
  • edited April 2014

    You're also getting these quotes from Imdb, aren't you? XD

    Talimancer posted: »

    Flight Lieutenant Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Eyes are easy, Commander. I've got eyes covered. EDI: I believe covering your eyes would be counter to Shepard's intention.

  • ........no. gif of Clementine saying yes that I didn't want to post because the text and lip synch didn't match

    Rafoli posted: »

    You're also getting these quotes from Imdb, aren't you? XD

  • Oh duh, silly me I forgot about RE0, I was hoping they brought back Billy and Rebecca in one of the games. The reason I liked 4 was because it was a different type of game and one of the best for it's time, everything was improved and it still had some original RE elements to it, but one thing I did hate were the enemies. I wanted the zombies and T or G virus back. I thought RE4 should've been a side story though.

  • Well, aren't you gonna make up your list? The first place is obvious :v

    Talimancer posted: »

    ........no. gif of Clementine saying yes that I didn't want to post because the text and lip synch didn't match

  • TalimancerTalimancer Banned
    edited April 2014

    Fine. Fuk the list fucked. My list goes from

    1. Blade Wolf (Metal Gear Rising) Alt text

    2. Joshua (The World Ends with You) (Alt text

    3. Maya (Phoniex Wright) Alt text

    4. Garrus Vakarian Alt text


    Jacob from Mass Effect!!!! WOOOOOHHOOO!!!!!

    1. (rlly this time) Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy Alt text
    Rafoli posted: »

    Well, aren't you gonna make up your list? The first place is obvious :v

  • edited April 2014

    Wasn't it Tali'Zorah o.O? Also, fine list :)

    Talimancer posted: »

    Fine. Fuk the list fucked. My list goes from * Blade Wolf (Metal Gear Rising) * Joshua (The World Ends with You) ( * Maya (Phoni

  • edited April 2014

    Too many gifs and videos.. can't.. even..post.. a comment..

    Wiuh, I just raped add comment button. it was a battle between good and evil but I won it.
    Now I don't even remember what I wanted to post, so I just talk some shit about me winning add comment button.

  • OH SHIT. I got Gerrel's and Tali's name fucked.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Wasn't it Tali'Zorah o.O? Also, fine list

  • Well, I liked that in the first half it was horror and then the second half it was a bit of action, but I agree it should have been a different game. I can see why some people would hate it though because it changed the RE formula. Back when they announced RE5 and they showed the E3 trailer it looked like it was going to be better than 4 with running zombies, but they changed it made it co op which kills the horror aspect of the game and made the whole thing action.


    That's where the series started to die for me. RE6 was decent but meh, it just isn't resident evil anymore. Supposedly RE7 will go back to it's roots but we'll see. My favorite is still RE2 though.

  • I quit after Leon and the gang crashed that school bus. Fucking stupid.

  • My god what have I stumbled into... Either my virus scan or this thread is making my computer sweat lol.

  • edited April 2014

    RE6 was just waaay too easy. REmake was one of the best remakes ever, bro. Lol fuck Crapcom, turn they're backs on the games that made them popular back in the day, that company is shit now. If a remake of RE2 ever happens, all they have to do is keep everything the same, just update the graphics maybe add a few extra hidden things like they did in REmake and it would be perfect. Oh the running zombies, you mean the Crimson Heads right? Lol, hated them so much.


  • Lol, oh shit! They're finding this thread!

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    My god what have I stumbled into... Either my virus scan or this thread is making my computer sweat lol.

  • You better hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband, cuz we bringing everybody up in here.

    Lol, oh shit! They're finding this thread!

  • Shit! Time to go.

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    You better hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband, cuz we bringing everybody up in here.

  • Me every time i come here.

    Too many gifs and videos.. can't.. even..post.. a comment.. Wiuh, I just raped add comment button. it was a battle between good and evil

  • So does this thread turn your computer on?

    JonGon posted: »

    My god what have I stumbled into... Either my virus scan or this thread is making my computer sweat lol.

  • JonGon posted: »

    You better hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband, cuz we bringing everybody up in here.

  • Mein Gott, really? This thread is still alive? Goddamn. You sure love this place, don't ya?

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah, this is turning to hopless battle.

    It seems like add comment button is winning me..

    I don´t think I can last much longer..

    Azlyn posted: »

    Me every time i come here.

  • No, VoK (Imma just call you that, cuz i am just too lazy to type your whiole name)...

    Look, posting a comment is possible! It is! Never stop believing! I know it hurts, i know it feels like it will never end. but one day, ONE DAY, posting a normal comment will be possible here...


    Yeah, this is turning to hopless battle. It seems like add comment button is winning me.. I don´t think I can last much longer..

  • edited April 2014

    Wow, I got a nickname!


    You gave me a lot of hope, young Azlyn.
    I´m gonna beat the fucking crap out of that annoying add comment button!

    Azlyn posted: »

    No, VoK (Imma just call you that, cuz i am just too lazy to type your whiole name)... Look, posting a comment is possible! It is! Never s

  • Holy shizzle, if calling you VoK will make things better, then by all means, i will always call you VoK.

    Wow, I got a nickname! I BELIEVE! I BELIEVE THINGS WILL GET BETTER! You gave me a lot of hope, young Azlyn. I´m gonna beat the fucking crap out of that annoying add comment button!

  • edited April 2014

    Thank you, it really does make things better. Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Holy shizzle, if calling you VoK will make things better, then by all means, i will always call you VoK.

  • Alt text

    Thank you, it really does make things better.

  • I wouldn't let this thread die. We shouldn't leave good threads behind.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mein Gott, really? This thread is still alive? Goddamn. You sure love this place, don't ya?

  • I think it's "my god"

  • Go one GOUSTTTT. Find Azlyn as soon as it's legal!

  • edited April 2014

    I saw concept art of RE5 and checked data and let's just say, it was actually creepy at certain moments. How would you feel if you had to fight these baddies?!

    This one was on a train.
    Alt textAlt text

    And this one is over 50 ft tall!!!! O_O

    Alt text

    These were the original Uroboros designs.

    Well, I liked that in the first half it was horror and then the second half it was a bit of action, but I agree it should have been a differ

  • It means "My God" in German, because Germany is so very awesome.

  • edited April 2014

    Haha German is very awesome! I like your style Azlyn. ;)

    P.S. Im German MEIN FUCKIN GOTT!

    Azlyn posted: »

    It means "My God" in German, because Germany is so very awesome.

  • Dafuq is happening here?

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Go one GOUSTTTT. Find Azlyn as soon as it's legal!

  • You'll never find the bodies

    Rafoli posted: »

    Dafuq is happening here?

  • Barry was meant to be in it too. :(

  • Yea, it makes it hot.

    Azlyn posted: »

    So does this thread turn your computer on?

  • Dayum, gurl.

    JonGon posted: »

    Yea, it makes it hot.

  • Didn't they do a sorta 50ft boss. On the boat

    I saw concept art of RE5 and checked data and let's just say, it was actually creepy at certain moments. How would you feel if you had to f

  • Gurl? What you been smoking?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dayum, gurl.

  • Hi! Are you new?

    Talimancer posted: »

    Didn't they do a sorta 50ft boss. On the boat

  • Yeah on RE Revelations.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Didn't they do a sorta 50ft boss. On the boat

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