The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited May 2014

    Alt text

    Oh no must not laugh CAN'T lmao sh**

  • Today is another "I don't know what the fuck i'm doing with my life" day...

  • 3spooky5me
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Today is another "I don't know what the fuck i'm doing with my life" day...

  • edited May 2014
    Did you save Sarah of Juice Box?

    101% of players saved Juice Box
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I got bored so I made this... And this...

  • Actually, it's urban magic.
  • edited May 2014
    I am SOO buying one of those!
    OzzyUK posted: »

    I found Clementine's hatchet

  • Make sure if you leave it stuck between some door handles that Ben doesn't take it.

    I am SOO buying one of those!

  • i have come back for vengeance
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Has Juicy turned evil!? NO!

  • Jesus, there are so many Juice Boxes in this forum.

    i have come back for vengeance

  • Well, she doesn't have Daddy Carlos looking after her in the screenshot.
    hayd24 posted: »

    Yet in the promo screenshot she looks like she is going to explode into confetti.

  • *In Adam Jensen's voice*

    I never asked for this...

    Yeah, RIP. (Thread, for the moment)
  • edited May 2014
    GAAH made a meme pic but I cant put it up. Hope they enable pictures soon
  • Impostor!

    i have come back for vengeance

  • There can never be too many Juice Boxes. JuiceBox blaze it yo!
    Rafoli posted: »

    Jesus, there are so many Juice Boxes in this forum.

  • edited May 2014
  • Bullshit, how'd you get accepted in the first place!?
  • You're damn right! Hopefully later on today we get them back. B]
    Lee4ever posted: »

    GAAH made a meme pic but I cant put it up. Hope they enable pictures soon

  • I'm confused. Is it just the shadows playing tricks on me, or was that black Luke at the door?

    This guy done it. Skip about 1 minute into the video for the moment.

  • Looks like the Meme and Fun Thread's gonna be a bit "stale" for a while...
  • +1 for adam jensen

    *In Adam Jensen's voice* I never asked for this... Yeah, RIP. (Thread, for the moment)

  • Its... the... Juiceboxalipse! *badumm-tss*
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    There can never be too many Juice Boxes. JuiceBox blaze it yo!

  • edited May 2014
  • Fail.
    Zyphon posted: »

  • lol that's messed up lol
  • Yes, it would appear as if posting links has been disabled. Oh well.
    Rafoli posted: »


  • These are the Dark Ages of Telltale... The trolls have won, pictures are banned from the world.


    LET THE UPVOTE REVOLUTION BEGIN! If we upvote EVERY comment, trolls won't be able to come to this forum anymore due to the positivity!

  • It's the power of the luv spreading!
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    These are the Dark Ages of Telltale... The trolls have won, pictures are banned from the world. ... LET THE UPVOTE REVOLUTION BEGI

  • love!!!!! HEEL YEAH
    Rafoli posted: »

    It's the power of the luv spreading!

  • Attention whore detected
    Rigtail posted: »

    What is sick about wanting to fuck someone? It's pretty natural, I think. Everybody has sex, though I would consider fucking someone and having sex with someone to be different.

  • Viva la Revolution!
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    These are the Dark Ages of Telltale... The trolls have won, pictures are banned from the world. ... LET THE UPVOTE REVOLUTION BEGI

  • Meme's will return..."Soon" don't give up people. B]
  • *throws skittles and runs away* ...thanks

    Meme's will return..."Soon" don't give up people. B]

  •'s Valky :p
    xValkyx posted: »

    *throws skittles and runs away* ...thanks

  • *snaps fingers towards you* ;D

    (damn i wish i could use a gif)'s Valky :p

  • Heh, don't worry they're "Just around the corner" we'll get them "In the near future" :p
    xValkyx posted: »

    *snaps fingers towards you* ;D (damn i wish i could use a gif)

  • Oh haha smarty pants :P

    well at least you didn't say ''soon', every time i hear that word now i go into a panic like state D:
    Dad: We are going out right now, but we will be back..*soon*"
    Me: O__________________O *cries in her sleep*

    Heh, don't worry they're "Just around the corner" we'll get them "In the near future" :p

  • Even I hate the word soon. Soon enough though, we have to get them back. Haha, That word has tortured us around here. Soon, we'll all go crazy.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Oh haha smarty pants :P well at least you didn't say ''soon', every time i hear that word now i go into a panic like state D: Dad: We are going out right now, but we will be back..*soon*" Me: O__________________O *cries in her sleep*

  • 'Soon' will probably be the last things we scrawl on the walls before the apocalypse get's us.

    Even I hate the word soon. Soon enough though, we have to get them back. Haha, That word has tortured us around here. Soon, we'll all go crazy.

  • Lol! I can see that happening. B]
    xValkyx posted: »

    'Soon' will probably be the last things we scrawl on the walls before the apocalypse get's us.

  • It will be like ''the cake is a lie'' and leave people wondering what it meant xD

    (okay i shall leave before i mess up the thread ;3 talk to you tomorrow Lee! *hugs and vanishes*)

    Lol! I can see that happening. B]

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