that is not fair, my stupid friend was playing this sick joke i promise it will never happend again, if you see my past history there is no … moresign of pedo comments, it's just this time only because of my stupid friend. Why did you put a FBI link seriously, remember this is just a video game the characters are not real..
I am a big fan of the walking dead games and clem is my favorite character but i never would say pedo comments like this, please ingore those comments, i have just changed all of my comments and replied to them as Christa is my favorite and she is hot.
Nah, she was probably pretty:
I didn't care to fix her teeth though... it adds some... character...
This is what only five minutes of photo-shopping someone does...
She just seems too motherly to me. I guess she does share a lot of features with my own mom... Actually, now that I look closely, holy shit, that's my mom if she were black.
She just seems too motherly to me. I guess she does share a lot of features with my own mom... Actually, now that I look closely, holy shit, that's my mom if she were black.
Nah, don't understand. It's some weird-ass online fetish, and besides...he posted the picture of Clem in the most attractive girls of TWD thread. The point is, people wank off to this shit, and normally I don't care what people jerk off to, but this is a picture of a little's just sickening.
You mean like fake plastic surgery and photoshop people? I like that TWD characters look like real people, I hate movies/shows where everyone has that fake Hollywood look.
I'm not attracted to females but I can honestly say if I were, i'd think that Shel is pretty.
And in addition to her attractiveness, i'd totally trust her to look after Clementine... as long as Becca is either nice or out of the picture.
Well, it's not like they're lacking in that department. Besides, pretty much every female character who looks to be from their 20's to 30's looks pretty damn beautiful in this game.
Just saying, that comment was at your friends not you, you seems much nicer and not a pedophile.
Really? o.o Must of missed that part.. I figured she looked around 18-20ish
Her utter looks like it is in dire need of some delicious milking.
Mark could not resist its appeal.
I didn't put an FBI link... But that's life, friend.
She needs braces.
BIG TIME! and a tan
DAFAQ SHE DIED????????!!!!!!!
That would be cool if that were their aim, but no. The cancer survivors were in Shel's group, remember? They referenced episode 5.
ok ok ok ok WHAAAAAAAAAT
I mean, they just have so much in common. They both live in the Zombie Apocalypse, they both eat human flesh, etc...
cute cartoon of little Clementine posing with her sweet little feet.
I just noticed she has a wart on her nose, lol.
Gonna go with Season 2 Christa, post-pregnancy.
Stephanie, Carley, Lilly, Molly, Christa.
Shel. I'm not normally into short hair but damn she pulls it off well.
Lily by far. She seems like she would be "wild" in the sheets.
Pretty sure that's a nose stud.
She just seems too motherly to me. I guess she does share a lot of features with my own mom... Actually, now that I look closely, holy shit, that's my mom if she were black.
Episode 2 Bonnie anyone? I really like natural red hair. Also Molly.
You've got a point there...
HOLY SHIT. You're right!
You didn't need to clarify "post-pregnancy" XD
Molly or Steph. I prefer Molly's personality, though.
To be honest with you none of the females are really attractive in TWD.
I like women with curves.
Nah, don't understand. It's some weird-ass online fetish, and besides...he posted the picture of Clem in the most attractive girls of TWD thread. The point is, people wank off to this shit, and normally I don't care what people jerk off to, but this is a picture of a little's just sickening.
Now we understand why everyone hates Ben. Fuck you, Ben.
You mean like fake plastic surgery and photoshop people? I like that TWD characters look like real people, I hate movies/shows where everyone has that fake Hollywood look.
She doesn't seem like that kind of person... I mean she seems a bit old for one.
I'm not attracted to females but I can honestly say if I were, i'd think that Shel is pretty.
And in addition to her attractiveness, i'd totally trust her to look after Clementine... as long as Becca is either nice or out of the picture.
I've seen older people than her with them.
Plus, she doesn't even look that old.
Well apparently she's roughly 30-40 and it just seems unlike her.
Stephanie. Beatrice would probably look good if she was cleaned up.
He was probably just a dumb teenager who decided it would be funny to post that stuff.
And now I can't stop wondering what gender you are.
Well, it's not like they're lacking in that department. Besides, pretty much every female character who looks to be from their 20's to 30's looks pretty damn beautiful in this game.