We shouldn't really be talking about her to much as talking about banned members is against the rules but she is upto her old tricks on youtube insulting Gavin Hammon
We shouldn't really be talking about her to much as talking about banned members is against the rules but she is upto her old tricks on youtube insulting Gavin Hammon
We shouldn't really be talking about her to much as talking about banned members is against the rules but she is upto her old tricks on youtube insulting Gavin Hammon
Like what? :?
Sonic.Exe! Ah, the nostalgia... I really liked that one.
You changed you avatar...
Insulting people, wishing Gavin (Kenny VA) to actually die, massive trolling, supports.... Cluke
We shouldn't really be talking about her to much as talking about banned members is against the rules but she is upto her old tricks on youtube insulting Gavin Hammon
Yeah I think I should stop now. But you gotta love Gavin's comeback, totally killed it!
But Gavin is such a cool-ass dude!
She's so mean. You should probably edit that out of your comment now...
Okay, scratch what i said earlier, i hate her guts. She can go fuck herself with a chainsaw.
Wow, really?!
I'm so jelly...
For Team Moustache!!!!
EDIT: It's just her. I'll let you know one thing, she's lucky she hasn't met me.
Yas. Fuck yas. Team Mustache.
No, really, he's super chill, i like him.
And, for the record, i don't find Scott Porter hot.
Oh, really? I didn't notice. Sharp sense of observation, Sherlock ;3
Wat?! O_O where?!
On the Gavin Hammon playing dead interview
*# DYING *
You lucky bastard.
Lucky son of a bitch.
Why haven't I got replied to him?! WWWHHHHHYYYYYY????!!!!!!
He replied to me on twitter when i asked it was really him on the forum
NOH! U haev noh rayt tuu diliit dat piktchuur sinns u haev noh rait as a persaun
No... I also think the same. It's also because most of the girls on Bleach has big.... ya know what I mean.
Jealousy consumes me.
You need to make a twitter account and stalk him :P
He normally responds if you ask a good question.
Giggity Giggity Goo!
Damn! I don't use Twitter! I'm not good with massive online chats besides this and Skype.
...can I read a post of yours that doesn't remind me of that one time I stumbled into a adults bedroom at the wrong time.
You seem...unsure of the thumbs up...let me remedy that ;D
I go cry now...
Only when I permit it.
Oooooh, a comment. That's nice... I mean, I got a like from him on my mustache memorial video, but... yeah, replies are good too, I guess.
and....do you?
Bad hair day?
True even I'm no match with my likes. But your no match with my hobby, because my art..... IS AN EXPLOSION!
Sorry egotistical maniac strikes again.