Typing dead - A forum user story (submit your characters here, link to story inside!)



  • Cool character, should be interesting in contrast to others. You are going to come in a bit later, ok?
    she-wolf_x1 posted: »

    Name: Selene Location: Ransacking a tool shop for weapons. Appearance: 17 years old, tall and slender, long auburn hair and green

  • Shhh don't tell them that!
    MrLee posted: »

    I thought your'e back story was with MAKE HERE YOURE OWN SALTLICK

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    Well oke: Me looking at Lilly with a gun. How is life Lilly...
    Lilly: Ask my dad.
    Me: why?
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Shhh don't tell them that!

  • ... for the record THAT was not my fault
    MrLee posted: »

    Well oke: Me looking at Lilly with a gun. How is life Lilly... Lilly: Ask my dad. Me: why?

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited May 2014
    Question did you ever hit Larry with the saltlick beause I didn't but I like the sound of BAM in the head... Yeah... It's strange I got addicted to it
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    ... for the record THAT was not my fault

  • You better know (or else you could have an "accident" with some saltlicks) we're cool right?
    MrLee posted: »

    Question did you ever hit Larry with the saltlick beause I didn't but I like the sound of BAM in the head... Yeah... It's strange I got addicted to it

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited May 2014
    We're cool but I seriously like the saltlick from the beginning
    Clem: what's that?
    Me: Don't know it but I want to throw it at somebody.
    Duck: daddy says it's a saltlick.
    Me: Sounds good but how heavy is it?
    And second I like ''saltlick sounds''
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You better know (or else you could have an "accident" with some saltlicks) we're cool right?

  • Name: Jane

    Location: In a small farm, away from big cities.

    Appearance: Brunette, 14 year old, wears nerd clases, small and kinda slim.

    Backstory: When she was 9 her parents died in a carcrash and she had to live with her granny. But her granny died month ago so she is alone. Now she has to worry about outerworld and zombuls, plus she can handle a gun. Sadly she has a asthma

    Personality: She is kinda negative and untrusting about people, but if you get to know her then she can be sweet. Likes to have fun and is a jokester.
  • lol, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to.use my brand new saltlick on you...
    Did you lick it?
    : I.don't know..
    MrLee posted: »

    We're cool but I seriously like the saltlick from the beginning Clem: what's that? Me: Don't know it but I want to throw it at somebody

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    Why are obviously saltlick friends
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    lol, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to.use my brand new saltlick on you... Did you lick it? : I.don't know..

  • I know that the grammar sucks, i live in foregin country but im quite learning. ;)
    ilovetwd posted: »

    Name: Jane Location: In a small farm, away from big cities. Appearance: Brunette, 14 year old, wears nerd clases, small and kinda

  • I don't have so many Ideas right now.
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Short, to the point, lots of room for me to expand. Good!

  • I know, crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes
    MrLee posted: »

    Why are obviously saltlick friends

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    See ya
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I know, crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes

  • edited May 2014
    PART 1 OF THE STORY IS OUT NOW ON THE THREAD! GO VOTE ON THE CHOICES! (That's an offer, not a demand, BTW. The link on the base part of the thread has a link, I'm assuming mast people want to vote, so go do it quickly, before I close the voting!)
  • Name: Tyson.
    Location: In a mansion.
    Appearance:: Medium sized black cornrows, hazel eyes, 18 years old. thin and tall (6ft 5').
    Backstory: Tyson is a son of a billionaire couple, he takes control of his parents and does whatever he likes. He joined the army but managed to get kicked out for not taking it seriously, and not following orders. Currently in his house he has his parents (who are rarely at home), and his best friend who practically lives with him since his parent dont care about him staying over.

    Personality: Tyson is care free, he is positive and trusts others who share the same interests as him, He forgives others easily.
    Extra words to describe him: Lazy, Rich, strong, experienced with guns, likes to joke around.
  • No, it's good, and you are the youngest character so far :D Sorry, you may come in a bit later
    ilovetwd posted: »

    I know that the grammar sucks, i live in foregin country but im quite learning. ;)

  • Name: Kimiko
    Location: Hotel in New York with a large amount of other survivors holed up.
    Appearance: Long, straight black hair. Around 5'7 and very slim. She has prominent cheek bones and a quite long nose. She's 21
    Backstory: She has an older and younger sister, Mai and Sakuna. Their mother died 2 years after Sakuna was born. This made their father constantly discipline and train them with swords. As soon as they were all old enough they took a trip to America.
    Personality: Kimiko can be quite ignorant and hardy. She's very mature and prepared to take responsibility.
  • Thanks man :)
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Oh my god. I love the detail! I don't watch Breaking Bad, but I'll still try to do Ulysses justice.

  • I need someone to fill this role, so I'm going to have to make you Ulysses' girlfriend, it makes the most sense, almost the same age, and at the same area. I'm sorry if you are not OK with this, it won't change your character at all.
    she-wolf_x1 posted: »

    Name: Selene Location: Ransacking a tool shop for weapons. Appearance: 17 years old, tall and slender, long auburn hair and green

  • edited May 2014
    NAME: Riza

    LOCATION: You find him on the road walking trying to find an airport

    APPEARANCE: 5'9" 171 cm 70 kilos, athletic long black hair and an epic beard that is turning into dreads.

    BACKSTORY: trained pilot in the Swedish Air force on vacation with his pregnant wife, she died and he is trying to find an airport in order to fly back home. the only thing keeping him alive is the possibility of getting back home. The Athletic look is much due to military training but he barley passed the shooting exercises. His English has a strong Scandinavian accent to it which usually is a mindfuck to people given that he is of middle eastern origin.
    He doesn't call the "walkers" walkers, he calls them zombies, because that is what they are to him. It was the first word that popped into his head. As time passes by several other words has been used as well, "undead", "shitforbrains" and bat practice" etc. Some nicknames are good, others are not, He tends to get very creative with name calling

    Personality, something between a nerd and a jock, loves association football but is really in to technology and games as well. Addictive personality gets "addicted" to things easily, such as games and so on. Has a bad habit of smoking and can be a bit hot headed sometimes.

    Group: Alone as of now, but that can change I leave it in the hands of the author.
  • You know what?... I'm going to be a girl for once.

    Name: Emma

    Location: Wherever you want, but if you want me to make up one then on the road.

    Appearance: Shorter then most, but not that short. Fairly skinny since she hasn't been able to find much food. Round brown eyes. Long black hair, and not pretty or ugly just regular I guess.

    Backstory: Was in a school gym. The zombies got in and she escaped out the back door, before seeing anything. Nobody was home when she returned and she assumed her family would never come back. She searched the neighborhood, but it was mostly picked clean. She got what was left and is traveling by the road by herself. She is looking for her group and is around 15-16. Can handle herself, but prefers to be around people, because she has been alone for a week.
  • Awesome! Good to have you on board :)

    You know what?... I'm going to be a girl for once. Name: Emma Location: Wherever you want, but if you want me to make up one then

  • Part 2 has been released on the story thread! This time: Markd4547, MrLee, CornPopper, Saltlick123, WhatTheDuck, Imaginethosefandoms, Puncake32, and walkingdead666 have all been written, and everyone else is soon to come, so come vote, and if you're in it, read about yourself, and if you're not yet, still come read, to prepare yourself :)
  • Oh its ok. No need for sorry!!
    maxbear29 posted: »

    No, it's good, and you are the youngest character so far :D Sorry, you may come in a bit later

  • Finally I am in a story! XD Well not me but my old-self.
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Sounds kinda like Sarah with less over-bearing parents. I can't wait to write her!

  • edited May 2014
    Name: John Kozlov

    Location: On the road with a blank but determined look on his face.

    Appearance: Thin, Buzz Cut.

    Backstory: He was in a group before but the leader executed his entire family and now he has a hard time trusting groups. (Can you guess who the executor is?) He was a cop before he got promoted to a S.W.A.T. team member.

    Personality. Usually kind-hearted to people he trusts but when shit goes down and somebody threatens him or anyone else he is not afraid to throw someone against a wall to get it through their thick skulls that he is not to be fucked with.

    Group: Alone.
  • Cool. I do get kind of angry easily. I honestly don't even realize I get angry until someone mentions that I'm yelling.
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Sounds fun to write, I love writing hot-headed people!

  • Well, we know this is the exact same character as from Raging_Blades' story, but still a classic (BTW I voted for him to die >:D)
    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Name: John Kozlov Location: On the road with a blank but determined look on his face. Appearance: Thin, Buzz Cut. Backstory:

  • Before part 4 of the story is released, I'm going to do a group recap! That meaning I'm going to talk about what people are doing right now. Everyone not in the story yet is coming soon!

    Mark and Christian were together in a barn, taking out walkers as they came along. They were overrun by a herd, and while Mark almost made it out, Christian broke the ladder and screwed up his leg. Mark went back to save him, and set ire to the barn, escaping, and letting all the walkers burn. They got in the farmer's SUV, and they noticed the gas tank was full, and then slept. They woke up, heard a distress call, and went to go help. They met up with Arthur, and his cousin Gray, and are currently going to go look for a safe place.

    Brock, and his 2 followers Tyler and Paul were bandits, who robbed and beat up people. They were hiding from a walker, when they heard Cornpopper on a drugged-out rampage. They went into his house, and Cornpopper decided not to shoot them, then Brock beat him up. After his brutal beating, Tyler and Paul had raided his house, and taken all of his stuff. He then killed Tyler, and Paul made a dash for the exit, only to be eaten by a walker. Brock took all three of them out (Tyler, Paul, and the walker), and left an unconscious Cornpopper, taking 1/2 of the stuff Tyler, and Paul grabbed, as walkers surrounded his house.

    Captain Ballarms is in his watchtower, with a sniper rifle, as a girl named Vasilisa shows up asking for help. Captain Ballarms invites her into the prison he's living in, and sets her up a room in cell block D, before getting back to his position in the watchtower (sorry guys, not much has happened with these 2 yet.)

    Puncake, Ulysses, and Harold are looking for Ulysses' girlfriend, Selene. While Puncake and Ulysses argue, Harold gets killed by a walker, before it, and Harold were put down by Puncake. They decide to search the school some more, and go to the pizza shop nearby, where they find James, who offers to help them look for Selene, and they decide to go to the hardware store to look or her.

    That's everyone, expect part 4 soon, check in regularly!
  • Cool! Cant wait :D
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Before part 4 of the story is released, I'm going to do a group recap! That meaning I'm going to talk about what people are doing right now.

  • Yes my beloved Spark what a badass can't wait for the next chapter
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Before part 4 of the story is released, I'm going to do a group recap! That meaning I'm going to talk about what people are doing right now.

  • edited May 2014
    I know I already did a character but I had an epiphany for a villain that you could use so here we go.
    Name: Cyrus
    LOCATION: IN his Penthouse on the top floor
    APPEARANCE: Tall, Thin, he's Pretty strong , dead eyes, Late 30s, tangled black hair, and has a cut on the side of his face where he was shot by cop he since then picked at it making it into a scar and making it even larger then it was before because he does not want to forget the cop who shot him.
    BACKSTORY: Born into a mob family Cyrus was always a trouble child when he was four he killed his pregnant dog and tore open the dogs stomach and showed the dead puppies too his father who smacked the shit out of him for doing something so fucked up, later that year Cyrus's parents were found killed in their sleep after their mysterious deaths Cyrus's uncle took him in and showed him how to lead the family business when his uncle. seventeen years later his uncle was mysteriously murdered as well,at the age of twenty-one Cyrus controlled the family business he made his family the number one mob family in the us dealing coke, meth , and illegal weapons but his most famous act however was the Atlanta police station massacre where twelve police officers were killed and two convicts were killed their were no eye witnesses only the police chief who said those weren't Cyrus's men they were just armed gangsters , he was clearly in Cyrus's pocket just like every police officer in that city well all but one who was they other eye witnesses he tracked Cyrus's down and shot him in the face the officer got away what happed to the officer is anyone's guest, Cyrus has not forgotten he was never shot before and he wants to find him and make him pay, when the end of the world came Cyrus wasn't surprised he was ready he and his gangsters and driven the walkers off his area and is doing what every mob boss does charge for protection.
  • He is John Kozlov The 2nd!!!! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, guess who executed his family. Go on, guess.
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Well, we know this is the exact same character as from Raging_Blades' story, but still a classic (BTW I voted for him to die >:D)

  • Part 4 is now out! Go vote, as I hope to get out part 5 later tonight!
  • edited May 2014
    Name: Desmond

    Location: Warner Robbins Air Force base in Georgia

    Appearance: 24 year old. African-American. 5'11, middle build, wears a white and blue shirt under a grey hoodie with a white and blue striped star on the back, black cargo pants, and a pair of white, red, black running Nike shoes.

    Backstory: Due to military parents, Desmond has been constantly relocated. The last place he ever called home was the base in Georgia. His sense of humor garnered a small group of friends that look up to him. The outbreak happened during class. He lost parents, most of his friends, and everybody he's ever known. The only human contact he's had with is two fellow classmates, Autumn and Xavier. One problem with that is they don't trust each other and they certainly don't trust Desmond. On Day 13, the "walkers" (as Desmond jokingly calls them, much to Autumn and Xavier's annoyance) moved even farther into the base, causing Desmond, Autumn, and Xavier to pack as many supples they could obtain, band together, and escape.

    Personality: Being cut off from society does strange things to someone. The three military survivors have avoided each other for as long as possible and because of this, Desmond's taken to talking to himself. This gets him into occasional trouble with any nearby walkers. Desmond has such a hard time staying quiet, whenever he finds something of interest, he says "Hmm". The only time he quits his joking mood is when trouble arises and he needs to be serious. Desmond's seriousness and comedic attitude combined often make him a sort of leader figure. He also makes a good situation diffuser (a skill he exercises often keeping Autumn and Xavier from strangling each other).
  • Father and son.
    Father first though

    Name: Breton(Brett) Faston

    Appearance: Average height with average weight. Appears to be in his mid thirties. Very light blue eyes. No facial hair.

    Personality: A very moral man that is cautious of his surroundings. Will sacrifice himself for others. Very intelligent as well.


    Name: Garret Faston

    Appearance: Short and skinny, Short brown hair and very weak looking. Light blue eyes. Appears 17.

    Personality: Has many mental issues. Such are Schizophrenia and severe OCD. Very happy kid otherwise, Appears to be like Ben as he screws up constantly.

    Both backgrounds: Breton comes from Germany before moving to America. After his wife died from cancer, he has been very protective of his son. She died while he was 2. He also makes sure nobody sees his sanity in fear nobody while like his son.

    Location: Both appear to be driving out of town until encountering a car wreck. They are checking for survivors and calling the police(If they are put in later they are just looking for survivors.)
  • I can't do New York. It kinda has to be in Georgia. Everything else is fine, though :D
    Purugly posted: »

    Name: Kimiko Location: Hotel in New York with a large amount of other survivors holed up. Appearance: Long, straight black hair. Around

  • That's fine, just change it to Atlanta, thank you :)
    maxbear29 posted: »

    I can't do New York. It kinda has to be in Georgia. Everything else is fine, though :D

  • NAME: Jason Miller
    LOCATION: Just woke up from a nap in his room.
    APPEARANCE: Talk, fairly skinny. Regular tan, light brown eyes. Longish black hair.
    BACKSTORY: 17 year old kid who lives alone with his dad after his mom was killed after an airplane she was on crashed. He is very smart, and pretty strong. Isn't too popular, but he has a few good friends
    PERSONALITY: Shy, but easy to talk to. Gets angry quite easily. Only picks a fight when provoked. He is fairly desensitized from blood and gore.
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