The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I got really bored today... so uh video I guess...

  • edited April 2014

    It's not really the same as the original, but a mixture of Face Your Fears and Levi Brush with additional tweaking should get you close.

    gd3232 posted: »

    Where you got that font from? i was looking for it for ages.

  • Alt text

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I got really bored today... so uh video I guess...

  • Thanks!

    dfh15 posted: »

    It's not really the same as the original, but a mixture of Face Your Fears and Levi Brush with additional tweaking should get you close.

  • ...Look at the flowers??

    Rigtail posted: »

    So very pretty indeed, 10/10 would do stuff to you. Happy things, Sexual things, Brutal things, Psychotic things. I will make you enjoy and hate every minute of it.

  • I dunno, her complexion is a little too fair for Nick. And light. But she put effort into it and it shows, so props for that.

    Ayrtonius posted: »

    This girl did an awesome Nick cosplay on Tumblr:

  • Wa-chow-ski, huh? Must be one of Collin's brothers.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Nope. My voice is calm and flexible, yet somewhat monotonous. Sam was voiced with the files of an unused TWAU character, officer Wachowski.

  • Damn, that is easy to miss.

    dfh15 posted: »

    There is indeed a "lock" at the top, but it's more of a brace. There is: * No mechanism on the door itself and * The door opened tow

  • Or her greatgrandmother married Houdini. On her dad's side of the family. And then it was all urbans after that.

    dfh15 posted: »

    She learned from the master. Well, kinda.

  • Heh, Dr. Carlos jokes never get old.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I got really bored today... so uh video I guess...

  • Made this today.

  • Made this just now


  • "If you say five I'm gonna flip!"

    JonGon posted: »

    Dem eyes! I give her a strong 8!

  • It just resembles the style.

    It probably is a different person though.

    Ayrtonius posted: »

    I don't think so, I had a look at her archives after you asked and didn't see those. I think they were a different person.

  • Lol, that was great. Can't wait to see what else you make!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Made this just now Enjoy

  • Woah woah woah, when does Sarah hold the gun up to her head? I have to see gameplay now!!!!

    Krisentine posted: »

    Made this today.

  • Same reason she solves all the group's problems: she's an omniscient being with powers that range from room identification to common sense. Clearly, a fearful ally and enemy.

    Why is Clementine the one who always gets locked in a shed!?

  • Lol, I just had to take the opportunity.

    Alt text

    You can't see Russell's face, but you can tell he's scared shitless, haha.

  • What we all were thinking.

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    My first actual legit meme made by me. I've seen many people scared shitless from this scene xP

  • That scene brought back memories of F.E.A.R :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    My first actual legit meme made by me. I've seen many people scared shitless from this scene xP

  • :O that's probably how she lost her baby!

    What we all were thinking.

  • edited April 2014

    "You come back here, I'll kill you! You understand?! I will kill you!"

    I was thinking "Who the hell is that?!" Haha, nice job man!

    Edit: I'm on my phone right now and miss pressed by mistake, this comment was meant to be a reply to TWDFan86's meme. My apologies.

  • ROFL!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Made this just now Enjoy

  • What a revelation!

    JonGon posted: »

    :O that's probably how she lost her baby!

  • The mystery is solved, we can go home now.

    What a revelation!

  • Lol, damn JonGon coming out strong with the dark humor!

    JonGon posted: »

    :O that's probably how she lost her baby!

  • But it can't be over yet!

    We still don't know who killed Faith and Lily.

    JonGon posted: »

    The mystery is solved, we can go home now.

  • Off topic, but did you notice the glowing red markings on BM's forearms? I wonder what her true form will look like.

    But it can't be over yet! We still don't know who killed Faith and Lily.

  • edited April 2014

    Hello i am new here and you better be praising the sun for lee!!!! (How do i put the god dam picture here)

  • Damn... it's hot dish night too :(

    But it can't be over yet! We still don't know who killed Faith and Lily.

  • Really? I didn't notice. As for her true form... I expect her to be a saxophone because she's so jazzed.

    Off topic, but did you notice the glowing red markings on BM's forearms? I wonder what her true form will look like.

  • Yeah, watch again when she stomps on the arm and is about to leave, I would show you a pic but I'm on my phone at the moment. Haha, nice.

    JonGon posted: »

    Really? I didn't notice. As for her true form... I expect her to be a saxophone because she's so jazzed.

  • edited April 2014

    It appears to come from her tattoos.

    And that joke... I see what you did there. ;)

    Alt text

    Edit: And this pic also shows her glowing tats, @LeeTheProfessional.

    JonGon posted: »

    Really? I didn't notice. As for her true form... I expect her to be a saxophone because she's so jazzed.

  • Pssst, copy the image URL and click on the portrait-looking icon and just paste it there, then click "OK".

    Hello i am new here and you better be praising the sun for lee!!!! (How do i put the god dam picture here)

  • There we go! That's what I was talking about.

    It appears to come from her tattoos. And that joke... I see what you did there. Edit: And this pic also shows her glowing tats, @LeeTheProfessional.

  • edited April 2014

    I still can't figure out why they glow here, though.

    It has something to do with her power, but it has no play in this scene.

    There we go! That's what I was talking about.

  • You sure it isn't a secondary light source from a neon sign?

    I still can't figure out why they glow here, though. It has something to do with her power, but it has no play in this scene.

  • Yeah, I double-checked. It fades out while she stands still in the scene after she stomps on Bigby's arm. You can check out a playthrough to be sure. It's weird.

    JonGon posted: »

    You sure it isn't a secondary light source from a neon sign?

  • Her right arm tattoo (left side of the pic) looks like a cross.

    Yeah, I double-checked. It fades out while she stands still in the scene after she stomps on Bigby's arm. You can check out a playthrough to be sure. It's weird.

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