What is your most favorite Walking Dead quote? (The game,TV show, and comics included).



  • "This time we're the cookies." - Clem

  • You burned him like if he was witch.

    Yeah,look in a mirror!

  • Everyday's a school day XD

    It is actually true that frogs have the largest penis/body ratio than any being on earth.

  • if what you speak is true I wouldn't blame her. look how her husband treated her.

    She IS a lesbian in the comic.

  • Yeah, the "we are the walking dead" speech. Saw this title and it immediately popped into my head.

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    sorry if you were expecting funny, but this was the most memorable one for me from the comics. 100 issues later and I still haven't forgotten it.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    i like tv show (but there is no sex like the comics and there is no gay stuff :(

  • it has a gay character who had a girlfriend for a few episodes......

    muhab posted: »

    i like tv show (but there is no sex like the comics and there is no gay stuff

  • edited March 2014

    "I'm doing stuff Lori. Thaaaaaaaaaaaangs." - Rick

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    in the tv show ??

    it has a gay character who had a girlfriend for a few episodes......

  • yes. her name is Tara.

    muhab posted: »

    in the tv show ??

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    oh thank you sir

    yes. her name is Tara.

  • "Seriously, it'd be weird if I DIDN'T want to piss on his corpse." -Negan.

    Some prime Negan logic right there.
    Jewfreeus posted: »

    so I'm now going to beat the holy fuck fucking fuckedy fuck out of one of you with my bat who I call Lucille -Negan

  • edited May 2014
    "What, the fuck you talking about Davis?"
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    "My dick is a full boner, sir."-Davis

  • edited May 2014
    I believe the whole quote was something along the lines of, "We're the big swinging dick of this world, but now, it seems like some of these motherfuckers have forgotten that. So now, our big swinging dick is going to swing harder and faster until we take of like a motherfucking helicopter and blow all these motherfucking motherfuckers away!"

    *confused looks*

    *Negan sighs and facepalms*

    "We're going to war."

    Comic Rick: We are the walking dead. Negan: we're going to war.

  • edited May 2014
    And who can forget Kenny's : "Hey Lee you know how to pick a lock, right?'
    " No, why would you say that?' Lee asks.
    " Well cause you're, you know, urban.' Kenny replies.

    Yessss i loved Hershel's 'You risk your life' speech!

  • "I have to say, you're seriously hot Tara."
    "Yeah I like girls."
    "... I'm aware of that."
    I couldn't stop laughing xD
  • Arise dead thread. I command thee!

    Tainted meat.

    1. Both the TV and comic version of Rick's "We are The Walking Dead" speech.
    2. Tainted meat, again both versions.
    3. Any time Negan speaks
    4. "Like to fill one of those tea cups with some bourbon if I could." Lee Everett
    5. Chuck's speech to Lee on the train.
    6. "I don't know." Clementine
    7. "Mother dick." Abraham
    8. "You're talking about kissing stuff." Clementine
    9. "I'll miss you." Lee
    10. Well, you know, you're...urban." Kenny
    11. "I believe in Rick Grimes." Maggie
    12. "Upset, you're fucking crazy." Clementine

    I could make a mile long list if I wanted to, but I don't have the time.

  • edited April 2015

    Lee - Bad things happen to everyone. And its hard to keep being yourself after they do.

    Rick - People out there are always working some kind of angle. They measure you by what they can take from you. By how you can help them survive. Its all about survival now. (I don't know it word for word).

    I also like that speech that Comic Rick gave Glenn, Andrea, and Michonne after they saw the Hilltop for the first time. "You saw something to admire (Glenn), you saw something to fear (Michonne), and you saw something to ridicule (Andrea). Me? I saw a glimpse of our future." Again, I don't know it word for word, but it was pretty cool.

  • Lee:That little girl's my CARE!!!!! We've been more togheter than you can imagine!! Anyone who tries to get between me and her, ANYONE, is gonna wind up DEAD!!!!

    Clementine:-I'm STILL. NOT. BITTEN. I never was.
    -Upset? You're FUCKING crazy! How could you do this?...So you put AJ in danger and got my friend killed, just to prove a point?!

  • "You ever put your hands to your wife, your daughter, or anyone else in this camp again, I will not step next time, do you understand? I'll beat you to death, Ed!" - Shane.


    "They're gonna feel pretty stupid, when they find out, They're screwing with the wrong people." - Rick.

    "You want blood, I get it. Come over here and take it!" - Daryl.

    "I'm not here for to make any deals. I'm here for your surrender." - The Governor.

    "The Governor, he's not what he appears to be." - Andrea.

  • Alt text

    And of course this beauty:

    Alt text

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