
  • Yeah, I totally headbang to this!

  • I totally run with this.

    Yeah, I totally headbang to this!

  • edited April 2014

    Cool! that's actually pretty interesting ^^

    I must admit when i first listened to that song i wasn't really sure what to make of it (the music sounds different than what i'm used to) but after a while i started to get really into it and it is very good :D i know what you mean with the lyrics, i was going to type parts of the song i liked best but i would end up typing too much, so i will stick with this one:
    "I find over the course of our human existence. One thing consists of consistence. And it's that we're all battling fear
    oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here" :3

    The Amnesia soundtrack is great, it's one of my favourite soundtracks from a horror game along with the music from the Silent Hill series

    Yes, I am a furry. The stories I am writing contain anthromorphic beings. I like Classic Rock as well! I'm not picky when it comes to m

  • edited April 2014

    Everytime i listen to this it reminds me of Beetlejuice (it sounds a tiny bit like the theme from it)

    Rafoli posted: »

    I totally run with this.

  • edited April 2014

    There's nothing really special about the fandom. It's just a bunch of people who like anthromorphic beings and you occasionally bump into the ones who fap to it. The fandom is pretty much an art fandom, but I am happy to be a part of it, even though there are some pretty harsh stereotypes about us.

    So yeah, Twenty One Pilots is very unique with their music. My personal favorites are "Addict with a Pen", "Car Radio", "Kitchen Sink", "Holding On To You", "Fake You Out", and "Guns For Hands".

    xValkyx posted: »

    Cool! that's actually pretty interesting ^^ I must admit when i first listened to that song i wasn't really sure what to make of it (the

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah i know, but i find it interesting since you're the first furry i've actually spoken to (i rarely ever see any on forums unless it's on a sonic the hedgehog website) :) i dunno, i get amazed by the smallest things sometimes..

    I tried drawing fanart of it before and failed miserably xD it's a lot more difficult to create than it seems i'll say that ._.;

    I will definitely be sure check out more of their music. I can't believe i never heard of them before.
    Have you ever listened to Gorillaz?

    There's nothing really special about the fandom. It's just a bunch of people who like anthromorphic beings and you occasionally bump into t

    edited April 2014

    Hitler: Ich bin transsexueller, das ist nicht gut! * shoots himself *

  • No, I haven't heard of Gorillaz... Well, maybe, they sound a little familiar.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah i know, but i find it interesting since you're the first furry i've actually spoken to (i rarely ever see any on forums unless it's on

  • I know i said i didn't like rap (well technically it's more indie rock than rap) but i really like Gorillaz ^_^

    The songs actually fit in with a story that's based on the characters in the music videos. I find it interesting. I don't know if you would like them but i thought suggest it anyways :3

    No, I haven't heard of Gorillaz... Well, maybe, they sound a little familiar.

  • I'll be sure to check them out when I have the chance!

    Sooo.... hmm.... let's see... we did... hobbies, music, fandoms...

    Do you.... where are you from? Doesn't need to be city specific, but are you from America or some other country?

    xValkyx posted: »

    I know i said i didn't like rap (well technically it's more indie rock than rap) but i really like Gorillaz ^_^ The songs actually fit in

  • okay dokey~

    I'm from Scotland :) Glasgow to be specific. What about you?

    I'll be sure to check them out when I have the chance! Sooo.... hmm.... let's see... we did... hobbies, music, fandoms... Do you.... where are you from? Doesn't need to be city specific, but are you from America or some other country?

  • 'Murica.


    Minnesota to be exact.

    Minnesota: the land where it snows in the middle of spring. We just got sleet yesterday.

    xValkyx posted: »

    okay dokey~ I'm from Scotland Glasgow to be specific. What about you?

  • edited April 2014

    I think that is the most badass video i have seen today. I now have this sudden feeling of wanting to speed down a motorway on a motorbike blasting this out. FUCK YEAH!

    Lol well at least it's not Scotland where 80% of the weather is heavy rain. In which 20 degrees outside is Summer xD

    Also yay for Team Fortress 2!

    'Murica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjbeE90vVY Minnesota to be exact. Minnesota: the land where it snows in the middle of spring. We just got sleet yesterday.

  • Aka Hat Simulator.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think that is the most badass video i have seen today. I now have this sudden feeling of wanting to speed down a motorway on a motorbike b

  • This video makes me proud to be an American. ;^)

    At least Scotland has some interesting things there to visit. In Minnesota, it's the land of ten thousand lakes... quite literally XD. I wouldn't see why anyone would come up here except for fishing.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think that is the most badass video i have seen today. I now have this sudden feeling of wanting to speed down a motorway on a motorbike b

  • edited April 2014

    Well on the bright side, now if a zombie apocalypse DOES happen then you are guaranteed not to die hungry :P

    edit:/ well...unless you suck at fishing in which case you're royally fucked.

    This video makes me proud to be an American. ;^) At least Scotland has some interesting things there to visit. In Minnesota, it's the la

  • Always have to look on the bright side!

    At least Minnesota weather will slow down walkers XD

    xValkyx posted: »

    Well on the bright side, now if a zombie apocalypse DOES happen then you are guaranteed not to die hungry :P edit:/ well...unless you suck at fishing in which case you're royally fucked.

  • I'm gonna put this out there:

    I'm a psychology enthusiast, and I don't judge, and I keep secrets pretty well, so uh, ya know, if you're a bit "off" I'm usually available on steam. Kinda weird to say, but hey, I'm bored and stuff.

  • and Scottish weather would just slow us xD

    we wouldn't even be able to do that thing where you rub the walker's guts on you to stop them from smelling you because the rain would wash it off D: ....i think i might move to Minnesota xD

    Always have to look on the bright side! At least Minnesota weather will slow down walkers XD

  • I'm making a poll in my mind of what I'm gonna play, and nothing has been decided yet.

    Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'm gonna put this out there: I'm a psychology enthusiast, and I don't judge, and I keep secrets pretty well, so uh, ya know, if you're a bit "off" I'm usually available on steam. Kinda weird to say, but hey, I'm bored and stuff.

  • Tell your folks you're moving here to increase your chances of zombie apocalypse survival. They'll understand... I think... ;^P

    xValkyx posted: »

    and Scottish weather would just slow us xD we wouldn't even be able to do that thing where you rub the walker's guts on you to stop them from smelling you because the rain would wash it off ....i think i might move to Minnesota xD

  • I think my parents have gave up on me anyway xD they already think i'm a nut job, i'd probably be given a suitcase and tossed out the door lol

    Tell your folks you're moving here to increase your chances of zombie apocalypse survival. They'll understand... I think... ;^P

  • Sad XD

    Don't worry, you can make your money by drawing or something.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think my parents have gave up on me anyway xD they already think i'm a nut job, i'd probably be given a suitcase and tossed out the door lol

  • Or maybe i can sneak into a comic book store and live there xD

    ...holy smokes i would love that o_o

    Sad XD Don't worry, you can make your money by drawing or something.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd let you live at my place, but my parent's wouldn't appreciate me inviting strange Scottish sexy women to our house XD

    xValkyx posted: »

    Or maybe i can sneak into a comic book store and live there xD ...holy smokes i would love that o_o

  • Even if i bake awesome cakes? :3

    damn i want cake now D:

    I'd let you live at my place, but my parent's wouldn't appreciate me inviting strange Scottish sexy women to our house XD

  • Cakes and sandwiches maybe.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Even if i bake awesome cakes? damn i want cake now

  • I can do that :D just so long as i get watch anime and play video games i'm happy TwT

    then when the apocalypse comes we will have enough food to survive and we can group together with other members of the forum and be the most badass zombie slayers EVER....or we will suck and all die xD

    Cakes and sandwiches maybe.

  • Yes and yes. Maybe you could get me into a few anime shows. I've always wanted to watch one, but I never found time to.

    We could have a survivor party. We could all live off of cake and sandwiches, play video games, and play board games. We can even make balloons from walker stomachs.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I can do that just so long as i get watch anime and play video games i'm happy TwT then when the apocalypse comes we will have enough fo

  • Of course :) i watch a variety of different ones so i'm sure i could find a few you might like ^^
    i personally suggest Death Note, One Piece, Hellsing and Bleach. They are some of the more popular ones but they are all very good with nice storylines.

    that would be epic! >:D we should live life to the fullest :3

    Yes and yes. Maybe you could get me into a few anime shows. I've always wanted to watch one, but I never found time to. We could have a

  • I'll look into those if I get the chance.

    My guinea pig is squeaking from hunger right now. Do you have any pets?

    I have two dogs and babysitting a guinea pig.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Of course i watch a variety of different ones so i'm sure i could find a few you might like ^^ i personally suggest Death Note, One Piece,

  • edited April 2014

    I could send you some links to sites if you want at some point?

    I have a pet cat named Shadow :3 Alt text

    I'll look into those if I get the chance. My guinea pig is squeaking from hunger right now. Do you have any pets? I have two dogs and babysitting a guinea pig.

  • He/she looks adorable!

    If you want to send me links, you can, but I won't be able to watch them right now.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I could send you some links to sites if you want at some point? I have a pet cat named Shadow

  • edited April 2014

    He :3 thanks~ he's actually a ninja shhhhhhhh....

    it's fine i'll just wait till whenever you want to ^_^

    Edit:/ oops, i have to go to bed now ^^; it was nice talking to you today, talk again tomorrow? :) night~

    He/she looks adorable! If you want to send me links, you can, but I won't be able to watch them right now.

  • I enjoyed our talk. I hope we talk more tomorrow.

    xValkyx posted: »

    He thanks~ he's actually a ninja shhhhhhhh.... it's fine i'll just wait till whenever you want to ^_^ Edit:/ oops, i have to go to bed now ^^; it was nice talking to you today, talk again tomorrow? night~

  • Hello again~

    I enjoyed our talk. I hope we talk more tomorrow.

  • Hey girl. How was your day?

    xValkyx posted: »

    Hello again~

  • Pretty good actually :D I didn't really do much today but i don't have an exam to do today so i'm happy :3

    what about yourself?

    Hey girl. How was your day?

  • Fantastic! I'd tell you more, but we should start another comment chain for this conversation.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Pretty good actually I didn't really do much today but i don't have an exam to do today so i'm happy what about yourself?

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