The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • What really happened to Luke.

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  • edited April 2014

    Well now, CarverLand sounds promising...doesn't it?

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  • Selfies are never a safe thing when you are around Carlos.

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  • ;3

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Sorry bro

  • Like this:

    Alt text God damnit how do I post pics?!

  • I would(and do) pick The Walking Dead and watch the HBO series on link hosting sites cuz internets.

  • This was Ben when he was in the Boy Scouts. Without the buck teeth.

    Although being in the Boy Scouts would have made him more useful. Then again, I was in the Boy Scouts but I couldn't commit, so big deal.

    Boats posted: »

    Soooo, i started to play Bioshock Infinite again and then this happened ... (Dimwit & Duke are popular children's characters promoted around Columbia). Please tell me i am not the only one, who thinks they look a like.

  • edited April 2014

    Carlos Rap:

    "Girl, why my words not gettin' in ya head?

    Don't obey my words? You get locked in da shed(locked in da shed)!"

    Selfies are never a safe thing when you are around Carlos.

  • Locking people in the shed was Carlos's favourite solution LONG before the zombie apocalypse ever struck.

    Selfies are never a safe thing when you are around Carlos.

  • I'd fill my bathtub with some bourbon if I could.

    Kurusu posted: »

    If Tom was in TWD


    dfh15 posted: »

    It's Friday's all of the posters. Enjoy! Determinate. You saved Nick? Right? Right? Determinate. Any

  • Does it say "LeeTheProfessional" in the subtitles too?

    dfh15 posted: »

    Thanks bud! Here, you can use this in the future if you want.

  • carlos: honey where is the milk
    stupid bitch that let carlos impregnate her: did not pick any up sorry hun.
    carlos: GET IN THE SHED NOW, ok once you are safly locked in there im going to work.
    sarah: you got fired 4 years ago. for mistakingly transplating a dog penis in a guy who had the cold, and when you leave all you do is drive around the block then find and "doctor" up the home less

    Locking people in the shed was Carlos's favourite solution LONG before the zombie apocalypse ever struck.


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  • I'd fill this thread with some bourbon if I could.

    Kurusu posted: »

    If Tom was in TWD

  • Dem rap skillz

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Carlos Rap: "Girl, why my words not gettin' in ya head? Don't obey my words? You get locked in da shed(locked in da shed)!"

  • Damnit Bonnie! I'm gonna give you one chance to redeem your self in EP3
    If you don't. You dead!

    dfh15 posted: »

    It's Friday's all of the posters. Enjoy! Determinate. You saved Nick? Right? Right? Determinate. Any

  • Welp, I guess my cat's gonna break a few claws...

  • edited April 2014

    imageimage" alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />

  • XD

    LukeandNick posted: »

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  • Unity (and Comet possibly).

    On an almost unrelated note in Black Flag I noticed that Assassin's Creed III: Liberation had the same name in the AC Universe, which woudn't make sense unless Abstergo made at least two previous games. But they didn't so I just guess it was an oversight by the devs.

    Conduit42 posted: »


  • this will never get old :-D (i can't read it in the supposed way anymore ^^")

    LukeandNick posted: »

    " alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />

  • edited April 2014

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    wtf am I doing with my life...

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    gawfyguy posted: »


  • I NEED THAT SODA NOW GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Azlyn posted: »

    CAN it with the CAN puns,assholes. But still,i feel like i should spontaneously post this,because i find it fucking hilarious.



    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I NEED THAT SODA NOW GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Upcoming, from Quentin Tarantino's revenge fantasy works: The Walking REVENGEANCE!

  • edited April 2014

    When looking at this...

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    Listen to this.

    Crips posted: »

    wtf am I doing with my life...

  • If Telltale pulls the "I've got a wife and kid" card with Carver, I'm still gonna kill him. I'll kill him just to cleanse the brainstain that wiping that card all over me just left.

  • edited April 2014

    #NotBonnie. #NotThatGuyInThePicture. #NotCarver. #NOBODYFromCampCarver.

    dfh15 posted: »

    It's Friday's all of the posters. Enjoy! Determinate. You saved Nick? Right? Right? Determinate. Any

  • Looks like Mark

    Kurusu posted: »

    If Tom was in TWD

  • He looks like Mark

    Kurusu posted: »

    If Tom was in TWD

  • That's been enough depressing stuff from me for the meantime. So here's a "What Clem's actually thinking".

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  • I really doubt Bonnie has a blood-related family, married-with-a-kid deal. She's like, "please, my family's starving", and when Walter decides to help she brushes it off, "it's getting dark soon, and I have to get back to my family, I don't wanna trouble you". She makes it that much worse when she tries to empathize with Clem. I go all silent like "The Ring" up in that bitch.

    dfh15 posted: »

    That's been enough depressing stuff from me for the meantime. So here's a "What Clem's actually thinking".

  • ...Alarm clock...cup...cup(both plastic) fan...small refrigerator...these are all things immediately to my left, btw...I think we can go with the small refrigerator, good temporary improvisation there.

    Pffff fuck that, BOX FAN!

  • edited April 2014

    Damn... Clementine'll fuck someone up. "Step off, bitch". If we meet Becca in Episode 3, I can SEE this as an option.

    dfh15 posted: »

    That's been enough depressing stuff from me for the meantime. So here's a "What Clem's actually thinking".

  • I really want Clementine to say that to someone...

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Damn... Clementine'll fuck someone up. "Step off, bitch". If we meet Becca in Episode 3, I can SEE this as an option.

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