Did Kenny shave?
Ok, so to start, during season 1 Kenny always had the stache, yet season 2 rolls around and he has a beard to go with it. now if that beard grows naturally, does that mean that Kenny shaved during season 1 of twd?
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Dale, obviously. "If we stop mowing the grass we're no better than the walkers."
Well who cuts the grass?
sure why not, it's not that hard to find a razor in the apocalypse like some make it out to be "oh you can't shave in the ZA" WHYNOT? its not like people looted razors as much as other things lol
The beard isn't real, it's added digitally in post-production.
Lee, on our next run into macon we gotta pick up some razors. I'm savin my beard for season 2
Haha, this caught me off guard.
Its Apocalypse Right now ho care's about the style anyway
sorry for my bad english
Really? Kenny is actually face - bald before it's added later?
Afraid so:
More Like Young Boy
It's actually rather impressive how well he managed to maintain that.
Give me a few months in the zombie apocalypse and I'd probably look fucking terrifying, haha.
You cut the grass, you risk your life. Listen dammit!
Me too.
And I'm a 13 year old girl.
Hey, I won't judge.
2 inches a day? that should not be humanly possible, no way a beard grows like 5 cm a day.
Damn! That's impressive!
This seems appropriate.Dale
Unless you're Bigby's cousin or something it should take at least a month for it to grow one inch...
I'm pretty sure Sarita said something along the line of "You should have seen his beard then" when talking about how she found him.
This would imply that his beard used to be a lot more wild than it is now. So, going by that, he has in fact shaved.
Kenny seemed to keep stubble, along with his epic mustache, in season 1.
Stubble can be maintained in 2 ways.
1, just go a couple of days between shaves.
Or 2, use a beard trimmer.
I do not ever recall Sarita saying anything like that.
I do remember her saying how frail Kenny was when she found him.
It depends on the choice of dialogue in one scene:
If it were an inch a day, you'd have to shave about five times a day... Or you'd just have a full beard at the end of each day. An inch is about:
That's Kenny!?
He doesn't do a clean shave well.
He looks way better with either his epic mustache or beard.
I wonder how he'd look wearing a goatee?
I think a goatee would look excellent on him.
And incidentally, I think he kept his mustache, and just let his beard grow, as opposed to shaving it all off.
Btw, how did you do this anyway?
this guy cuts the grass of course.
YA i wish i saw his beard then.
Sacrilege. You dare post such things on Easter of all times?
I also have quite fast beard growth, but it still takes me like a month before I reach an inch. You must be putting some shit they put in plants and stuff to make em grow faster or something cause I just don't know how it's humanly possible to grow it that fast, sounds freaky.
Where do they "plop"??
We can all wish for a Kenny DLC still. I bet he looked like Santa Claus.
Are you sure Bigby is not your distant relative....???
Still, you have some nice growth there. Me? Eh, just a few tiny hairs from time to time....
Yeah... I would assume it gets pretty annoying after a while.
Still, I know for a fact a lot of people would want to be in your shoes, the guys who don't have a beard growth like yours. And you for example don't want your beard to grow that fast, always interesting to see things like this. People wish what they don't have, I guess....
He looks werid without his powerful 'stache.
That is actually very true, people tend to want what they don't have
Me myself I actually really like my beard growth, seeing I enjoy having a beard, and when it gets to long I just cut it then, but I hate other things as my big feets (size 49 EU, Sweden), and I am also quite tall (about 190cm)
But I say both of these have their cons and pros, I like being tall at festivals as I can always see the stage. but I always feel in the way of those behind me, and afraid of stepping on them with my feets.
I actually can relate to you on height and the feet size, although mine is only 46(It's still a pain though). But you do have some.... Big feet. Hmmmmm, you know what the say about big feet,right?:D I guess you can consider yourself lucky in some instances,haha!
Oh well, everyone will get to have a beard sooner or later, just let nature run it's course:).
Yeah I have this friend who's like 30 and still hasn't gotten his first moustache, poor soul
Lmao. This comment made it all worthwhile.
It's a piece of this picture cut out. I didn't remove the Stache, but I've seen this circulating the forums for some time now and thought this the perfect situation to use it.