Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • I am thinking of making a replica of Clem's jacket... Sadly it's almost impossible to find one similar enough to work on and I have ZERO experience with costume/tailoring lol.

    This is the best I could find i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjkzWDUyMA==/z/7lgAAMXQlgtSp8Ur/$_12.JPG
  • Nice. Looks just like Clem's new jacket. But minus the rainbow.
  • edited May 2014
    Aw - that's a cool idea! I have no idea about tailoring either, but that jacket looks really like clems. Maybe stitch the "rainbow"? hmm...

    Tell us your name on deviantart, when you have created your account! :)
  • I'm still planning on adding a background (though I really suck at backgrounds) but yeah.

  • Awesome! I never was good at tailoring so best of luck to you :P
    JonGon posted: »

    I am thinking of making a replica of Clem's jacket... Sadly it's almost impossible to find one similar enough to work on and I have ZERO exp

  • @_Juice_Box_ I can actually feel some emotions just by staring at the drawing, amazing job capturing Clem's face. This actually reminds me a lot of Episode 4's title screen, maybe you can use that for some background ideas.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I'm still planning on adding a background (though I really suck at backgrounds) but yeah. i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l576/parper32/photo11_zpsa2f8205d.jpg

  • @JonGon Good idea! Thanks.
    JonGon posted: »

    @_Juice_Box_ I can actually feel some emotions just by staring at the drawing, amazing job capturing Clem's face. This actually reminds me a lot of Episode 4's title screen, maybe you can use that for some background ideas.

  • @JonGon

    if you were to make a perfect replica of clems jacket, I would seriously consider buying it from you.
    JonGon posted: »

    I am thinking of making a replica of Clem's jacket... Sadly it's almost impossible to find one similar enough to work on and I have ZERO exp

  • @_Juice_Box_

    Great picture ! Silence before the storm - like
  • @Dont_Look_Back

    A perfect replica?! Jesus! that would take too much money to find all the right pieces ;-;

    @JonGon if you were to make a perfect replica of clems jacket, I would seriously consider buying it from you.

  • @JonGon You must get the blood stains exact! Now!!!! (Obviously joking :P)
    JonGon posted: »

    @Dont_Look_Back A perfect replica?! Jesus! that would take too much money to find all the right pieces ;-;

  • @_Juice_Box_ I would actually bust my ass to make it but that 50$ price tag on the jacket is making me think about it D:
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    @JonGon You must get the blood stains exact! Now!!!! (Obviously joking :P)

  • Oh, yeah don't buy that one. $50 is NOT worth it. I love Clem but like... holy shit, too much money.
    JonGon posted: »

    @_Juice_Box_ I would actually bust my ass to make it but that 50$ price tag on the jacket is making me think about it D:

  • Help me... I'm succumbing to the hype... Dat debit card is calling me...
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Oh, yeah don't buy that one. $50 is NOT worth it. I love Clem but like... holy shit, too much money.

  • if only I was rich.... but NOOO the world doesn't work that way.
  • edited May 2014
    #FirstWorldProblems :P
    JonGon posted: »

    Help me... I'm succumbing to the hype... Dat debit card is calling me...

  • I just realized that it's really hard to draw drunk...
  • Just a little drawing I did on my spare time.... WARNING! FEELS!

  • Poor Sarah ;-; Awesome drawing as always Tobi.

    Just a little drawing I did on my spare time.... WARNING! FEELS! http(:)//uzumakiichigoy2k.deviantart.com/art/Father-and-Daughter-454635732

  • edited May 2014
    I can hopefully make Clem, like my gravatar.
  • That is fantastic! I love it. Dammit, TTG... We need photos on the forums. :/

    Just a little drawing I did on my spare time.... WARNING! FEELS! http(:)//uzumakiichigoy2k.deviantart.com/art/Father-and-Daughter-454635732

  • edited May 2014
  • edited May 2014
    Tried to post a link to another picture, but the forum screwed with me again. ( Fixed. Just add another / to the link)


  • i.imgur.com/qk9oYss.png


    My painting skills need practice but eh, it gets the point across :I

    Also, fuck you and your shirt Nick. Get a plain shirt, it's impossible to paint it otherwise.
  • I know this thread focuses on sketches and painting and digital art, but what about music? Once I can post youtube footage, I'd love to share some music that I created for my fan fiction.
  • Not sure about the others, but I'd like to see music too!

    I know this thread focuses on sketches and painting and digital art, but what about music? Once I can post youtube footage, I'd love to share some music that I created for my fan fiction.

  • @Tyler_Durant Same. I am going to college next fall for Music Composition, so I write music a lot. I must say, I HAVE written songs with atmospheres and characters from TWDG in mind. ^_^

    I know this thread focuses on sketches and painting and digital art, but what about music? Once I can post youtube footage, I'd love to share some music that I created for my fan fiction.

  • Awesome! Good for you, man. I take Film And TV Production at school, but creating music is a hobby for me. Hell, I score my own films.
    Toxic Emu posted: »

    @Tyler_Durant Same. I am going to college next fall for Music Composition, so I write music a lot. I must say, I HAVE written songs with atmospheres and characters from TWDG in mind. ^_^

  • Well, to everyone talkin' about music. I believe that there is a thread on that, however, I've got no clue where it's gone to so feel free to express it here as well, I suppose! :)
  • edited May 2014
    :D :D Drawings I made a little bit after the first episode was out.... s27.postimg.org/6icct68dt/Fotor0515210210.png
  • @Tyler_Durant Music is also a form of art so it's cool.

    @CoolStoryBro Allow me to revive the music appreciation thread.
  • edited May 2014
    @fodrom You have to take off the http:// but I looked at your profile to see the link, good job man!
    fodrom posted: »


  • Crossover time!

  • It looks great, but oh god, not homestuck x|

    Crossover time! http(:)//uzumakiichigoy2k.deviantart.com/art/Homestuck-Clem-455271221?ga_submit_new=10%253A1400594248

  • edited May 2014
    I couldn't resist, I was at "home" when a friend got me "stuck" to it.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    It looks great, but oh god, not homestuck x|

  • Looks great, but Dafuq? Is homestuck an anime or something?

    Crossover time! http(:)//uzumakiichigoy2k.deviantart.com/art/Homestuck-Clem-455271221?ga_submit_new=10%253A1400594248

  • @JonGon I'm pretty sure it's a webcomic.
    JonGon posted: »

    Looks great, but Dafuq? Is homestuck an anime or something?

  • http(:)//fav.me/d7j2jam Kenny is one tough bastard.
  • @JonGon You don't want to know... it's an evil drug from hell (it's a very addictive webcomic)
    JonGon posted: »

    Looks great, but Dafuq? Is homestuck an anime or something?

  • @o0HeaDShoT0o Damn right he is. The Kenny art hype is strong now! Amazing work and color, it really brings out his god-like beard. :)

    http(:)//fav.me/d7j2jam Kenny is one tough bastard.

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