The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    That's genius!
    Crips posted: » I think I found an easter egg in Episode 3. Do you remember the tweet Strauffer gave us long ago? Now look up the thing I found :D

  • Thanks

    Community -> The Walking Dead -> Show more -> Start a new discussion

  • edited May 2014

    You ruined that dude's face
  • Thanks, I`ll try :)
    JonGon posted: »

    Posting pictures is currently disabled. You have to copy the link, paste it and remove the https:// so it can show up.

  • I have a feeling that Kenny didn`t loose his eye for nothing. KENNY THE PIRATE, YAAARRR!!!
    p.s. My second try to post a picture
  • Damn, I haven't posted here in so long. This was my favorite place. I miss the memes.
  • Me too, boy. Me too.

    Damn, I haven't posted here in so long. This was my favorite place. I miss the memes.

  • This thread has become the ruins of what was once a wonderful place. We can rebuild it, but not alone. We need the help of the mods. MODS! HELP!
  • edited May 2014
    Don't know if this has been posted before but it's pretty hilarious.
  • I helped a guy make a video.
  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    Directed by Mr GoldFish27
    A awesome crossover series with Max Payne 3
    GoldFish27 posted: »


  • All hail the boat master captain
  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    I'm protecting my boat with me life genius
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I helped a guy make a video.

  • Lol, read that in Bonnie's voice.
    Crips posted: »

    Me too, boy. Me too.

  • "Good job!"

    Lee and Clem. Awesome show. Great Job.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I helped a guy make a video.

  • "I just pretended they were Ben's head!"

    "Just like you should."
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I helped a guy make a video.

  • who you gonna call? URBANBUSTERS!
  • edited May 2014

    Yay, I started photoshopping...I'm really bad, I need so much work before calling myself as pro XD
  • what the heck happened here?
    we can't post images anymore?
    that doesn't even make any sense.
  • Some anonymous asshole kept posting images of Clementine porn and mutilated babies, so the moderators had to disable that feature. Unless they somehow manage to track this piece of shit down and lock him behind bars, we can't hope to post pictures in the near future without the same problem surfacing again. :(
    JPAssini posted: »

    what the heck happened here? we can't post images anymore? that doesn't even make any sense.

  • Wait, the dude posted dead babies? I didn't see any.

    Some anonymous asshole kept posting images of Clementine porn and mutilated babies, so the moderators had to disable that feature. Unless th

  • Lucky you.
    Rigtail posted: »

    Wait, the dude posted dead babies? I didn't see any.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen i present you the first thread ever made in TWD forums

    its pretty boring but its an historic thread even though is a critic actually
  • this thread was so fun i hope images come back soon

    Damn, I haven't posted here in so long. This was my favorite place. I miss the memes.

  • Anyone seen this already?
  • Noo Yoshi Kenny died

    Anyone seen this already?

  • edited May 2014
    can we get images back yet please
  • Troy takes over for Paul Blart in **Mall Cop 2: Under New Management**
  • I dreamed last night that pictures were back on the forums.I came here next day and I realized how dumb I am for thinking that was true :(
  • edited May 2014
  • edited May 2014
    this is my first time trying to post an image like this :
  • "You had boats in your hands and you didn't offer any of it to me OR the kids." xD
    Krypton posted: » :3

  • Lol, oh man. Gumbyfan turned out to be so wrong...
    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Ladies and Gentlemen i present you the first thread ever made in TWD forums

  • *Posts hilarious meme involving boats, pimp hands and a Jehovah's witness*
  • Hey all Im getting TWD S1 and 400 days for my bday anyway I am looking for a meme I had but can't find it anywhere on the internet. It was a picture of clementine looking angry at carver at the cabin and in the notification thing in the corner it said clementine is tired of your shit. does anyone have that meme?
  • edited May 2014
  • Since school is wrapping up and I sort of need to focus on that during the time i'd usually use to make videos... here's this useless one.
    (Caution: If you like Becca, you might not like this one...)
  • That fucking bitch Becca...

    #EatDirtBitch should be a thing.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Since school is wrapping up and I sort of need to focus on that during the time i'd usually use to make videos... here's this useless one.

  • I would definitely stand by that...
    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    That fucking bitch Becca... #EatDirtBitch should be a thing.

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