i wish telltale made a greg-looking walker in the future episodes that we get to brutally kill, just to get back at him for making a gross comment on how ''luke and clem should hook up''.
not sure if it was already posted but i adore clem's face when she asks about lee's dad's cane (it's hard to capture in a screenshot since the main appeal is her eyes looking at it in a cute way)
It's difficult to find poison in the real world... it will be even more difficult in a cabin... in the middle of the woods... far from any civilization... in the zombie apocalypse.
I want to be honest with, this page was so slow on loading up I went on a different tab to check something and when I came up: BAM!!!! Fucking made me jump. XD
Oh god. You're responsible for this, aren't you?
"What do you say, Sam? Should we just kill these folks and take all of their stuff?"
Remind me why you haven't been banned yet...
Nate would be proud.
Wipe away tear from eye
Ithink it would be "You ruined that dude´s pizza"
You ignoring me?
Don't be coward, come out and face me.
Take this.
Like this?
if some more pictures that I liked so ill post them mainly from the 2nd series.
Then if you watch ZackScott's walkthrough of the game you'll want to tear his zombie form to bits.
Second picture: "I love you THIS much"
not sure if it was already posted but i adore clem's face when she asks about lee's dad's cane (it's hard to capture in a screenshot since the main appeal is her eyes looking at it in a cute way)
Not a face, but am I the only one who thought this part was cute for some reason? xD
Posted the whole scene in the meme thread. But this one.
Seeing all that shit she witness, just makes me worried about her losing her humanity. Which would put a hole in my heart.
I kinda forgot so please refresh my memory, but when does this happen?
Clementine is always adorable. She even makes being a badass look adorable.
It's difficult to find poison in the real world... it will be even more difficult in a cabin... in the middle of the woods... far from any civilization... in the zombie apocalypse.
I miss sanity.
She's just a little girl. She can't weigh more than a sack of potatoes. If worst comes to worst, we can take her.
I want to be honest with, this page was so slow on loading up I went on a different tab to check something and when I came up: BAM!!!! Fucking made me jump. XD
Clems face reminds me of disaster girl in that pic :P
After the confrontation with Danny St John.
Hmm... so this is when Lee kills Danny? Cuz I never saw this expression when confronting him.
Best face ever...I think they brought a kid in to draw that face XD
I bet you it was a rusty ladder as well lolol.
HA-ha! I can see a lot of spin-offs with this. Great color effect on the image
I love how you can still "Lie" at this part....despite the evidence XD
I know right! XD The Artists did a really good job!
I wish we could have saved him and they killed someone else lol.
I bet you Clementine would wear that hat indoors at school XD