Official Create your Own TWD story or Fanfic



  • Sounds like a cool and unique style of writing very interesting MOAR

    I do avoid writing the Actual Characters even for Fan of Imagination and Vision. I preferred Creating My Own Characters, But for Aiden War

  • OMG!! I really enjoyed this unreal so cool
    Markd4547 posted: »

    As promised to Tobi TWD and TWAU crossover Chapter 1 The Walking Bigby Bigby arrived in Cranes office he was in clear distress shaking

  • Thanks for reading and the nice comment
    DuckorRobin posted: »

    OMG!! I really enjoyed this unreal so cool

  • Preview #1 "Mourning 1/2"
    Luke: "This just isn't real, how is this happening, are we all sick and will eat eachother????.... how much time
    we all have, before I get sick.....Macie....Cindy.....
    David you came here... Said you're not feeling well.. So We let you rest in our guest room and.... what the heck happened to you......"

    Also My Story is Based on the AMC Version, where Zombies never existed through Movies and Horror Stories.

    Ending Scene:
    Luke and his Daughter is in his Room Mourning for the Death Of His Wife, His Brother David Killed Her, Luke Killed David.
    Some time After, He hears Female groaning, His Wife Macie is Reanimated into one, She was killed in the next room, room is on the east ide, and Luke's room is south, As "Sick Macie" turns to Luke's room and sees Him, she walks slowly to Him.
    Distant Moaning, Groaning, Feminine.
    Luke: "Cindy you hear that? Sounds like David.. no.. more Feminine... Macie?"
    Macie Now "A Sick" is walking slowly and Luke sees Her, Macie turns to Luke and looks at Him, and walks slowly to Him.
    Luke: "What is causing this..."
    Luke: Grabs Gun from Bed.
    Luke: "Macie.... Cancer... there was never a Cure, only Death for a better life.. In GOD...."
    Luke Points Gun at Macie
    Luke: "I'm Sorry Macie"
    Cindy: Mommie?.....Dad.. is she Sick too? Like David"
    Luke: "Yeah.. It's Over.. Aids, Cancer.. Doesn't no no no..Stay there Cindy.. don't get close to Her."

    Luke: "I'm sorry Macie, you could have still been here..."
    Luke: Tears drop..
    Luke: "If it has to be this way.. so be it... Cindy I'm Sorry, don't be afraid.. Can happen to Us anytime.. I love you Macie"
    Luke Shoots Macie"

    I'm not good at Grammar, so wording and sentencing will be off.
    It is a short one, that would be about Mins if was a Webisode.

    Full Part will be tomorrow.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well they all sound cool love to read it not sure myself how to share link till the features come back

  • edited May 2014
    Can we get a Shrek - TWD crossover fanfiction? Like, Shrek meeting Lee or Kenny or maybe Carver and their interactions?

    It's not ogre 'till it's ogre.
  • Genius but I'm not worthy of writing such a story hopefully someday someone we write one we can only dream
    Gorthaur posted: »

    Can we get a Shrek - TWD crossover fanfiction? Like, Shrek meeting Lee or Kenny or maybe Carver and their interactions? It's not ogre 'till it's ogre.

  • YES so cool and brilliant can't wait to read the rest thanks for the share

    Preview #1 "Mourning 1/2" Luke: "This just isn't real, how is this happening, are we all sick and will eat eachother????.... how much time

  • Well thank you.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip.
  • I'm actually developing a visual novel right now about the Walking Dead, which is a fan made "Bridge" between the comic and game.
  • That sounds so cool post a link when your done love to see it
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    I'm actually developing a visual novel right now about the Walking Dead, which is a fan made "Bridge" between the comic and game.

  • Good and thanks for the share can't wait to see the rest
    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well thank you. Hope you enjoyed your trip.

  • Should I make a thread so i can get more comments from people?
    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES so cool and brilliant can't wait to read the rest thanks for the share

  • Why not it's a great idea make a thread if you want then post link here go on for it!

    Should I make a thread so i can get more comments from people?

  • Does anyone know any artists (or is an artist)? I'm creating a comic, and if anyone is willing to help out, that'd be awesome. (I'm trying to recruit 4+ artists).
  • edited May 2014

    Tobi, Jongon and gengar that I know of are the best

    Jen good

    Azlyn quality

    Does anyone know any artists (or is an artist)? I'm creating a comic, and if anyone is willing to help out, that'd be awesome. (I'm trying to recruit 4+ artists).

  • I know JonGon is awesome, he drew my profile pic. But do the others make serious cartoons (alike to my profile picture), instead of anime or common cartoons?
    Markd4547 posted: » Tobi, Jongon and gengar that I know of are the best www

  • Yeah sure they do Tobi definitely doe's I've seen a lot of his drawings I would recommend him highly his just as good as Jongon

    I know JonGon is awesome, he drew my profile pic. But do the others make serious cartoons (alike to my profile picture), instead of anime or common cartoons?

  • Thanks. I like all of your stories as well! : D
    Markd4547 posted: »

    As long as it's story related don't mind this thread is all about encouraging people to write and I recommend users on this thread visit and contribute as it's quality really great concept and story thread

  • Thanks glad you enjoyed the madness lol
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Thanks. I like all of your stories as well! : D

  • Thanks Carley nice thanks for reading and the review glad you enjoyed it

    Love this violent, smart and very cute well done 10/10

  • edited May 2014
    Previous chapters are located on page 9 and 10 of this thread, in case you forgot what happened!

    Chapter 3: Pop Tarts and Water

    It eventually became a bright, crisp morning after Rayne's humble reunion with her best friend, Molly. Max, unfortunately, had to sleep on the rickety chair that was next to the bunk beds, since Molly asked so 'politely'. Rayne didn't want to have a say in it, and Max, he didn't want to piss off this Molly girl, he was already grateful enough to be given the hospitality and having his life spared twice by these girls.

    Max had awakened, stretched his arms, and yawned. He looked around the bunkroom, only to see that the two girls are still sleeping, he figured it would be best to stay quiet. Leaving his cleaver behind, he walked out the door, carefully descending down the stairs.

    Max walked over to the kitchen, trying to find some snacks that Rayne probably didn't show him yet.

    "They have goddamn Pop Tarts here?!" He excitingly held the box in his grasp. "Wow, I wonder where Rayne found this at? I haven't seen these since, since..." He paused, took one out and sadly opened the wrapper. Still somewhat eager to finally eat this tasty treat, he sat down at the kitchen table.

    "Heh, I see you found my super-secret stash of Pop Tarts, Max."

    Max was caught by surprise, seeing Rayne walk down the stairs ever-so-beautifully.

    "What, cat got your tongue, kid?"

    Max snapped out of his trance. "Oh, sorry, yeah, I just searched your cupboards a bit. I hope you don't mind, Rayne."

    "Not at all, friend." She pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "We got food that would last us for over a year, Max. Like, I showed you the crop that we have in the backyard of this place."

    "Oh yeah, that's right. Sorry, my mind must've wandered somewhere else." Max took a bite out of the stale Pop Tart.

    "Daydreamer, huh? Don't worry, I was one myself, back before the outbreak started. Heh, even now." She noticed him taking the first bite. "Hey, you want any water to go with that?" Max nodded politely.

    Rayne got up, opened the fridge and took out 2 ice-cold waters, one for herself and him.

    "Here ya go." She had placed the bottle by him while she took a swig from hers.

    Letting out a sigh of relief, she sat back in her chair relaxingly. "So, Max, you okay from what happened last night? Molly didn't hurt you, did she?"

    "Well, she kind of did. She fucking placed me in some sort of chokehold for Christ's sake!"

    "Yeah... well, you could say the same for me, I was also the one who put a sword behind your back."

    Max rubbed the back of his head. "True, but, I shouldn't be mad at you two, I mean, both of you showed me mercy when you two could have easily killed me in the first place. So, I guess 'thank you' would be the most appropriate choice of words."

    Rayne grinned her beautiful smile and hugged Max. "That was sweet of you, Max, I'm glad I didn't kill you too."

    "Um, thank you again?" He hugged her as well.

    Letting go of him, she took another sip of water. "Listen, when my friend comes down, just be polite to her, alright? I imagine she's been through so much shit the day she went to Savannah, probably during her scavenging run there too." Rayne sighed. "I wish she didn't go there, but of course, she insisted."

    "Anyways, speak of the Devil, it sounds like she's coming down now. Just be good to her. Please." Max acknowledged her warning and looked as Rayne's friend walked down the stairs in a troubled-state.

    END, of Chapter 3.
  • I loved this chapter so sweet and superbly written anyway

    Things I liked

    Realistic within TWD universe

    Unique style to storytelling such a sweet and beautiful story very rare among all the gruesome and violent stories I review so refreshing

    Original using fresh character you made up

    Great character depth always take the time to flesh out each character even the little jokes or interactions help me as reader connect more with the characters love it

    Build tension slowly yet so entertaining with the mystery element never sure what was going to happen next so I was hooked to each line

    The Grammar and spacing perfect spotted no mistakes

    The descriptions also really set the scene always could picture everything happening and never got lost especially this line "Rayne walk down the stairs ever-so-beautifully" made me lmao so cool

    All your chapters are connecting brilliantly with no plotholes that confuse me so far


    Not fair to leave rating yet as just a chapter when finished full story I rate it out of 10


    Superb Dragon read your stories before and your very talented and always improving can't wait for the rest thanks for the share

    Previous chapters are located on page 9 and 10 of this thread, in case you forgot what happened! Chapter 3: Pop Tarts and Water It

  • edited May 2014
    I'm surprised you gave me a review this early! XD That's ok though, because I certainly applaud it and I know you'll be honest with the full review whenever I finish my story, I am still glad you are enjoying it so far! Like with the other chapters!
  • edited May 2014
    You think that's full review wait till your finished XD I consider that short I like telling writers exactly what I enjoyed lol thanks for the share btw and well done on your thread with all the recent storys over there I think if they posted them here my head would explode with all the reading then reviewing them like 10 per day lol so applaud you for reading and reviewing each one and still having the time to make quality stories of your own.

    I'm surprised you gave me a review this early! XD That's ok though, because I certainly applaud it and I know you'll be honest with the full review whenever I finish my story, I am still glad you are enjoying it so far! Like with the other chapters!

  • Well... (smokes my 100th Huff & Puff cigarette) A storyteller's gotta do what a storyteller's gotta do. We are united in our imaginations.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    You think that's full review wait till your finished XD I consider that short I like telling writers exactly what I enjoyed lol thanks for t

  • edited May 2014
    Well imagination is dangerous in the wrong hands lol as I proved. The future looking bright anyway for the future of that thread with all the talented writers and I might add another over the top, violent and gruesome story that makes no sense in the future if I get good idea for a story XD

    Well... (smokes my 100th Huff & Puff cigarette) A storyteller's gotta do what a storyteller's gotta do. We are united in our imaginations.

  • [removed]
  • [removed]
  • edited May 2014
    Thank you for the review but didn't write the story for you everyone has different tastes and styles there is no right way to write a story for this thread I made this thread for stories to have no rules or restrictions within TWD universe just for people to have fun and get creative writing stories about TWD in any form and judging from your second comment about fanfiction your either a troll or have something against this thread thanks for your time but if you don't like the way users write stories on this thread recommend you leave this thread and go to fanfiction as clearly not within your tastes so your on the wrong thread on this forum. All story's by users here in my opinion are perfect and better then whatever fanfiction has to offer btw ;)
  • Oh, your stories are fine, Mark. XP
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well imagination is dangerous in the wrong hands lol as I proved. The future looking bright anyway for the future of that thread with all th

  • Thanks Dragon love your stories to :)

    Oh, your stories are fine, Mark. XP

  • First of all, FF is a place where everyday people can post their fics, so no the stories on the fics are not posted by the ones who run the website. Yes there are some pretty shitty fics on there, but there are also the best stories. New fics are put up everyday, giving everybody something new to read. The reason why I say go on FF is so that everyone's stories will get more recognition, and it you can actually track the traffic of how many people who read and the reviews can vary, depending on how many people like the characters and genres you use. Additionaly,it will be easier to respond to the reviews and when you do click respond, it automatically sends the response as a PM, so no one else can see your conversation. So no trolling and no hating, just saying that if you have a fic you wish to post, post it on FF. I'm not saying I don't like any of the stories and I am entertained by seeing other people write and that for me is good enough, even if a story is complete and utter shit (Trust me, yours is not even close to what I have seen as the worst. I'd say I could rate mine as 6/10 or 7/10... Maybe 6.5... on average and I'm basing this on response to my fics. Have I written worse than you have written? Yes I have, have I written an 8 before? I have one currently ongoing and I think I just posted the first chapter to a 9, but that is only 2 out of 11. I would never give anybody 10/10 unless if it is absolutely fantastic, which is really, really rare. As an FF author I really have to say no one is perfect at writing, not even me. Hell, there are plenty of people way better me and then there are those who think I'm the best at writing, then I have ran into shit heads who cuss me out just because it's two dudes hugging in one scene. Like you said everyone has different ideas on how a good story goes. I gave you my opinion and that's that.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thank you for the review but didn't write the story for you everyone has different tastes and styles there is no right way to write a story

  • edited May 2014
    Look think your missing the point of this thread. I'm just offering another outlet for people to post story's and get creative so spamming my thread telling people to go to fanfiction is disrespectful and just spam to me you can easily do both anyway. Then referring to some storie's as utter shit and mine as a nice 4/10 even your average is better then mine seriously trying to be nice but none of us are professional writers so take your criticism of mine or anyone's story with a grain of salt. Anyway people have different tastes and styles one persons 1/10 could be another 10/10 meaning taking any criticism onboard could potentially make you a worse writer. So unless you want to post story here recommend you go to fanfiction or do both

    Thank you for your time just please spam someone else's thread with fanfiction instead
    9tailsfox2 posted: »

    First of all, FF is a place where everyday people can post their fics, so no the stories on the fics are not posted by the ones who run the

  • I decided that this weekend I should post my story since It's gonna be a long time before the functions become available again.

    I will post a link to the story when I get the chance. :3
  • YES!!!! can't wait to read it oh yeah also I believe there was prize mentioned? lol

    I decided that this weekend I should post my story since It's gonna be a long time before the functions become available again. I will post a link to the story when I get the chance. :3

  • Yeah, I got made problem is I haven't scanned it because of my workload on my hands, plus there's no functions to give it to you here privately. The prize still needs colouring. Like I said, I'm super busy now.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES!!!! can't wait to read it oh yeah also I believe there was prize mentioned? lol

  • ARE YOU KIDDING ME seriously Tobi the endless excuses give me my money NAW or else.

    Only joking lol take as long as need or can't even get it done it's ok bro :)

    Yeah, I got made problem is I haven't scanned it because of my workload on my hands, plus there's no functions to give it to you here privately. The prize still needs colouring. Like I said, I'm super busy now.

  • edited May 2014
    Well, from what I heard...they don't really like our style of writing.
  • Thanks. It's tough working on comic, action studies, gravatars, colouring the cast, fan art, fan fiction, etc.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME seriously Tobi the endless excuses give me my money NAW or else. Only joking lol take as long as need or can't even get it done it's ok bro :)

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