What is your most favorite Walking Dead quote? (The game,TV show, and comics included).



  • I can't remember the line but when nick was talking about how they'll keep moving from place to place and losing people until they died

  • You thought wrong. I am an Alpha Wolf.

  • edited March 2014

    Season 1 - Episode 2

    Lee >"Whats this?"

    (I think) Katjaa >"A salt lick"

    Clementine >"Dont lick it though its disgusting"

    Lee >"Did you lick it?"

    Clementine >"I dont know"

    Season 2 - Episode 1

    Clementine >"Still... Not... Bitten"

    Season 2 - Episode 2

    Clementine >"I had a treehouse"

    Luke >"See"

    Clementine >"I hated it"

    Same Scene

    Clementine >"Be quiet"

    Luke >"but your shouting"

    Clementine >"Shut up!"

  • i really shouldnt have read this, now its spoiled for me :,(

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Rick: "But you can still come back from this. We are not too far gone." Governor: "Liar." He whispers, before slashing the katana in Hershel's neck. Damn, that was powerful, breath-taking and it gave me genuine goosebumps.

  • Burn!!!!

    You thought wrong. I am an Alpha Wolf.

  • Your photo looks like a vagina.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    at least its my photo hhhhhhhhh not like you cartoon shit

    papai46 posted: »

    Your photo looks like a vagina.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    ok man wolf hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how is the forest hhhhhhhhhhhh

    You thought wrong. I am an Alpha Wolf.

  • It is a proven fact that 99% of women would rather bang a cartoon character than you. It is also a fact that our pictures are a thousand times more sexy than yours.

    You cannot argue with facts.

    muhab posted: »

    at least its my photo hhhhhhhhh not like you cartoon shit

  • It's good. The winters are cold, long, and difficult and I get to stay away from you.

    That's how badass I am.

    muhab posted: »

    ok man wolf hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how is the forest hhhhhhhhhhhh

  • I guess the answer is yes! XD

    I'll give you three guesses.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    you mean 99% of women would bang a wolf ? (an animal) OMG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    that is sick

    It is a proven fact that 99% of women would rather bang a cartoon character than you. It is also a fact that our pictures are a thousand times more sexy than yours. You cannot argue with facts.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    me too hhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Have some more: "My dick and balls are hungry for death."

  • edited March 2014

    HEY!If you don't leave him alone,we'll fucking ban you!

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    bad dog hhh i mean wolf

    It's good. The winters are cold, long, and difficult and I get to stay away from you. That's how badass I am.

  • muhabmuhab Banned


    HEY!If you don't leave him alone,we'll fucking ban you!

  • your sperm looks like a rabbit.DAYUM,you are a retard :)


    It is a proven fact that 99% of women would rather bang a cartoon character than you. It is also a fact that our pictures are a thousand times more sexy than yours. You cannot argue with facts.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    OMG iam so scare frog :(

    I guess the answer is yes! XD

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    do you mean that is a rabbit ?? OMG its good to know hhhhhh

    your sperm looks like a rabbit.DAYUM,you are a retard

  • If you are scared,then GTFO!!!

    muhab posted: »

    OMG iam so scare frog

  • You must be sick in the fucking head if you think you are funny saying this line over and over again.

    muhab posted: »

    do you mean that is a rabbit ?? OMG its good to know hhhhhh

  • Yes. I'm way sexier than you and banging you would be literal suicide since you are a cess pool of disease

    muhab posted: »

    you mean 99% of women would bang a wolf ? (an animal) OMG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that is sick

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    is the truth 99% of women would bang with an animals ????? looks like the comics mess up a lot of people around here hhhhhhh


  • Better than having sex with a numbskull

    muhab posted: »

    you mean 99% of women would bang a wolf ? (an animal) OMG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that is sick

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    ok wolf so do you prefer banging with an female wolf or a lady ??
    i mean you got tail and you cant stand ( if you think your self a reall wolf ) iam just saying maybe you need doctor to convince you that

    Yes. I'm way sexier than you and banging you would be literal suicide since you are a cess pool of disease

  • She IS a lesbian in the comic.

    Pell3t posted: »

    "You're not a lesbian? But you got the short hair" Rip Axel.

  • Carl is better in the comics, he is like 15 in the show! When they left the prison in the comic! He was still eight!

  • muhabmuhab Banned
    edited March 2014

    its funny to talk to a kid with a frog photo hhhhhhhhhhhhhb

    You must be sick in the fucking head if you think you are funny saying this line over and over again.

  • No, you derp. I'm Anthromorphic.

    I bet you don't even know what that means without searching it.

    muhab posted: »

    ok wolf so do you prefer banging with an female wolf or a lady ?? i mean you got tail and you cant stand ( if you think your self a reall wolf ) iam just saying maybe you need doctor to convince you that

  • It's hilarious talking to someone who is constantly doing "hhhhhhhh" like a retard.

    muhab posted: »

    its funny to talk to a kid with a frog photo hhhhhhhhhhhhhb

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    you mean the freak style .... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    It's hilarious talking to someone who is constantly doing "hhhhhhhh" like a retard.


    muhab posted: »

    its funny to talk to a kid with a frog photo hhhhhhhhhhhhhb

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you can do it frog yes


  • muhabmuhab Banned

    do you mean retard doing (hhhhh) its good to know that from a kid putting a wolf picture and imagining him self in a cold jungle hhhhhhhhhh

    It's hilarious talking to someone who is constantly doing "hhhhhhhh" like a retard.

  • I was being sarcastic you moron

    muhab posted: »

    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you can do it frog yes

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    is your photo sarcastic too or its just your personalty from inside hhhhhhhhh

    I was being sarcastic you moron

  • So you are a vagina ok... that explains a lot.

    muhab posted: »

    at least its my photo hhhhhhhhh not like you cartoon shit

  • What you said to my girl! Say it to me asshole! ~Lee to Chuck.
    "Alright; she's gonna die. How was that?" ~Chuck to Lee

  • edited March 2014

    Is there something wrong with imagination? Something wrong with creating my own world were I can be something other than human? Is there something wrong with me creating my own characters and personalities, my own stories and epic legends? Is there something wrong with creativity?

    Let me tell you this: since you lack any creativity, you skulk around in your boring little world were you do nothing but annoy people.

    Get an imagination, cuz life is to boring.

    muhab posted: »

    do you mean retard doing (hhhhh) its good to know that from a kid putting a wolf picture and imagining him self in a cold jungle hhhhhhhhhh

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