I hate how this and many other threads are now moved into this section. I quite enjoyed haviing everything of relevance in the TWD forum...I

  • Oh, you are right. I wonder why I completely disregarded that before. That should help keeping track.

    If you've posted in a thread, then you should get a notification in your feed when someone posts in the same thread. Just hit the speaker button on the top-right of the site to see.

  • It's been moved? To the TellTale Talk subforum? Why the hell did they do that?! It's the Walking Dead meme and fun thread, not a completely random, off-topic meme and fun thread.

    I hate how this and many other threads are now moved into this section. I quite enjoyed haviing everything of relevance in the TWD forum...I

  • edited March 2014

    you tell em' backtothemonkeyisland. Lol. Seriously though why has it been moved? o.O - i know it needs more lovin' (don't think many people bother with that part of the forums) but is it really necessary to move every thread which has the slightest hint of being random.

    It's been moved? To the TellTale Talk subforum? Why the hell did they do that?! It's the Walking Dead meme and fun thread, not a completely random, off-topic meme and fun thread.

  • I think it might be because some stick-in-the-muds were complaining about the community posting gifs and memes. Their crappy phones couldn't handle the extra data, so apparently every thread with that stuff gets moved here? I dunno. Sounds really stupid to me...especially since this thread is actually called the MEME and FUN thread...what else would you be expecting in here? lol

    you tell em' backtothemonkeyisland. Lol. Seriously though why has it been moved? o.O - i know it needs more lovin' (don't think many people

  • Mods, please move this back to the walking dead. This isnt off-topic at all. This is The Walking Dead meme and fun thread, not Off-Topic Meme and fun thread. Same goes for the The Wolf Among Us Meme thread. These parts of the forum get less attention, and hell, I didnt know it existed untill now. So please move them both back, I know your trying to organize the forum more, and thats fine. But this move makes no sense.

  • Constructive criticism is encouragement. You're encouraging them to better themselves. Most artists/authors/creative people worth their salt want criticism. There are whole fields dedicated to it (i.e. literary criticism, art criticism, film criticism, etc.)

    sorry,but I think it's better to encourage people rather than criticising them

  • what movie at the end where everyone is slapping their heads ?

  • hahaha that really works well lol what about some of the other characters?

    asb5953 posted: »

    Hmm. Mark. Might as well be Lee if I'm going with Kenny being Johnny. Their friendship can be pretty strained anyway. LOL. Johnny's "future

  • edited March 2014

    That would be Naked Gun 33 1/3.

    The first one will always be my favourite, but then again, the 25th was pretty good as well...

    what movie at the end where everyone is slapping their heads ?

  • As stated here, the large number of images meant that these threads were crashing phone browsers for several people, so removing them from the most viewed area of the site helps them out quite a bit.

    And on top of that... let's be honest. Creating all these memes and stuff pretty much IS a forum game.

    We won't be moving these threads back, so please don't ask/beg/demand/threaten/whatever for us to do so.

  • True story

    Mixtos posted: »

    From Carlos' brief stint as a surgeon: (Original Surgeon Simulator gif by reddit user alo81, I think).

  • edited March 2014

    When I saw this, I was dying...

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  • Okay, what did you do this time?

    vivec posted: »

    You should probably think about being nicer to me

  • Will a tiger do instead? Because in that case we'll have just about everything pretty soon.

  • I spent a good five minutes scrolling through 'The Walking Dead' forum wondering why the heck this thread was invisible before I realised that it was moved.

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    ...I need to check my followed discussions more often. And get more sleep.

  • if red eye clem was in the game it would be scary as hell.

    vivec posted: »

    You should probably think about being nicer to me

  • gamer poop ftw.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I don't intend to sound like an arrogant douchebag (Hell, mans1ay3r's the King of this kind of stuff and probably always will be) but that video was just lazily crafted.

  • edited March 2014

    so are you saying that the fact that the thread was in the forum list crashed people's phones? like: "time to look at the walking dead community. release date discussion. clem is kool. useless Kenny/Lilly thread OH NOE! THE WALKING DEAD MEME AND FUN THREAD! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" phone crashes. because if that's what you mean I don't understand how that works. but if you mean it would crash their phone when they opened the thread..... then they shouldn't have opened the thread with images and gif's on it with their phone.

    As stated here, the large number of images meant that these threads were crashing phone browsers for several people, so removing them from t

  • Christa did say he was an egotistical maniac....

    When I saw this, I was dying...

  • edited March 2014

    I also don't understand this. Is it crashing their phone's browser no matter what, or only when they click on it? After it has happened a few times, why are they continuing to try to browse this thread on their phones?

    Just how many people browse the "Community" on their phone's browser? I can't imagine it is very many... kinda surprised you'd reduce the visibility of such a popular, community-driven thread because a relatively small percentage of people are having issues (issues which might be remedied by, oh I don't know, a change in THEIR browsing habits....)

    Sorry if I've misunderstood, but it seems to me you're essentially hiding this thread from new visitors to TWD section. Is it really because TTG has a problem with the spoilers contained in this thread or something, or maybe the people posting here are having too much fun, and "community" is srs bsns or something....? =/

    P.S. I also think it's very unfair to take this kind of over-the-top authoritarian/condescending tone with us preemptively: "We won't be moving these threads back, so please don't ask/beg/demand/threaten/whatever for us to do so." Way to really show just how little value you place in user feedback... :(

    As stated here, the large number of images meant that these threads were crashing phone browsers for several people, so removing them from t

  • Demonic Clem is scary.

    vivec posted: »

    You should probably think about being nicer to me

  • its perfect its so beautiful

    Mixtos posted: »

    From Carlos' brief stint as a surgeon: (Original Surgeon Simulator gif by reddit user alo81, I think).

  • edited March 2014


  • If I hadn't put that disclaimer there, you can bet your bottom dollar people would be screaming bloody murder to move the thread back - tell me I'm wrong. Sadly, I know this place a little too well.

    It wasn't actually me who moved the threads here, but I can fully understand the decision as to why. Aside from the mobile user thing, there's also the fact that this part of the site is becoming more used, so encouraging people who use the Meme & Fun threads to use this section of the site for all their random shenanigans rather than the TWD or TWAU sections keeps things a bit neater all round.

    RedCombLP posted: »

    I also don't understand this. Is it crashing their phone's browser no matter what, or only when they click on it? After it has happened a fe

  • I really feel this should be moved back, how are new people going to find it?

    If i'm ever on here on my phone (rarely) I just dont click on the meme one as I know it overloads everything but thats the same for more or less every site.

  • I sometimes check this thread with my old "galaxy young" and never get any crashes so i dont really get why people expericence that, i also agree that it doesnt make sense this thread got moved.

  • edited March 2014

    Apparently a single thread for all of this stuff (and a single thread for TWAU memes/fun) constitutes "random shenanigans".... (wut).

    And, for whatever reason, there is a preference for things being "neater" (which I guess means hidden way at the bottom of the community page, beneath two layers/clicks).

    IMO, "neater" = less fan engagement = defeats the whole purpose of calling these forums "community" =/

    (and really.... how messy was it to have these two threads where people were posting memes and goofy videos in a central spot?)

    I guess the mods expect new people to scroll to the very bottom of the community page.... So you better get scrolling now. It takes awhile.

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    And keep scrolling....

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    Almost there....

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    But, since that's clearly not buried far enough out of sight and out of mind, you still have to click the easy-to-miss link over at the top right that says "forum games".... Brilliant!

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    That's what all the people who took the time to show their love and appreciation for this game get: To have their fandom called "random shenanigans" and watch a popular and vibrant thread, that really is FUN, to be buried in the basement... seemingly out of shame (and to placate a few smart phone users who don't understand how to change their behavior).

    Oh, and throw an insulting disclaimer in the mix on the presumption of bad behavior that has yet to materialize (except for this post of mine, maybe). Guess the mods here are experts at preventing precrime a la "Minority Report"...... Thanks for assuming we are all guilty before we've done anything wrong just because you know this place so well and are willing to bet your bottom dollar, Darth. What a sad, cynical position to take.... =/

    I really feel this should be moved back, how are new people going to find it? If i'm ever on here on my phone (rarely) I just dont click on the meme one as I know it overloads everything but thats the same for more or less every site.

  • Hershel won, hands down.

  • edited March 2014

    Random shenanigans:

    ...I think I've made my point. I wasn't referring to this thread specifically, I meant threads LIKE it, of which there are several.

    Yes, I agree that the forum games section is buried and needs to be made easier to find. But that's nothing to do with me - it's all down to the web team. I've passed on that these sections need to be more out in the open, but given that I don't have a direct line to the team, it's now out of my hands.

    If you seriously have a problem with things as they stand, then please feel free to take it up with the person who moved the threads in the first place. It's not hard to figure out who it is.

    And really? You're REALLY going to get upset over my little disclaimer that was blatantly only half serious? -sigh-

  • well, that's just too bad. I don't feel like using this section at all...I don't even know how to get here from the main page. The only reason I still found this thread is because I found some random link in another thread.
    I also hate how pesky mobile users decide how stuff is handled here. They don't rule the internet, most people are actually still using their computers to surf it. If their stupid phones crash then it should be their problem, not the community's. Imagine how the internet would suck if every site were to change its layout and content to please mobile users.
    I don't wanna be an ass but really, the mobile users can go to hell if all they do is messing up the forums.

    If I hadn't put that disclaimer there, you can bet your bottom dollar people would be screaming bloody murder to move the thread back - tell

  • well, I AM guilty, but that's beside the point now...I agree completely. This sucks on ice.

    RedCombLP posted: »

    Apparently a single thread for all of this stuff (and a single thread for TWAU memes/fun) constitutes "random shenanigans".... (wut). And

  • edited March 2014

    Sorry, I just don't find a thread that has "The Walking Dead" right in its title to be anywhere near as random or OT as your other examples.

    Also, maybe it's just me, but "random" and "shenanigans" are not the words I would use to describe a thread like this that has seen many on-topic references to the game and (mostly) good humor and behavior by all of its participants.

    Shenanigan (noun)--
    1: a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose
    2a : tricky or questionable practices or conduct
    2b : high-spirited or mischievous activity

    And yes, I'm REALLY going to be upset over your "little" disclaimer. After all, if you can paint all of the users here with such a broad, cynical brush... why can't I do the same thing and just conclude that all mods here are unreasonable and make snap judgments about the user base which, while probably accurate to their experiences, are demeaning and paint those who post here in a negative light?

    As for taking up this issue with the mod who moved the thread, why should I even bother? You've clearly shown just how open and willing to listen you guys are with your earlier posts and now this one.

    I get it. It's out of your hands, somebody else did it, not your problem, etc. I just don't see the need to inject such cynicism and negative assumptions towards posters, despite your bad experiences and "blatantly half serious" disclaimer (which by your own description, apparently expresses at least half the truth of what you really feel toward the people who post here)...

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    Random shenanigans: * Everyone appreciation thread * Try not to laugh thread * Official jokes and puns thread * The Walking Dead mem

  • I always thought shenanigans referred to the 2b definition, and that was most definitely the way it was intended. Clearly it was the wrong word to use in this situation, for which I apologise.

    As for the disclaimer... whatever. Think what you want. I really can't be bothered to care any more.

    RedCombLP posted: »

    Sorry, I just don't find a thread that has "The Walking Dead" right in its title to be anywhere near as random or OT as your other examples.

  • I'm sorry, but this is unfair. This thread is supposed to make people laugh and have some fun, if people have trouble with their mobiles because of this thread then they shouldn't check this thread at all.

  • edited March 2014

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  • "I always liked this spoon"

    vivec posted: »

    That's not your knife Walter

  • I think so... but it never gets old so its fine!

    asb5953 posted: »

    I hate to be that person, but has this been posted before?

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