I've been thinking of writing my very own Forum-related creepypasta. (Which is just a creepy/scary online story.) Would you guys like to read something like that? It would be pretty dark and twisted.
I've been thinking of writing my very own Forum-related creepypasta. (Which is just a creepy/scary online story.) Would you guys like to read something like that? It would be pretty dark and twisted.
Still waiting ._.
I just want the next part
Your not alone... Its going to be okay.
Okay bro
I've been thinking of writing my very own Forum-related creepypasta. (Which is just a creepy/scary online story.) Would you guys like to read something like that? It would be pretty dark and twisted.
This is how I imagine Telltale.
Well in truth, yes. Telltale killed Hope.
I love YMS!
;-; RIP brOmid.
Man, I miss that face.
Our hopes!
Just drink your chocolate Spongebob and happy easter
Hell yeah!
Can't wait to see part 2. Good luck, man.
Credit goes to vivec
How is this possible? HOW?
Lol, good ol' Vivec.
Why did my waiting get relocated to memes and fun? Ah well ::) Now the community knows mah pain.
Nick looks like a shrimp in the last pic.
Man I loved that part in Saving Private Ryan. Poor Riddick-I mean Vin Diesel.
So... did they swap Gren's model to make this happen?
That's deep, Nick.
Oh my god...
That's a good one :'D
Thank you, sir.
...because one meme from the same video wasn't enough.
When you enter this thread, you pretty much waive your virginity by default.
This reminds me of Salad Fingers.
No such thing.
You sure thats a baby? or a midget father?