err... what the hell is this thread even talking about?? Ships?? There haven't been any ships in the game (or even comics or tv show) as far as I know. There was a small boat in the first season, but I would hardly call that a ship.
And the whole thread seems to be a bunch of made-up words and talking about what characters you would like to get together... Most confusing thread ever!
err... what the hell is this thread even talking about?? Ships?? There haven't been any ships in the game (or even comics or tv show) as far… more as I know. There was a small boat in the first season, but I would hardly call that a ship.
And the whole thread seems to be a bunch of made-up words and talking about what characters you would like to get together... Most confusing thread ever!
I've actually been on a Molly/Lilly high for a while now and I don't even know why. Perhaps it's a side effect of shipping Lee/Lilly and Molly/Lee, but having a strong dislike of the idea of a threesome. I don't know, it's weird. And yet... still better than Cluke or any other Clementine/older character ship.
I've imagined Molly/Ben as well just because it would crack me up. The expert survivor and the useless screwup. If ever opposites were to attract...
And I will forever believe that Stephanie escaped Roman's clutches and is out wandering the wilderness for Shel. To quote Lee, "Hold onto that hope. It's the one thing all this can't take away." :P
I'm gonna be real, our conversation in that thread about Walter made me ship Shel and Stephanie. It's cute as hell.
Molly and Lilly is great because you know they'd both be super guarded because they've both been through such shitty experiences and then they'd eventually, slowly warm up to each other and be morally ambiguous badass girlfriends together and AW.
As for Cluke yeah let's... not. I can tolerate anything but adults/underage characters, Carver/Carlos (which is weirdly popular in some circles?), and Nussell. Man fuck Nussell.
I've actually been on a Molly/Lilly high for a while now and I don't even know why. Perhaps it's a side effect of shipping Lee/Lilly and Mol… morely/Lee, but having a strong dislike of the idea of a threesome. I don't know, it's weird. And yet... still better than Cluke or any other Clementine/older character ship.
I've imagined Molly/Ben as well just because it would crack me up. The expert survivor and the useless screwup. If ever opposites were to attract...
And I will forever believe that Stephanie escaped Roman's clutches and is out wandering the wilderness for Shel. To quote Lee, "Hold onto that hope. It's the one thing all this can't take away." :P
It was @Skyden64 they made a lot of funny things when the whole nuke thing was going around lol and @Gengar made the one posted earlier in this thread.
No, you are basically supporting pedophilia. It's fucking weird.
Carlee (Carley x Lee)
Omista (Omid x Christa)
Wydie (Wyatt x Eddie)
Lol at Wydie.
Walthew (R.I.P.)
What about Benny or Ken? Kenny and Ben had a secret love

I don't really ship them, I use think the two of them would be cute ^.^ (or not...)
Okay thanks! It's just I haven't heard either terms so I was just wondering
(Thought Chromid was the more likely choice)
Lunnie and RusShel
Dafuq? Rebecca hates Carver, or so it seems (even though he is the father of her baby)
err... what the hell is this thread even talking about?? Ships?? There haven't been any ships in the game (or even comics or tv show) as far as I know. There was a small boat in the first season, but I would hardly call that a ship.
And the whole thread seems to be a bunch of made-up words and talking about what characters you would like to get together... Most confusing thread ever!
Can someone explain to me why the term is "shipping". It makes sense but I don't understand how it came about.
It's short for 'relationshipping' i guess... just take out the relation part because people are lazy?
I hope you're joking but if you're not a "ship" is short for a relationship.
CarleyxRickGrimes= Cick
ClementinexCarl= Carltine
LillyxRickGrimes= Lick
DougxMolly= Moug
Shoug= ShelxDoug
shes so small...
Really? In what language? Or is this just more lazy teen speak?
It's lazy teen speaking basically.
What the hell was that?
ooohhh now i get it. lol
LOL that was my reaction when i saw this video for the first time! but it describes cluke so well and how wrong it is!!
Canon ships: Carlee, Chromid, Waltthew, Kenjaa, Kennrita
Non-canon ships (aka not canon yet, eyebrow waggling, pistols waving): Nuke, Shelphanie, Wydie, Mollilly
I'm shipping trash and I don't even care lmao.
I've actually been on a Molly/Lilly high for a while now and I don't even know why. Perhaps it's a side effect of shipping Lee/Lilly and Molly/Lee, but having a strong dislike of the idea of a threesome. I don't know, it's weird. And yet... still better than Cluke or any other Clementine/older character ship.
I've imagined Molly/Ben as well just because it would crack me up. The expert survivor and the useless screwup. If ever opposites were to attract...
And I will forever believe that Stephanie escaped Roman's clutches and is out wandering the wilderness for Shel. To quote Lee, "Hold onto that hope. It's the one thing all this can't take away." :P
I'm gonna be real, our conversation in that thread about Walter made me ship Shel and Stephanie. It's cute as hell.
Molly and Lilly is great because you know they'd both be super guarded because they've both been through such shitty experiences and then they'd eventually, slowly warm up to each other and be morally ambiguous badass girlfriends together and AW.
As for Cluke yeah let's... not. I can tolerate anything but adults/underage characters, Carver/Carlos (which is weirdly popular in some circles?), and Nussell. Man fuck Nussell.
This has to be the most appropriate time to use these
Lol, Gamer poop
Yeah you can find how it all started here:
Sheesh, seems like so long ago.
Yes, yes it was
Lick (Luke and Nick)
Lol good times man...good times.
Lick sounds more like Lilly/Nick and that concerns me because they'd both have shot each other before even getting to 2nd base.
Anyone up for a dose of vitamin Vee?
... where are you all going? Don't leave!
Clem/Sarah FTW. Sarah has a crush on Clem, Clem likes her too... in ep3 they will kiss.
it's gonna be orange juice then
Please, don't leave! Tell me where your boat is!
A really weird one would be Karry= Kenny and Larry