Fooled around with some screenshots and threw this together.
Two alternates that I personally don't like too much. But they exist. So… more I'll put them here anyways.
Selecting Season 1 Clem's hair made me want to tear my hair out.
Also made this GIF to go along with these.
I've been thinking of writing my very own Forum-related creepypasta. (Which is just a creepy/scary online story.) Would you guys like to read something like that? It would be pretty dark and twisted.
That's not even bad we just want to know about deleted chapters, characters and dialoges and I'm happy if he place something online. If you … morewant I know a guy wo placed a video on youtube with game files of EP 2 but with big spoilers who will appear at Carvers camp.
Somebody should do the same gif... But it should be straight outta Carolina, and the faces are photo shopped and they are Nick,Carlos.Luke and Clementine and obviously try to change the names.
I'm just asking people if they want to see it and if they don't want to they don't look oke, look I don't care if I watch a trailer for a movie because if I look at the trailer I know they end and that happens all the time so I don't care anymore. I even go to the movies because I don't care anymore...
Fooled around with some screenshots and threw this together.
Two alternates that I personally don't like too much. But they exist. So… more I'll put them here anyways.
Selecting Season 1 Clem's hair made me want to tear my hair out.
Also made this GIF to go along with these.
Fooled around with some screenshots and threw this together.
Two alternates that I personally don't like too much. But they exist. So… more I'll put them here anyways.
Selecting Season 1 Clem's hair made me want to tear my hair out.
Also made this GIF to go along with these.
Oh.... my.... god....
Try to get some.... try to get some....
I hate much........ shudders.
Still not as bad as zombie herpes...
I like to think that Nate would be like this if he was a Goose.
Fooled around with some screenshots and threw this together.
Two alternates that I personally don't like too much. But they exist. So I'll put them here anyways.
Selecting Season 1 Clem's hair made me want to tear my hair out.
Also made this GIF to go along with these.
That is beautiful.
I'll just... leave this here...
I just noticed it says "Quick f---ing around"
Girrafehat, if you want a creepy story how about Nate's origins story
Sure he does.. Go on spoil it
Weow, you hate on Kenny for liking foreign women, and now you hate a little Asian girl.
Congratulations, you have now become a racist.
Somebody should do the same gif... But it should be straight outta Carolina, and the faces are photo shopped and they are Nick,Carlos.Luke and Clementine and obviously try to change the names.
I'm just asking people if they want to see it and if they don't want to they don't look oke, look I don't care if I watch a trailer for a movie because if I look at the trailer I know they end and that happens all the time so I don't care anymore. I even go to the movies because I don't care anymore...
Such determination...
Like you, Carley
That Nate reference was awesome, this duck really reminds me of him
Bitching level: Legendary.
That is awesome!
Genius! just genius What do you say, Russ? shoeld we just kill these ducks and take all their bread?
And this why you you don't Google stuff when someone on the internet tells you not to Google something.
Dafug did i saw???0.0
Just like me, I had some problems with my eyes and they were all red and... So did I look like.
We all know what pus is, don't we?
Up all night to get some.
**The making of The Walking Dead **

If you think the group pole dancing is bad, I saw Clem doing it on a youtube vid o_0
I could rave to this all night.
That's enough meme thread for one day. O_o
You can hear Ben saying I can't believe this is making horny.