The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Still nothing, this needs to be fixed soon, otherwise this thread will be dead forever.
  • edited May 2014
    I dont know if this has been posted yet but here it goes
  • "Soon"

    Still nothing, this needs to be fixed soon, otherwise this thread will be dead forever.

  • They don't call you professional for nothing.


  • I knew Tavia was a member of the group. KNEW it.

    That trailer scared me :c also wdf tavias group was carver the whole teim? betch

  • The pictures are disabled.
    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    I dont know if this has been posted yet but here it goes

  • I don't know if this video has been posted before, but here goes
  • Yeah i know it was a link but for some reason it didnt worked but now is fixed

    The pictures are disabled.

  • So, I just made this after playing the episode: (WARNING, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3)

  • Yes, pun intended. XD
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    So, I just made this after playing the episode: (WARNING, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3) www(.)

  • edited May 2014

    B-Clem even more

    Anyone else noticed this???
  • Man that episode was short .... and screwed up
  • *initiates laughter*
    S-Rose posted: »

    Now whenever I look at the Governor, I'm just going to think about oreos. :P

  • omg

    Mindblowing fact: Carlos is actually a magician. XD



    Attack on Nick! Lol I thought this was cute. :P Bonding time with Luke and cheering up Nick. c:

  • nick looks shit tired or hes just like that

    People are wondering what happened during the five days of traveling during episode 2. This should give you a pretty good idea. Selfies!!! c:

  • i respect this ship
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Ooh Azlyn! GOUSTTTT has a crush on you. I totes ship GOUzlyn. Oh, also, your disrespect toward the Goose community has not gone undocumented...

  • omg thats one of the art trades ive done with someone

    //sorrytobeoutofthesubject ; n ;//
  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    I loled at the irony of Carvers coffee mug

    I think I found an easter egg in Episode 3.

    Do you remember the tweet Strauffer gave us long ago? Now look up the thing I found :D
  • Vivec's gonna have a field day with the bullet to the crotch animations.
  • edited May 2014
    Some funny pictures from EP3. Adorable Clem strikes back:

    Poor clementine :(

    Telltale: Damn, at least you could enable images here...
  • edited May 2014
    I wrote a Kenny-themed prayer.

    Hail Kenny, full of boats, The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
  • Amen.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I wrote a Kenny-themed prayer. Hail Kenny, full of boats, The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fru

  • lol I totally missed that nice find.
  • what is the most important thing in the world that ppl will travel miles to get to, KENNY-BOAT!!! lol I love that line.

    Lol, me and GOUSTTTT were saying that someone should make a video of all the times Kenny says "Boat"

  • What did he say?
    Crips posted: » I think I found an easter egg in Episode 3. Do you remember the tweet Strauffer gave us long ago? Now look up the thing I found :D

  • Ay Carvers parteh,common every bodeh. Before she goes to be-ed, lock her in a she-ed. Watch out for that nate, he will commit ra-ape. Nick has a gu-un, he really isnt fu-un. Rebeccas a bi-itch, throw here in a di-itch.
  • edited May 2014
    and heres some music

    Ay Carvers parteh,common every bodeh. Before she goes to be-ed, lock her in a she-ed. Watch out for that nate, he will commit ra-ape. Nick has a gu-un, he really isnt fu-un. Rebeccas a bi-itch, throw here in a di-itch.


    and heres some music

  • edited May 2014
    heres some music to go with it

    Ay Carvers parteh,common every bodeh. Before she goes to be-ed, lock her in a she-ed. Watch out for that nate, he will commit ra-ape. Nick has a gu-un, he really isnt fu-un. Rebeccas a bi-itch, throw here in a di-itch.

  • Camp Reggie
  • This is probaly really stupid but how do i make a thread or what ever its called ?
  • Community -> The Walking Dead -> Show more -> Start a new discussion

    This is probaly really stupid but how do i make a thread or what ever its called ?

  • edited May 2014
    I have a feeling that Kenny didn`t loose his eye for nothing. KENNY THE PIRATE, YAAARR!!!
    p.s. I still need help in posting pictures. I don`t have a tab that looks like a landscape.
  • Who thinks sarita will be in next episode because usually on the next walking dead cutscenes they usually never show the actual room their in or some characters are in different spots like matt was with walter
  • edited May 2014
    Well, I bet Sarita will be there, but I guess only at the beginning. Her chance of survival is very low.

    Also, I think you're writing in the wrong thread. :P

    Who thinks sarita will be in next episode because usually on the next walking dead cutscenes they usually never show the actual room their in or some characters are in different spots like matt was with walter

  • well i dont see any memes anymore and that $&%^&#(#$*#^&()%#*(#&()@%{&_@*ing sucks Ess
  • Posting pictures is currently disabled. You have to copy the link, paste it and remove the https:// so it can show up.
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